Chapter 4: The God of Mercenary

“The God of Mercenaries? What kind of title was that?” Oliver asked, stifling a laugh.

“You execute special missions without fail, and you’re the most requested person by the clients in the Legion. Hence the title of a God was given to you,” Melissa explained, her tone polite yet authoritative.

Suddenly, everything makes sense to Oliver. He now understood why Melissa mistook him for someone else. 

“I know how to fight, but I’m not the man you are looking for. After all, I’m just an ordinary man,” Oliver told her.

“I’ve been in this small town for years, and the man you describe sounds too powerful to be in a place like this. Surely, it wasn’t me.”

Oliver denied everything, but his heart was now filled with doubts, especially after that sudden fragment of memories earlier. 

Who was he really?

“That is why I told you—you’re not meant for this life,” Melissa said. “Anyway, I have something to give you.”

Melissa pulled something in her pocket.

It’s a bank card. If anything makes it more special, it’s because it’s a red card.

“This is your card, which isn’t related to Legion. Once you bring this to the blacksmith Khan in the Capital, he will confirm your identity,” Melissa informed.

Oliver took it. Frowning, he asked. “You told me I worked in Legion for a long time. Why would I create another card that wasn’t connected with them?”

“I have no idea. You requested a card that you can use without the Legion knowing.” Melissa shrugged. “I find it suspicious if you ask me. But I know you have your reasons.”

Oliver didn’t answer. Instead, he scanned the card, finding its color strange. 

“People with a black card are considered VIPs in banks, but a red card looks nice, too,” he muttered.

“It is. A red card is rare,” Melissa agreed, smiling. “You will understand what I’m saying once you try to use it to withdraw money.”

‘Money, huh…’ Oliver thought, chuckling. ‘The Gods might have pitied me to answer my prayer this way. I may be able to rent an inn now.’

“All the assets and possessions in that card belong to you, including your identity. And since you’ve been gone for a long time, the card’s balance might spike up.”

Melissa glanced at her watch when the screen lit up. “I’m sorry, but I need to go. My team leader summons me for another task.”

“I understand.”

“If you need me, just call the number on the business card, and I’ll rush to you as soon as possible.”


Melissa walked away, and as soon as she was out of his sight, Oliver did the same.

Oliver was left with nothing because he gave all his hard-earned money to Trisha, thinking that they were on the same page in building their future together.

But it was only him, and now, he was alone with this card.

“Let’s see how much cash this card contains,” Oliver told himself.

The few bucks he had wasn’t enough to ride a taxi, so he went to the nearest ATM by foot. 

He was sweaty and all dirty, and that is why some of the people falling in line were staring at him.

Ignoring them, Oliver entered his red card into the machine to withdraw.

[Card error.]

Oliver frowned in confusion. “What is this?” 

He tried to re-insert the card, thinking that there was only a glitch.

But even after a few attempts, the same message popped into the screen.

“Hey, if you don’t have money to withdraw, can you at least stop for a while so we can have our turn?” a middle-aged woman asked, her tone furious.

Oliver looked at the line and saw that it was now long because of him.

“I apologize,” Oliver said before stepping away.

He looked at the red card and pondered. 

‘I couldn’t withdraw any money from the ATM, but I’m sure that Melissa wouldn’t make a mistake. What am I missing?’

Suddenly, Oliver remembered Melissa’s statement earlier.

So, instead of trying to withdraw in ATMs, he went to the Umbrella Bank—the highest-class bank in their town.

It was one of the more upscale banks in the country.

Although it was just a small town, quite a few wealthy people were living there. So, the bank was lavishly decorated.

“Wow,” Oliver muttered, not expecting himself to be in a place like this.

He was about to walk inside when someone blocked his way.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” a guard asked, his brows furrowing.

“I’m here to conduct business,” Oliver answered.

The guard scanned Oliver’s appearance and raised an eyebrow. 

“Business, huh? Can’t you see all the people here? They were all dressed elegantly and drove luxury cars.”

Oliver glanced behind him.

“I see, but there isn’t a rule here that only people wearing expensive clothes and driving luxury cars are the ones who can conduct business inside the banks, isn't there?”

“Of course, there isn’t. But look at you! You aren’t just dirty, but you stink! What made you think that I would let you in?” the guard exclaimed, looking at Oliver with disdain.

Oliver went silent. 

The guard was right. He was still wearing his clothes from the wet market, had just been in a fight, and had an unpleasant smell.

He doesn’t look presentable to be in this bank in the first place.

“Gosh, what’s that smell?” a woman behind Oliver asked in a high pitch. “Wait… Is that you, Oliver?”

Oliver turned and saw Trisha, who wore an expensive white dress.

She was in the bank to withdraw money; her father’s inheritance to be exact. 

Although she wanted to withdraw it all, she could only withdraw a small portion of it periodically.

The bank account needed a key, but Trisha didn’t know what it was, so she was furious.

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