Ishita kept looking at him as he sipped on his coffee. There was something about him that intrigued her. She wasn’t sure what it was but it was definitely something. He looked and spoke with a lot of smartness and not to get started on his intellect, he was one of a kind.

“What if this falls through?”  She asked after a while and he chuckled lightly before dropping the coffee mug back on the table.

“Of course not, miss Bharat” he began, “this will definitely be a success for you and I am certain they will be signing the contract by tomorrow. I have worked with such companies before, I know what they want. Avanti is a good company, I have met with their CEO once”

His statement piqued her interest and She leaned forward on her chair, her gaze still on him.

“You seem very versed in issues like this”

“Yes” he responded with pride, “I worked So hard to get to the top of the food chain”

“Does that mean your ex wife was a fool  to have let a rare gem like you go?” She inquired again and Kiel gulped. He didn’t expect her to ask him this. He glanced at her for a moment and she didn’t look like she was so into the topic.

He sent her a smile and pressed back against his chair,

“I don’t think that is why you called me here, miss Bharat”

“Of course I didn't,” Ishita answered as she picked up her coffee cup again, “my grandfather is just overly interested in you. He took a liking to you after your night out yesterday, I must say you sure know how to make an impression”

“I believe what you called me for has been resolved…” his voice trailed off when the door slammed open and an angry looking man sauntered into the room.

“I have been calling you, Ishita,” the man growled in anger, “why the hell were you not picking my calls?”

“Mr kiel” she was clearly ignoring him, “let me walk you out”

Kiel looked at the man but she didn’t say anything. It seemed like a couple's quarrel and he didn’t want to meddle. His own wife has him rethinking his life, he didn’t want to add another burden.

“You don’t need to worry about me, miss Ishita” he gently declined her offer, “I can find my way around”

“I am speaking to you, Ishita” the deranged man said out loud, “are you pretending not to see me right now”

With a smile on her face, Ishita pushed her body out of the chair and walked towards Kiel but before she could walk past the angry man, he grabbed her hand. 

Her gaze darkened while Kiel immediately stood up from his chair. He actually didn’t want to meddle but he didn’t like the way the man was holding onto her arm.

“Let me go, Chris” she hissed and shoved his hands off.

“Don’t you think that is a little too rude of you to grab onto her hand in that manner?”

“And who are you to talk to me?” He growled and wanted to push Kiel but he was stronger than he looked.

“Tough tough?” Chris hissed.

“How dare you try to embarrass my guest in front of me, Chris?” Ishita was furious, “how dare you?”

“I am trying to have a conversation with you and you are not listening”

 He grabbed her hand again, it was at this time that Kiel intervened. He held his hand and shoved him off, making the lady gasp a little.

“Shove me as much as you want but don’t you dare disrespect a lady in front of me, sir”Kiel retorted with a darkened gaze 

“And who the hell are you?”

Before Kiel could say anything, the door opened and some security men sauntered into the room.

“Sorry ma’am” one of them bowed, “we didn’t know when he entered the building”

“Take him away and don’t let him come anywhere near this building again” Ishita ordered in anger.

“Ishita, can you at least listen to me?” Chris was visibly frustrated, “you…

“You have to come with us Mr Chris” the guard said and they began to drag him out despite his pleas.

As soon as he was out of the office, she let out a heavy sigh before turning to the man beside her.

“I am sorry for that inconvenience”

“Boy problem?” Kiel inquired and she sent him a smile.

“I don’t think you should be worried about that”

“Of course” Kiel was also smiling, “I just don’t appreciate it when men grab onto women like that, it annoys the hell out of me”

“So you want to be my savior?”

“Of course not,” he immediately answered, “I am just saying. You shouldn’t let a man grab onto you like that”

“Maybe you need this advice more than me seeing that your marriage is on the verge of collapse now”

Kiel nodded but he didn’t say anything. He had not thought about Roselyn since he entered the building and now.

He was suddenly angry, the fact that she lied to him and made a mockery of their relationship. It was something he would never be able to forgive.

“Well, miss Bharat” he finally found his voice, “since you no longer need me, I will take my leave now”

“You should leave your account details with my assistant, I will send your your payment”

“What payment?” A small frown appeared on his forehead.

“For your consultation” 

Ishita turned around and walked back to her chair before lowering herself on it,

“And don’t tell me to let it be, I don’t like favors”

“Hmm, i will see myself out then”

“Sorry I am busy now, I would have loved to walk you out”

“It’s fine”

With one last look, he turned around and walked out of the office. Kiel didn’t even bother to drop his details with her assistant and just left, he actually didn’t need her money.


Slumping back on his bed in the hotel, a huge sigh left his mouth. For a moment, the image of Roselyn wound its way into his memory. How could someone so sweet pull that kind of a thing on him? He loved her and he adored her, he didn’t expect her to turn on him in such a way.

The beeping of his phone jolted him out of his reverie of thoughts and when he saw the caller ID, he massaged the space between his brows before pressing the phone against his ear.

“Why did you call me?”

“I heard something Kiel and I wanted to confirm” a manly voice reached his ears from the other end of the line, “did Roselyn..”

Kiel immediately interrupted him as he pulled his body to a sitting position.

“You heard right Winston” he responded, “Rosely and I are divorced and she has a fucking baby for that douchebag”

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