Kiel walked into the cafe and he saw Roslyn seated at the far end, she had a scarf over her head and a dark shade to hide her face. she was a public figure after all and not everyone was opportuned to see her as they pleased and what more, she wasn’t supposed to be seen in the public with her ex husband.

Heaving a sigh, Kiel pulled out the chair and sat opposite her thereby covering her from the people around.

His mind drifted off of the first date they had and it was in this same cafe. Why did she choose it? Was she trying to mess with his head?

The more Kiel thought about it, the more he couldn’t understand what exactly was going on in her mind, what exactly she wanted to do.

“Why did you call me here?” He asked after a while, his face was stoic and expressionless.

“Care for a drink?” Roslyn asked him and he nodded in the negative.

“I am not in the mood for a drink, Roselyn” he retorted, “tell me, why have you called me here”

She was silent for a while and how she wished he saw the
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