41 – The Bomber

Cody possessed Helena’s body and ran out of the house in full speed.

“You hide inside, Gwen!” Cody shouted as he passed that woman. "Stay there! Don't come out!"

“Okay, Cody!” The blonde-haired woman turned around and ran into the house, dragging Cody’s actual body.

Cody continued to run at maximum speed with his gaze circulating in various directions. He needed to locate John fast, or that man might send explosive zombies again to the farm. That would be dangerous.

Cody couldn’t stop the explosions. Using the giant zombie was not effective. That massive being has an advantage in destroying large numbers of zombies. However, it would be difficult to spot a fast-moving one. Its view was too far from the ground.

After running for a while, Cody found a light from a flashlight.

John was running away.

Cody tackled that man when they were close enough. John groans and Cody pins him to the ground.

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