As soon as her car pulled up in front of the building, Ishita alighted and was surprised to see him standing a few feets away from her. Looking at him, her anger skyrocketed. How dare he come back here? Was he tired of living?

With a sigh, she began to take slow steps towards him while clutching onto her bag tightly.

This was the person she hated the most in this world, the person she never wanted to see again after the stunt he pulled on her.

“How dare you come here, Gerald?” She growled in anger, “how dare you show your face to me? Are you tired of living?

“Why?” Gerald began to take slow steps towards her, “why shouldn’t I come to see you ishita? You blocked me everywhere and won’t even let me see you, what else would you have me for?”

“Get out!!” She hissed, “and the next time you come on my property, o will make sure you pay for it”

With that, she turned around and made to leave but he yanked at her hand but before she could snap it off, someone grabbed it and she immediately tu
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