A gentle knock resonated on the door and it pushed open. Ishita’s assistant sauntered into the room and she bowed a little.

“Ma’am, it is time for the meeting”

“I will be there in a jiffy,” Ishita answered, not bothering to look up from the document she was reading.

“And ma’am” the assistant cleared her throat again; 

“Avanti has sent their answer, they have agreed to sign the contract”

Finally she raised her head from the paper and turned her attention to the woman in front of her.

“Kiel was right after all” her lips curled into a soft smile, “prepare for the meeting, I will be there soon”

The lady bowed and made her way out of the office while Ishita leaned back on her chair and picked up her phone before dialing his number.

At first there was no answer she just as she was about to end the call, she heard a muffled “hello” from the background.

“Hello, Mr Kiel”

“Can I call you back?” Kiel asked from the other end, “it isn’t a good time”

“You signed the divorce papers and yet you act like you are the boss of this house? Why did you come here if you hate me that much?” Ishita heard a feminine voice from the background and her forehead creased into a slight frown.

“You fucking called him to come here” another answered and immediately the line went dead.

The frown on her face deepened, she wasn’t so sure what was happening. Was he with his ex wife right now?

Letting out a heavy sigh, she pushed her body out of her chair and made to leave but on impulse she stopped. From the background, it didn’t seem like it was a calm discussion. Were they bullying him? A lot was going on in her head as the words continued to ring in her head.

“Fuck this” she muttered under her breath and made her way out of the office.

“Ma’am” her assistant bowed as she walked up to her desk.

“Mr Kiel, can you find his wife’s address?”

“Yes ma’am”

“Good, tell the chauffeur to get ready to leave, i have somewhere to be so reschedule the meeting”

“Yes ma’am”

With that, Ishita turned around and walked towards her elevator. She was not one to meddle in people’s affairs but since he helped her, she could at least help him in return. It was like paying him back for helping her.


Kiel was pacing around the room, he was too angry and everyone could see it. Winston was trying to calm him down but Andrew and madam Campbell kept riling him up. He only came because he respected the fact that Roselyn just gave birth and couldn’t leave the house. He didn’t expect them to humiliate him in such a way. He wanted to leave but he knew if he left, he would have to come coming back to finalize everything. Something he never wanted to do again.

“You feel frustrated, huh?” Roselyn asked from where she was seated, “I bet you hate me even more”

“What exactly is your problem, Roselyn?” Kiel was irritated, “what the fuck is your problem?”

“You are yelling so much” a familiar voice filtered into their ears and they all turned to the door. That was when Ishita sauntered into the room looking all majestic and relaxed. She had an expressionless look on her face and everyone was suprised to see her including Kiel. How did she even get here? He had a lot of questions going on in his head as she continued to venture deeper into the room.

“Ishita?” Her name rolled out of his lips , “why…”

“I have been calling you and you haven’t been answering your phone” she said again, “i should have realized you were with your ex wife”

Roselyn who had a surprised look on her face stood up, 

“Who are you?” She asked.

“Do I need to introduce myself?” Ishita inquired, her gaze darkening at the sight of Roselyn. So this was the person that Kiel married, so classless.

“You look overly familiar” Andrew rasped out.

“Is that what you say to the many cheap girls you sleep around with?”

“You do not speak to my son in law like that” madam Campbell chipped in as she shot out of her chair.

“Then tell your son in law to watch the way he speaks to me”

Afterwards , she returned her attention to Kiel and flashed him a smile.

“If you told me you were coming to meet your ex wife, I would have left my meeting and followed you. I mean, shouldn’t I witness this historic moment?”

“Who is she?” Winston whispered to his friend but Kiel was too stunned to speak, not in a million years did he think a situation like this would occur.

“Excuse me young lady. I think you are in the wrong house”

It was Roslyn, she felt a bit intimidated by the woman in front of her. The lady in front of her screamed of luxury and dignity, how did Kiel meet such a person in one day?

“Of course not” Ishita beamed with a smile on my face, 

“Kiel is here so I am in the right place. I think you are the one in the wrong place now” her gaze darkened, “in front of me, how dare you call my boyfriend over? Do you think he is your lacky?”

“Boyfriend?” Kiel was amazed, what the hell was going on?

“Boyfriend?” Roselyn asked in disbelief.

“It seems you were not the only one cheating, Roslyn ” Andrew said out loud to the hearing of everyone, “and Kiel  pretended to be the most righteous man on earth” he scoffed, “how ridiculous”

“Ishita, what…” his voice trailed off, he didn’t even know what to say.

“Are you done here?” She asked him.

“We are still trying to finalize the paperwork” the lawyer answered and she glared at him.

“You can send him the paperwork via email when you’re done”

With that, she grabbed a hold of Kiel’s hand and led him out of the room much to the amazement of everyone.

“What the hell just happened?” Madam Campbell was truly speechless. Who was that lady that dared to come in front of them?

“What rubbish?” Roslyn began to laugh, it was hilarious, “who the hell is that bitch?” Her eyes were darting across the room but no one seemed to know her, even the almighty Andre.


The moment they were both out of the house, Kiel snapped his hands out of her and folded it across his chest. He was waiting for some sort of explanation  for her actions. How did she know he was here and how did she even get the idea to come over to the house?

“Are you going to keep staring like that?” She asked him.

“How did you know I was here and what exactly are you driving at? What…

“Consider it my way of thanking you for what you did for me. Avanti agreed to sign the contract after I did what you asked”

“Is that enough reason for you to come here and act like we are close?” He raked his fingers through his hair, “you are going to give everyone the wrong impression, I mean…”

“I heard one of them yelling at you over the phone and I had to leave a very important meeting to come here and help you out. It seems like your wife has you wrapped around her fingers”

“But that is not enough reason for you to show up unannounced, I mean..

“I thought as much” it was Roselyn and she was taking slow steps towards them, “was this your way of getting back at me, Kiel?” Her tone was laced with sarcasm and mockery, “bringing her to act like your girlfriend? You, Kiel?” She chuckled lightly, this was the most hilarious thing she has seen today.

“What?” Ishita didn’t like the tone of her voice, it turned out his ex wife was a bitch.

“Yes” Roselyn turned to her, “I don’t know you and I don’t care to know you but I do not appreciate the fact that you are snooping around my ex husband. Kiel is usually not comfortable around ladies, I think you should keep your distance away from him”

“So now you will speak for him?”

“Of course” the left side of her face curved up, “we have been married for three years, i know everything about him”

“What the hell!!” Kiel hissed, “don’t act like you know me, Roselyn. It’s disgusting”

“Are you trying to act like a tough man in front of her?”

“He doesn’t need to act in front of me, lady. You are the one acting like a bitch now”

“What!! How dare you?”

“Save your breath for later” Ishita rolled her eyes at her before turning to Kiel, “should I leave without you or you will stay with your ex wife?”

Roselyn was in utter disbelief, she didn’t expect Kiel to do this.

“Were you cheating on me with her?” She couldn’t help but ask.

“You lost the right to ask me that question the moment you signed the divorce papers, Roselyn” Kiel growled.

“You can tell me, it hasn't been finalized yet. You…”

“Will you go with me or stay with your wife?” Ishita asked again, she was getting tired trying to play cool.

Kiel didn’t answer her, rolling her eyes she turned around to leave and that was when he grabbed her hand and yanked her closer before slamming his lips on hers making Roselyn gasped in the process.

“What the heck are you doing?” Ishita whispered with her eyes wide open.

“We should at least make your efforts look real” he whispered before snaking his hand round her waist and pulling her in. 

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