Chapter 2: Painful Truth

“Oliver, we’ve been looking for you for a long time. You’re our leader, and it’s time for you to come back. Everything’s fallen apart since you’ve been gone,” the woman said, her voice polite but firm.

“You are the kind of person interviewing and filming people’s reactions on the street, right?” Oliver didn’t pay much attention to her, “ I don’t have time for your joke.”

All he was thinking about was Trisha. And what Anthony just said to him.

Before Oliver could walk away, the woman called him from the back. “We’ll meet again, Oliver.”

“I hope not,” Oliver shot back.

“This is your destiny. You’re meant to rule the empire, not live like this, Commander!”

Oliver paused at the last word.

Commander? The title sounded somewhat familiar.

But he shook it off and headed straight to the Henverton Mansion. 

His brows furrowed at the mansion’s unusual silence.

‘It’s not true. Trisha’s loyal to me, just like I’m loyal to her,’ Oliver thought, repeating the words like a chant.

Not until when he heard the sound. 

“Oh, shit… Yes, yes! More, please!” a woman moaned, clutching the sheets tightly.

Oliver froze, recognizing that voice. To confirm his suspicion, he moved closer, silently, while Trisha and her lover were lost in their lustful world.

There’s a man grinned. “Anything for you, babe.”

Oliver took the last step, where he saw Trisha in bed, writhing in pleasure, and a man only wearing boxers was on top of her.

“You fucking cunt!” Oliver roared when he saw the man’s face. 

It was Denver, Trisha’s boss.

“What the hell, Oliver!” Trisha yelled, scrambling to put on her robe. “Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work right now?!”

"Why am I here? Is this what you wanted to say to me?" Oliver gritted his teeth, his anger almost igniting the room. "Trisha, what the fuck are you doing?"

“It’s not her fault she’s looking for someone who can give her everything. Like me.” Denver smirked and fixed himself.

Denver was tall and muscular, so he wasn’t afraid of Oliver. 

To his surprise, Oliver’s expression was the same.

“Trisha, how could you stand being with this nobody for so long?” Denver asked, his tone condescending.

“I don’t know. Maybe because of pity?” Trisha held Denver’s hand. “But I’m glad you’re here with me now. We can announce our engagement after this.”

Denver was about to answer, but Oliver suddenly punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

“Oh my God! Denver!” Trisha crouched, checking Denver’s condition. “You piece of shit! What did you just do?!"

“Be thankful that’s all I did. I could have done more if I wanted to,” Oliver answered sternly. “The rumors were true. You’ve been sleeping with other men even though we’re married.”

“I thought you’d bring me wealth and status, Oliver. You looked like you had it all together at first,, I ended up stuck living this pathetic, ordinary life because of you.” Trisha crossed her arms, glaring at him. 

“I mean, look at us. Look at you. I thought I was marrying someone who’d give me everything, but I married a trash like you. Do you really think I’d be faithful to someone like that?”

“So you’re finding some man to fulfill your dreams instead?” Oliver’s glance moved to Denver, his teeth gritting. “Is he your new fucking flavor of the month?”

“Flavor of the month? Oh please.” Trisha rolled her eyes. “He’s not just some fling. I’m going to marry him.”

“You will what?” Oliver looked at Trisha in disbelief. “You can’t seriously be saying this to your husband.”

“Husband? Who?” Trisha looked at him from head to toe, disgust evident in her eyes. “You?”

The confusion became evident on Oliver’s face. “What are you talking about?”

“I only pretended to marry you to get my father’s inheritance, but I stayed after he died. Why? Because you were so devoted, like a loyal dog to its master,” Trisha spat harshly. “But you know what’s more interesting?”

Trisha stepped closer, her gaze cold. “According to the records, you’re already married to someone else. So, who’s the real cheater here?”

Oliver’s eyes widened in shock, but his teeth gritted afterward. “You’re just making things up, trying to justify what you’ve done.”

“Didn’t you hear what I just said? We’re not actually married, so how could this even count as cheating?” asked Trisha in a sarcastic tone.

The pain registered on Oliver’s face, but he did his best not to let it show. “How could you deceive me all this time, Trisha? After all I did for you…”

“Hah. You’re acting like I’m the villain here,” Trisha sneered. “I gave you the chance to be my husband, despite you being a penniless nobody. Do you even realize the kind of life I could’ve had if I’m not with you?”

Trisha’s words were like a slap to Oliver’s face. 

“I could’ve lived in luxury if I wasn’t married to you. But what do I have? A worthless husband who couldn’t even find a real job,” she added, her tone condescending. “I deserve someone like Denver, who can give me the life I should’ve had all along.”

As Trisha spoke those words casually, Oliver clenched his fists hard, trying to maintain composure. “I gave you everything I had…”

“But that wasn't enough.”

“Everything you have? That wasn't enough.”

Trisha grabbed a suitcase and began tossing Oliver’s clothes into it. 

"From this moment on, you don’t belong in my mansion. Get out, and don’t even think about showing your face here again!”

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