42 – Another Danger

Instead of staying in the shed, Cody made a makeshift tent some distance from the main house. That way, the zombie bomber will not attack the farm anymore.

Cody wanted to protect the corps and important buildings from destruction. He preferred that the zombie bomber attack him some distance away. He and Gwen will avoid it, of course.

Evan Callihan’s lack of attacks suggests he’s out of zombies and searching for more.

When Gwen woke up in the morning, Cody was sitting next to her, deep in thought about his next move.

“Ah, you are finally awake.” Cody took a deep breath. “How do you feel?”

Gwen grimaced, touching the bandage on her head. “Just a little dizzy.”

Cody knows Gwen acts tough. She couldn’t just feel a bit dizzy. Maybe she didn’t want Cody to worry too much.

“What happened to your hand?” Instead of worrying about herself, Gwen looked at the bandage on Cody’s right
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