45 – Big Drop

Cody looked around, but he couldn’t find the bombers.

“Run, Gwen.” Cody gave orders, then possessed Big Joe.

The blonde-haired woman nodded and dashed away while carrying Cody’s actual body. However, after only a few seconds of doing that, she screamed. “I saw one of them! They are crawling through the grass!”

The reason Cody uses the Big Joe’s body is to see more clearly from above. It didn’t take long for him to find several bombers creeping in the distance from various directions towards the tent. However, they are not as fast when running.

Cody was sure that they would run if they got close to the tent.

Cody intended to use his other zombies to lift and throw them. That way, his zombies won’t be destroyed because they don’t hit them.

However, a brilliant idea appeared in his mind. 

“Gwen, get ready!” Cody exclaimed.

He believed that being the attacker would result
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