Kiel handed his friend a glass of wine before lowering himself on the couch, Winston was seated opposite him and he had a bizzare look on his face. He couldn’t believe what his friend told him over the phone, he wanted to hear from him face to face.

When he hears the news that was circulating, that was when he called Kiel and he was surprised to find out it was true.

How could rose do something like that? He has known the two of them for years now and they looked like they loved each other so how was this even possible? How could Rose do something of the sort?

“Why do you keep looking at me with a weird look on your face?” He couldn’t help but ask Winston, “is there something you want to say?”

“You are so chilled about the fact that your wife cheated on you and asked for a divorce Kiel, I mean the whole news is everywhere. I stopped my the office today and people won’t stop talking about it”

“It is what it is, winston” Kiel continued, “maybe if I didn’t travel for six months, this wouldn’t have happened”

“Are you trying to blame yourself right now?” Winston raised an eyebrow at himself, “you think Roslyn cheated on you because you traveled?”

“Man!!” Kiel raked his fingers through his hair, he was so frustrated and confused as to why his wife would do something like that to him. He never for once made her feel like he never cared for her or something.

“Common Kiel '' Winston was also frustrated, “you were gone for six months and that means she was even pregnant before you left. Roselyn never saw you as her husband, you were just a plaything for her. I can’t say I am glad that she left you but she did a very terrible thing, I must say”

“Well” Kiel shrugged, he  didn’t want to keep dwelling on the past. What was happened has happened, he just wanted to focus on his future for now.

“How about what I asked you?”

“Oh yeah, the house” Winston sipped from his wine glass, 

“I got one downtown. I have spoken to the owner and arranged everything, you can move in when you choose. It is not as luxurious as it should but I am sure it will fit your style.

“Thank you so much Winston, I knew i could count on you”

“If you are that graduate you should have accepted the alimony she gave you. I mean that bitch cheated on you and still had the guts to call the marriage quits. You should have walked away a millionaire Kiel, I see no reason why you refused the money, I mean that could be a good 

compensation for the fast one she pulled on you”

“Why don’t you go get the money yourself if you so need it?” Kiel rolled his eyes as he sipped his drink again. Roselyn has embarrassed him enough, he wasn’t ready for that anymore. 

The two of rhem went silent drinking from their glasses but Winston was sure of one thing, his friend was hurt even if he was pretending to be okay. 

The beeping of his mobile jolted Kiel our of his train of thoughts and when he saw it was the family lawyer, he clenched his jaw. Why the hell were they still calling him?

“You should answer that,” Winston advised.

Letting out a sigh, Kiel clicked on the receive button and put the phone on speaker.


“Mr Kiel” the lawyer’s voice resonated in the room, “you have to be at the Campbell mansion at 2 to finalize the divorce agreement”

“Even if I don’t come, it shouldn’t matter right?”

“Of course you should be there sir. This should have been done at the courthouse but since Mrs Roselyn just gave birth, we have to meet over at her place”

Kiel wanted to decline, he didn’t want to enter that house again. He  didn’t want to see her face again.

“You should go” Winston told him, it seems he knew what his friend was thinking about doing, “you don’t want to make it look like you are affected by this divorce”

“Fine, I will be there by the time”

Immediately he ended the call and picked up his wine glass again, he was too angry to even think straight at the moment. Just who the hell did the Campbell think they were?

“Don’t think too much about it man” his friend said, “everything will be fine”

“I fucking loved her man” Kiel hissed under his breath as he gulped the whole content of his glass.


As soon as the lawyer ended the call, he turned to the ladies who were seated on the couch.

“What did he say?” Roselyn asked.

“He will be here by the time”

She scoffed, “I knew he will come. Kiel is not so smart to miss a chance to see the woman he loves”

“I don’t understand why you want to bring him over” her mother was not pleased with the idea, “I don’t want his bad luck rubbing off on my grandson”

“Of course not mum, Kiel can do no more than a dead rat. This is only to show him that hw will forever be below me. I have him wrapped around my fingers”

After that, she turned to the lawyer again,

“Make sure you prepare what I asked you for, am I understood?”

“Of course ma’am”

He bowed and made his way out of the living room, it was at this moment that Andrew sauntered in with a bouquet of flowers.

Her face broke into a smile seeing the father of her child.

“You didn’t tell me you were coming,” Roselyn said.

“Do I need permission to come see my babies?” Andrew beamed as he pressed a kiss on her forehead and Roselyn felt loved.

She chose Andrew because he was everything Kiel wasn’t and that was her biggest achievement so far, making Andrew hers. Their wedding was already the talk of the town and she couldn’t get enough of it, she loved being in the spotlight.

“I just saw your lawyer leaving”

“Yeah, he came to talk about finalizing the divorce agreement. He will be here by two and Kiel will also be here too”

“That broth” Andrew hissed, “I sure don’t want him 

anywhere around you”

“Of course he won’t be around me, it is just to clear everything and he will be out of our lives. Seeing that he agreed to come here still shows that I have him wrapped around my fingers Andrew. He is nothing without me and I am sure he  will be begging for alimony when he comes. Who can reject such an amount of money?

“He better take the alimony and disappear from our lives”

He turned to the old lady who was busy on her phone,

“Don’t you think so, madam Campbell?”

“Of course yes” a huge smile appeared on her face, “we should quickly sort this out and focus on your wedding”

Roselyn looked at the time and it was just a two hours to the time, she wanted fo see how kiel would behave around her.



Gladys led Kiel and Winston into the house and wehn his eyes fell on Andrew who was also seated on the sofa having a conversation with his ex mother in law, Kiel felt like throwing a punch at him. He hated Andrew with everything in him and seeing him now aggravated him the most. How dare he? How dare he even show his face to him?

“See who we have here” Andrew was clearly mocking him, “I didn’t think you would be coming”

“Don’t listen to him, Kiel” Winston whispered to him. He knew Andrew was purposely trying to rile him up.

“You sure have no shame, Kiel” madam Campbell chipped in again.

He ignored the two of them and made his way towards a sofa.

His eyes were searching out the house, he wnayed to catch a glimpse of her. Not like he missed her or something but he genuinely loved her and it was a given.

“Looking for something?” Andrew inquired again, he knew exactly what Kiel was looking for, “i can see the way your eyes are searching around.

“Why don’t you act like I am not here?” Kiel asked with a raised brow, he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore, “I think that will be the best thing for the two of us to do now?”

“You sure have some nerves..

His attention was drawn to the stairs when he heard her footsteps and for a moment he was lost in her eyes yet again.  She was dressed in a pair of floral gown, the type that he loved so much and she had her  hair in a neat ponytail with a little makeup on her face. Roselyn was an epitome of beauty, he couldn’t lie but she had her baby in her arms. The baby that didn’t belong to him. Seeing the baby, his anger skyrocketed and he balled his hand into a fist.

Roslyn walked into the room and sat beside Andrew who drapped his hand across her shoulder and smiled at her but her  gaze was lingering on her ex husband. She understood that  look on his face perfectly, he was too angry to even pretend about it.

“I didn’t expect you to come here, Kiel” her voice filtered into his ear, “I thought you might still be angry and ..

“Don’t flatter yourself” he immediately cut her short, “I am only here because it is necessary, Roselyn” his voice was hoarse and full of anger, he didn’t even want to pretend.

“I can see you also brought your friend along” Roselyn was not giving up either, she wanted to know how much Kiel was still affected by her, “I am sure it is a family stuff”

“Family?” Kiel scoffed, “your sense of humor must have grown over the past few days Roselyn, I didn’t know you understood what the word family meant”


“If you understood what family meant, you won’t have opened your legs for another man to get your pregnant”

“I won’t have you talk to my daughter like that” her mother retorted, “don’t you dare”

It was at that moment that the lawyer sauntered into the room and apologized for being late.

He sat down and brought out a few documents.

“Shall we begin?”

“Actually I want to make a change to part of the clause” Roselyn was staring back at him.

“How about I raise the alimony to five hundred million dollars?”

Her mother’s eyes opened for a split second, what exactly was Roslyn thinking of doing? How could she say something like that?

“What are you talking about, Roselyn?” She had to ask, 

“isn’t that too much for a man who didn’t add anything to your life?”

“Five hundred million dollars Is not too much for a man like Kiel” it was Andrew who was speaking, “he has done a lot for my baby here and that will be enough to thank him”

Kiel scoffed, he must look like a joke in front of them now.

“Isn’t that too small?” He finally spoke up; “I mean if you want to really appreciate me, why don’t you give me everything you have, that can make up for the fact that you cheated on me, Roselyn”

“What?” She gulped, “I didn’t expect that you would be so greedy, Kiel”

“Don’t you dare use that tone with me” he flared up much to everyone’s surprise, “how dare you sit there and tell me something like that? We all know who the greedy one is Roselyn. I gave you everything, I made you what you are today and what did you do? Cheat on me and give birth to another man’s child? Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

“Watch the way you speak to me, kiel” Roselyn half yelled.

“And you watch the way you speak to me” he didn’t care if he was making a mess of himself, he wanted to make one thing clear to her.

“I am no longer your husband so you better learn how to speak to me”

“You are so angry, kiel” Andrew was clearly mocking him.

Not bothering to answer him, kiel turned his attention to the lawyer who hadn’t said anything since the quarrel began. He knew exactly what this family was capable of. He just wanted to do his job and leave.

“Mr Hugo” kiel continued, “you said to come and finalize the divorce agreement, I think we should get to it. I don’t have all the time in the world to waste here”

“Of course sir, we…”

“You are in my house kiel” Roselyn interrupted him, “you don’t tell my lawyers what to do. Do you really hate me that much? You badly don’t want to see me?”

“What the hell do you want from him?” Winston was tired of keeping quiet, “what the hell is your problem?”

“Even dogs too will talk” madam Campbell scoffed.

The baby in her arms began to cry and kiel clenched his fists, he didn’t want to hate the baby but there was nothing he could do.  The child was a product of his wife’s cheating on him.

“You know what?” He suddenly pushed himself out of the sofa, “I am too angry to be here at this moment, why don’t we do this some other time?”

“Do you hate the child that much?” Andrew’s voice stopped him, “you want to hurt it?”

“How dare you ask me that question?” Kiel half yelled and when no one expected it, he landed his balled fist on andrew’s jaw, “how dare you come in front of me when you dared to steal my wife from me?” He asked and for a moment, Roselyn was too stunned to say a word.

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