chapter 2 :

As the start of the exams approached, the streets in this area were crowded, various people coming from all parts of the Bluefish Kingdom and even the surrounding villages, and their goal was one and the same, which was to come to take the entrance exam to the [Earth Paradise] Academy for warlocks and the Academy of Knights.

Every year, these academies send their messengers to various parts of the empires to recruit students. The [Earth Paradise Academy] was established by all the empires within the [NewrtLand] continent, and its goal is to create talented people from different parts of the empires and guide them to become powerful warlocks. The academy is also considered A symbol of the union of the seven empires in the face of the external threat.

The Kingdom of Bluefish is located in the Empire of [Leach Valley]. The Kingdom of Bluefish is considered a kingdom of the Third World. The kingdoms within the Empire of [Leach Valley] are classified into three levels, which are the Kingdoms of the First World, the Kingdoms of the Second World, and in the last there are the Kingdoms of the Third World, which are considered Lower rank.

Despite this, the Academy does not care about such matters and sends its messengers to various stronger or weaker kingdoms. Even in the weakest kingdoms, the strongest talents may be found. This is what the Academy believes in.


In the middle of a square full of people, they were all looking at the platform in front.

“There seems to be a lot of people this year...” Zenon commented as he looked at the crowd surrounding him

Varan nodded, “As far as I know, there are more than 687 people who will take the entrance test. This number was doubled last year. I remember that was only approximately 300 people took the test last year!!”

“How many people succeeded!?” Zenon wondered with narrowed eyes

Varan looked at his son deeply and said

“39!!, only 39 people succeeded!!”

Zenon's facial expression froze when he heard the answer. All he could hear was a feeling of frustration and depression. He sighed and asked another question

“How many people passed the entrance exam to the Knights Academy!?”

“About 143 people or something like that. Although the requirements for becoming a knight are less than those for a warlock, not all people can meet these requirements...”

Zenon nodded and did not say anything. He looked at the platform where there were several people on it. There was also a table with a silver crystal on it, and next to it was another table with a pale white crystal on it.

A man who appeared to be in his early forties stepped forward. The man was wearing black formal clothes that matched his skin tone

Holding the microphone in his hand, he looked with his deep blue eyes at the crowd below

"I'm sure everyone is excited here. I was in your situation and I know exactly what this test means today This test has a big impact on your future , My advice is no need to worry and stress. I believe that everything is destined, whatever the path Whichever way you succeed, I'm sure it's the best path for you...”

“Let me introduce you to the people who traveled thousands of miles to supervise this test...”

The owner pointed to a man in his early twenties and said

“This man here is Thomas, and he is one of the apostles of the Earth Paradise Academy ...”

He pointed to another large man, who was also in his early twenties, but unlike Thomas, who was wearing normal clothes, this man was wearing silver battle armor.

“This man here is Ramos, and he is one of the apostles of the Knights Academy...”

The two men nodded their heads in the direction of the king respectfully. Their respect was not because the person in front of them was the king of this kingdom, but rather in the direction of the golden-level entry-level knight.

The king was not just a king, but an extremely powerful knight, and even great warlocks had to respect him.

A woman who looked to be about thirty years old approached, wearing an outfit that showed some of her body’s charms. She looked at the owner and said with a sarcastic smile.

“Your speech gets better every year, Jeffrey...”

“Miss Mandy, what a pleasant surprise, I did not expect you to come to such a remote place...” the king said respectfully towards the woman named Mandy, who smiled lightly and said while ruffling her long blonde hair.

“Are you kidding me? Even though your kingdom is a third-world kingdom, its owner is a gold-level knight!!”

The king smiled when he heard the praise coming from the witch in front of him

Mandy waved her hand and said

“Jeffrey, don’t worry about me, I’m just here to accompany my dear student to visit her relatives...”

The king nodded and then signaled to the academies' messengers to begin.

Thomas the Apostle of Earth Paradise Magic Academy stepped forward and said

“The test is very simple. All you have to do is come up here and put your hand on this crystal.” He pointed to the silver crystal.

Ramos pointed to the white crystal and said, “The admission test to the Knights Academy is also easy. All you have to do is place your hand on this crystal and leave the rest to me...”

“Heh! If only it were as easy as he says...” Zenon murmured sarcastically.

“You are number 18, this is the most I could get...” Varan said while giving him a card with number 18 on it.

Zenon nodded gratefully, “Thank you, 18 is better than nothing...”

Varan is one of the generals of the Bluefish Kingdom, so taking the turn card was relatively easy. Passing the test was not free. Each person had to pay less than 500 rays, and if a person wanted his turn to take the test quickly, he had to pay more money.

Under the gaze of the crowd, a young man with a massive physique and decent clothes that showed his high social status stepped up

Thomas pointed to the crystal and said

“Put your hand on it and try to focus...”

The young man nodded nervously and did what he was asked. A minute passed, but there was no reaction.

Thomas sighed in disappointment

“You can open your eyes now...”

He looked at the young man's confused appearance and added

“Unfortunately, you have no affinity for the elements...”

Traces of sadness and disappointment appeared on the young man's face, but he quickly sighed and walked towards the white crystal

“I like your personality, man...” Ramos said, then pointed to the crystal

“Do the same thing...”

The young man nodded and put his hand on the crystal, then closed his eyes. It did not take long until the crystal began to light up, and then a number 18 appeared on its surface.

Ramos smiled and clapped his hands, “Very good, 18 units of eternal energy, you are one step away from reaching the primary stage of the copper level, congratulations, you are qualified to enter the academy...”

An excited expression appeared on the young man's face.

Ramos pressed the crystal with his finger, and a black card came out of an outlet on the crystal.

A black card with the young man's information on it, and at the top there was the Knights Academy's centerpiece, which was seven swords connected at one point.

“Congratulations once again on your acceptance into the Knights Academy,” he said as he handed the young man the card.

" thank you sir ... "

While the young man was taking the Knight Test, another young man had walked up and started taking the Elemental Affinity Test.

Unlike the first young man, this time the crystal lit up with a blue light

This matter attracted everyone's attention. Without exception, they all stared at the young man who had succeeded in making the crystal light up. Everyone had different feelings that ranged from jealousy and envy to indifference.

Thomas looked at the crystal

“Your affinity with the water element is 27%, you have a C-level talent, congratulations, you have the qualifications to become a warlock, you are accepted into the Earth Paradise Academy of warlocks...”

The same thing happened as Thomas pressed the crystal. A white card came out bearing the young man's information and the symbol of the Earth Paradise Academy , which was a black hexagon.

The young man tried to suppress the joy and happiness that appeared on his face, then proceeded to the next test, the knight's test


Talent levels based on a person's affinity for the elements

From 1 to 5%: Level E

From 6 to 20%: Level D

From 21 to 40%: Level C

From 41 to 65%: Level B

From 66 to 80%: Level A

From 81 to 92%: Level S

From 93 to 100%: SS level

[Note: If there is convergence for more than one element, the element with the highest degree of convergence is taken into consideration in determining the level of talent.]


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