Chapter 5: Legendary Red Card

“Oh my gosh! What is a man like you doing here?” Trisha asked condescendingly as she covered her nose. “You stink! It must be hard to live in the streets, huh?”

“I’m here to conduct business, not to talk with you,” Oliver answered, ignoring her harsh remarks. 

Trisha spat a harsh laugh. “You poor guy, how can you possibly conduct business here? Don’t fool around, you can’t even get in!” 

She shook her head, looking at Oliver from head to toe. “I just can’t believe your audacity to be here. Aren’t you ashamed?”

“Why would I? I’m here to sort something out, not do something illegal,” Oliver shot back.

“Are you sure? Based on how you look right now, it seems like you’re going to rob a bank,” Trisha said, smirking.

Oliver got furious, but he didn’t waste time arguing with her more. 

Instead, he gave the guard an intimidating gaze. “This isn’t fair. Do you want the manager to know about this?”

The guard raised an eyebrow. “I’m just doing my job, and you’re delusional. Why would the manager waste time talking to nobody like you?”

“He’s right,” Trisha chimed in, shaking her head. “So fucking pathetic. Thank God I’m not tied to you anymore.”

Trisha swayed her hips and strutted inside.

On the other hand, Oliver clenched his fists. Despite the anger bubbling up, he kept his cool. 

There were more important things to focus on.

“If you’re really just doing your job, then let me go inside and do my business,” Oliver demanded, his voice steady and low.

The guard smirked, an idea forming in his head. “Oh yeah? If you’re really one of the customers, show me your card.”

Oliver complied, pulling out a red card from his pocket and handing it over. The guard scanned it immediately.

“There, I showed you my card. Can I go in now?” Oliver asked, thinking the situation was resolved.

But to his surprise, the guard grabbed him by the collar, anger flashing in his eyes. 

“You fool, are you trying to deceive me just because I’m a security guard here?”

“What are you talking about?” Oliver asked, genuinely confused.

The guard waved the red card in his face. “This card isn’t from this bank, and we don’t issue red cards to anyone, not even regular customers!”

Oliver frowned and pondered. 

‘I can’t withdraw from the ATM, and now this guy says the red card isn’t even from this bank. So how was I supposed to get my money?’

“Wait… You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” the guard suddenly accused, eyeing Oliver suspiciously. “Are you trying to rob this bank with your buddies? Is that why you’re distracting me?”

Oliver looked at him in disbelief. “Now, you’re accusing me of being a thief?”

“I’ve got every right to. You look the part,” the guard snapped back, his tone cold.

The guard reached for his phone. He was about to call the other guards for backup when suddenly, Oliver held his wrist.

“Think whatever you want, but accusing me of something I didn’t do is something I can’t let go of.” Oliver’s tone was dangerously low when he took the red card back.

The guard swallowed hard, sensing the sudden shift in Oliver’s demeanor, but he ignored it.

Instead, he drew his stun baton and jabbed it at Oliver. 

“Stop talking crap and get out of here! You’re bringing bad luck, bastard!”

Oliver clenched his teeth, struggling to maintain composure as he tried to shield himself from the stun baton.

Suddenly, a well-dressed woman approached from inside the bank. “Is there a problem here?”

“Miss Rebecca,” the guard greeted, nodding respectfully.

She was the customer relations manager for Umbrella Bank, known for handling high-profile clients. 

Everyone at the bank knew and respected her.

“The commotion out here has been disturbing the customers inside for a while now,” Rebecca stated, her tone calm but authoritative.

She then turned her attention to Oliver. 

Despite his disheveled appearance, Rebecca addressed him with professionalism. 

“May I ask what brings you to the bank today?”

“Don’t waste your time with him, Miss Rebecca,” the guard scoffed. “He’s just some poor guy who tried to rob us. He even flashed a red card, thinking we wouldn’t know it doesn’t exist at our bank.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened as something flashed in her mind.

“A red card?” she repeated, glancing at the card in Oliver’s hand. “May I see it, please?”

Oliver handed the card over to Rebecca.

Rebecca examined the card carefully.

After a few moments, she gasped. “This… This is an authentic red card!”

“But there’s no such thing as a red card at Umbrella Bank, right?” the guard asked, frowning in confusion.

“The red card’s existence isn’t documented in our handbook because it’s rare,” Rebecca informed.

“This card is almost a legend, and I can’t believe I’m standing in front of someone who actually possesses one!” she added, the joy evident in her eyes.

The guard froze, his eyes widening in shock. 

He couldn’t believe that such a red card actually existed, and he had just insulted someone who held one! 

Panic gripped him, fearing that Rebecca might fire him on the spot.

Instead, Rebecca quickly reached for her phone and informed her colleagues that a VVIP had just arrived at the bank.

Afterward, she bowed slightly to Oliver. “I apologize for what happened, Sir…?”

“Oliver,” he replied.

“Sir Oliver.” Rebecca smiled warmly. “Please, follow me. I’ll assist you personally.”

Oliver nodded and followed her.

As they entered the bank, all eyes were on Oliver and Rebecca. 

While walking, Rebecca made another call.

“Ms. Avrielle… Yes, a VVIP customer has arrived… I’ll take care of him until you get here,” Rebecca said, glancing over at Oliver. “Yes, Ma’am. Safe travels.”

To the customers’ surprise, every employee stood and bowed to Oliver as he passed by.

Trisha, who was at the counter handling her business, leaned over to the staff member.

She asked, “Hey, what’s going on? Why’s everyone treating that loser like he’s some kind of royalty?”

“Even with the way he looks, he’s got the red card, Ma’am,” the staff member murmured.

“Red card?” Trisha raised an eyebrow. “Wait… you mean the red card used by high-ranking officials in the capital of Colossia?”

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