the eternal path : the knight warlock
the eternal path : the knight warlock
Author: MAT
chapter 1 :


“Zenon... wake up... Zenon!” A black-haired woman who looked to be in her thirties was trying to wake up the sleeping young man, who was covered in sweat and constantly tossing and turning on the bed.

Suddenly the Zenon opened his eyes and screamed as he tried to grab something in front of him.


The woman sighed while rubbing her temple

“Another bad dream!?...”

The black-haired young man who had some resemblance to the woman looked at her with his blue eyes or nodded.

The woman sighed loudly and said while thinking about his hair

“Your condition is really starting to frighten me! Since that accident happened three years ago, you have been having these nightmares , I know that losing Rafael has affected you , not just you but it affected all of us , but you have to overcome this matter...”

She paused for a moment before continuing in a stern tone

“Otherwise, this matter will affect your life negatively...”

Zenon interrupted her and said

“I know, mom!! Don’t worry, I’m fine. They’re just bad dreams...” He unconsciously grabbed the necklace around his neck. His mother noticed it, but she only sighed before opening the window curtains.

“Anyway, get up, it's already 9:00, today...” She smiled big

“Today is a special day...” She looked at Zenon, whose face changed into an excited expression

“Today, messengers from the academies will come to the city for the admission test...”

“Come on downstairs for breakfast, your father is waiting for you downstairs!”

Zenon quickly got up when he heard his mother's words. He still had an excited expression on his face.

Almost every year, messengers from academies come to the city with the aim of conducting an examination for young people who have reached the age of 18. This examination has a great impact on the person’s future.

Zenon quickly left the room after getting dressed. His mother’s smile disappeared, and worry and doubt appeared on her face, she said while muttering. “I just hope that some miracle will happen and my son will pass the elemental affinity test! , Otherwise, this will destroy him, since this incident happened three years ago and he has been training hard and saying that he will become a warlock...”


"Hey! You lazy , most days you wake up early, but today, the day that is considered one of the most important days in your life, you slept late..."

Zenon who came downstairs looked at the man who had just spoken, and said with mock anger

“Old man, I slept late last night because of someone. If you hadn’t forced me to write all those reports, I would have woken up early...”

The man put the newspaper he was reading on the table. He smiled sarcastically, “You talk like I didn't pay you for that work. Anyway, get your lazy ass over here, and eat your breakfast. The test starts in just an hour...”

While eating breakfast, Zenon couldn't help but ask the question on his mind

“Tell me honestly, do you think I have a chance at the Item Affinity Test!?”

His father put the newspaper down and looked at him with a solemn expression

“It's not like I want to belittle you, but I think your chances are very slim if not non-existent...”

Zenon frowned but didn't say anything

“The problem is not with you. Our family is simply incapable of producing warlocks. Your brother Peter and I are the best examples of that, and your mother is the same...”

Varan heard nothing but a sigh after he noticed his son's mood had become depressed

“But! The Gilfitch family is distinguished by its ability to absorb eternal energy quickly and to manipulate it easily, unlike others. This is the reason why our family is distinguished by the presence of strong knights within its ranks, and you, my son, I know how special and talented you are, in just three years you reached the middle stage of the copper level, something that took me more than five years to reach...”

Varan got up from his chair, patted Zenon on the shoulder and said

“Even if you fail the Item Affinity Test, I am certain that the Knights Academy will welcome a genius like you...”

Zenon sighed lightly when he heard his father's words.

“Knight, haha! , But facing the warlock the knights are only an ant...” he murmured in a low voice, but his father still heard him.

Varan couldn't help but sigh at his son's stubbornness and misunderstanding about the knights.

He shook his head and said as he headed towards the door

“I'm waiting for you outside, hurry up and finish your food...”


Varan took the cigarette pack out of his coat, put a cigarette to his mouth with a frown, just when he was about to light his cigarette he heard a familiar voice.

“What’s with that frown, man?!!”

He looked towards the source of the voice, which was a middle-aged man with a thick black beard and long black hair tied into a ponytail.

Varan smiled and said while putting his cigarette away and shaking the man's hand

"Edward, what a pleasant surprise..."

“Brother, I thought you were still on the front lines of the Gaia Forest border!?” Varan asked in a suspicious tone

Edward smiled and said lightly, "Man, have you forgotten what day it is!?"

Varan placed his hand on his forehead, “Of course, of course you are here to accompany Lisa and Jeff , I was planning to accompany them, as you know, Zenon will also pass the test...”

“I have no doubt that you will do this, my brother, but throughout my life while I have been fighting on the front lines, I feel as if I have neglected my family a lot, so I took today’s leave to accompany my children. Today is Day that will play a major role in their lives in the future, and I want To be by their side on a day like this...”

Varan nodded

“Speaking of children, where is little Zenon?! He must be flying with excitement!”

Varan smiled, "You're right, he's very excited..." Although Varan was smiling, Edward noticed something was wrong with his brother's expression.

“hmm, are you ok !? , What's going on!?” he asked with a frown

Varan sighed and said while putting the cigarette in his mouth

"It's Zenon That incident that happened three years ago affected him, brother, to the point that he became obsessed with becoming a warlock and ended up underestimating the power of the knights. That brat doesn't know the true power of us ... knights..."

"I'm just afraid he'll be disappointed after he finds out the harsh reality that his chance of becoming a warlock is impossible. Both Lisa and Jeff have a chance of passing the Elemental Affinity Test because of their mother, but Zenon, I'm afraid that's impossible because both Daphne and I... Are From the Gilfitch family...”

Edward patted his brother's shoulder, "Brother, I'm sure he will accept reality, as is the case with us. Didn't we also dream of becoming warlocks !! But even though our dream did not come true, today we are not much different from warloin terms of power.. .. "

“The ironic thing is that the boy has a monstrous talent in the knight’s path but because of his obsession with magic, he can’t see it, and as you know Zenon is now a middle-stage copper-level knight, all this in just three years!!”

Edward raised his eyebrows in great surprise

“Amazing! Brother, your son is a genius even by Knights Academy standards! I only wish Jeff had a little bit of your son’s talent...”

“Anyway, I'll go now, let's meet at the testing ground...” Edward left immediately, leaving behind Varan, who began smoking his cigarette while looking at the clear sky.

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