chapter nine

Rick looked at Lisa and noticed she was getting hot. He looked at the SUV van and quickly ran towards it, trying to open the door. "Damn it!" Rick shouted. 

"What is it?" Lisa managed to speak, looking at Rick, who was getting worked up. They both looked back and saw Morgan walking towards them with the herd. Rick looked around and saw an iron bar that he used to pry the door open. He ran back towards Lisa and helped her to her feet. They managed to get into the SUV van just in time before the hearing got to them. "You can hide forever." Morgan shouted with her face, now a zombie.


"What did your blood do to her?" Lisa looked at Rick. 


"I am not sure. How are you feeling?" Rick looked at Lisa. 



He saw that her eyes were getting white and were looking horrible. He knew she was changing. Lisa noticed the look on his face and smiled. "You don't have to look at me like that." She said and coughed,vomiting some blood. 


Rick looked around the van and gave her a white cloth. The van shook greatly, and Rick was frightened. "She is trying to turn the van over." Rick shouted and looked at Lisa, who was being snarled at. He looked at her legs and saw they were getting rotten. Rick brought out his gun and saw he was having just a round. He knew he had to make it count if he was going to see his family. Rick was confused and wondered why the system would push him this way if it was going to get him into trouble. 



"Lisa!" Rick shouted, trying to wake her up. "Do you have the sample?" Lisa said, looking at Rick. 


Rick looked into her eyes and saw some veins popping out of places. "I need you to inject me." Lisa said it with a snarl. 


"Don't tell me you would rather become one of those things." Rick looked at her face with disbelief.


"Yes, I know how badly you want to save your family. Maybe my death can help you do that." Lisa replied 



Rick brought out the serum and looked at it. It had Lisa's name on it. He wasn't sure what the serum was going to do, but he knew it was a long shot and he needed to try it if he was going to get out of here alive. He immediately injected Lisa with the serum.


Morgan continued trying to turn the SUV over, but she wanted to be strong enough. The herd kept circling the van and making a lot of noise, drawing more herds. 



A glass broke, and Rich felt scared. "This is it." He said, slowly grabbing the bat beside the van and bashing the first zombie whose head pops into the van. Rick looked back and saw Lisa lying on the floor of the van. He wasn't sure if she was alive or dead. " Lisa! Can you hear me? I need you now!" Rich shouted, trying to buy more time for himself. 


Morgan climbed to the top of the SUV van and thumped loudly on it, making the sound grow even larger. 



The SUV glasses were shattering as they tried to break in. Suddenly, Rick looked back and saw Lisa groaning in pain. His face was shocked to see her transformation. Her bones cracked loudly as she yelled and groaned. Rick knew she was transforming into something that he would have to kill if it came for him. He held the bat facing her, not minding the zombies trying to break in. He was ready to die fighting rather than being a steak for the herd. 



Lisa got up and looked at Rick; without saying a word, she opened the van and locked it back. She climbed into the SUV to meet Morgan, and both of them started to fight. The loud thud and the aggressive movement of the van could be heard as each of the superhuman zombies bashed into the body of the van. Rick wanted to try and come out to catch a glimpse of what was going on, but the herd was too big. 


Lisa knew she had to draw the herd away from the car. She can't protect Rick and herself at the same time. 


She threw Morgan down from the top of the van and carried her away from the van. The zombies followed suite like she was in command, giving Rick breathing space. 



Everything became calm after some time. And Rick was able to get out of the van, killing a few zombies on his way. He tried to look into the darkness, but he couldn't see either Lisa nor Morgan. A part of Rick wished Lisa would come back to him, but he knew what he was asking for. No matter how hard he tried to make her fit in, she was not human anymore. 

Rick entered the van and shut the door. He looked around and saw some snacks and some torchlight. He looked around, trying to see if he could find any map that would lead him to where his friend was. He quickly searched around and went through the maps, crossing each place they had been. 


Rick was now feeling sleepy. He laid on the seats as he yawned, keeping the bat closer to himself. He was ready to attack any zombie head-on. He tried to stay awake each time by opening his eyes, but the stress and fatigue were getting to him. He hasn't had any proper night rest since the hospital was thrown into chaos. Rick was finally able to close his eyes and was soon snoring. 

The loud bang at the back of the SUV made him open his eyes. He grabbed his baton and looked around, gently opening the door to see what made the noise. He circled around the back, trying to avoid the person. 


He raised his baton to knock on the strange man who had his back turned at him, but then he looked back and their faces met. Rick's baton fell off, seeing who it was. 

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