Roselyn was taken aback, she didn’t expect Kiel to do something like this in front of her. They just divorced and he was already kissing some other woman? She wanted him to kiss up to her, she wanted him to still be obsessed with her but it seemed like she didn’t even know the man she married. How could he kiss another woman so casually in front of her?

The more she thought about it, the more she became furious and wanted to slap him hard across the face.

“You are so pathetic, Kiel” she hissed in anger.

She slowly disengaged from her and turned his focus to the fuming Roselyn.

“What did you say?” He inquired with a raised brow.

“You heard me correctly, Kiel Anderson” she growled, “how dare you kiss another woman in front of me? Are you that cheap? Are you so angry that you pick any roadside prostitute and just kiss her? What happened to begging Kiel, like you always do? What happened to kissing up to me?”

“You must have enjoyed all of that right?” Ishita began to speak, “you must have
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