chapter 3 :

“sorry , you have no affinity for the elements...”

“You have no talent in the knight's path...”

" unacceptable ..."

“Earth element affinity at 32%, congratulations C level talent...”

“One step closer to reaching the Copper Level Primary Stage, you are accepted...”

" unacceptable ..."

“40% lightning element affinity, congratulations C-level talent, you are accepted...”

“Unfortunately, you have no affinity for the elements...”

“Without affinity...”

“27 units of eternal energy! You have reached the elementary stage of the copper level. You are a genius even by the academy’s standards. I am confident that you will reach the intermediate stage within a year...”

People continued to go up and take the test, so far only 4 people had succeeded in getting into the Earth Paradise Academy of warlocks and more than 8 people into the Academy of Knights.

“Get ready, you’re next...” Varan said, smiling, unlike Zenon, who had a dark expression.

The latter sighed and started walking towards the platform

“zenon, take it calmly as I always taught you...” Varan said

Zenon nodded and continued on his way

When he ascended to the podium, the warlock Thomas nodded slightly respectfully towards him. Zenon was surprised by this coldness, but he responded to the latter in kind.

“He probably sensed my power level. If I'm not mistaken, my power is now equal to a second or third level warlock of the elementary world. This man is probably a warlock at one of these levels otherwise he wouldn't have shown his respect towards me...”

Zenon calmly analyzed the power of the wizard in front of him

“I hope a miracle happens...” he murmured in a pleading tone

He closed his eyes and placed his hand on the crystal

Because of his sensitivity to eternal energy, he could clearly sense a faint trace of energy entering his body from the crystal, but other than feeling the eternal energy, he did not feel anything else.

“hmm ! , Unfortunately, you have no affinity for the elements...”

Unfortunately, he heard a sentence that he did not want to hear. He opened his eyes, which were full of mixed feelings, most of which were disappointment. He gritted his teeth, rubbed his temples, then sighed and walked quietly towards the second crystal. In fact, his mood was volatile. He did not respond until he took the entrance exam to the Knights Academy. He was literally a middle-stage Copper Knight, but he didn't want to disappoint his father who wanted to show him off to others.

Without a word, he immediately put his hand on the crystal. This time, he felt that the crystal was trying to withdraw his energy. He did not resist, but rather did the opposite, which was to help the crystal withdraw the energy. He was trying to vent his frustration on the poor crystal.


“Stop, stop...” Ramos said quickly, when he noticed that the crystal cracked slightly

Zenon removed his hand from the crystal and calmly looked at Ramos, who had a dark expression on his face. Ramos looked at Zenon's face and sighed, then said in awe.

“This device can only read energy between 0 and 35. I knew you were in the middle stage, but I did not expect that you were already at the top of this stage. Man, you have a brutal talent like the high-ranking people within the academy. I did not expect that there was a talent like you here in such a place like this ... "

Zenon nodded his head at Ramos' praise. Ramos wanted to say more to try to befriend such a genius he had found, but he could read the current situation, as he too had gone through the same process, and he knew exactly the feeling of failure. He pressed the crystal, which, despite its cracks, still worked.

“Congratulations, my friend, you have officially been accepted into the Knights Academy...” he said as he handed him the black card.

Zenon looked at the black card in his hands, sighed, then left the place.

In the back, the witch Mandy looked at Zenon who was coming off the stage and shook her head in disappointment

“What a waste, unfortunately...”

“Hmm, what do you mean, Master!!?” asked a beautiful young woman next to her, who was almost the same age as Zenon.

Even the king showed interest in the words of Mandy and the young woman next to her, who was her student.

Mandy smiled lightly and said

“If I am not mistaken, this boy belongs to a special race!?” Her question was directed to the king, who nodded and said.

“As expected from a powerful warlock like you, yes you are right miss, that boy belongs to the Gilfitch family...”

The king looked at the crowd exactly in the direction of where Varan was, who was patting Zenon on the shoulder and speaking to him with a serious expression

“The Gilfitch family is distinguished by their ability to absorb eternal energy very quickly and to a great degree of control over eternal energy. This makes it easy for them to become powerful knights in a short period of time unlike ordinary people, but in exchange for this gift they have a great weakness, which is that most of this race They cannot become warlock due to their lack of affinity with the elements...”

Mandy raised her eyebrows in slight surprise

“I have read about the existence of such a race but this is the first time I have seen one of them. A truly terrifying race. If they did not have such a weakness, this race would be dominant over the rest...”

“It's called balance, miss. In exchange for one gift, they lose another ,That's how the world works...” commented the king.

Mandy smiled when she heard the king's words

“I think I will agree with you this time on this matter, Geffrey, it seems that the boy’s race genes are of high quality, that’s why he was able to reach the middle stage of the Copper level, and he is just a small step away from reaching the upper stage...”

“If nothing happened to him, I think he could reach your level, Jeffrey, before he turns 50...”

“This will be great, this kingdom will have 7 golden level knights, then the Bluefish Kingdom can rise to become a second world level kingdom...”

Mandy smiled as her glowing eyes swept the crowd below

“Good luck, you may not have to wait that long, I see that there are three people here who have reached the top of the silver level...”

The king nodded

“Yes, I know, one of them is the father of that young man of the Gilfitch family…”

Mandy did not speak and focused on the test, hoping that a talented person would emerge.

She didn't wait long until she got what she wanted.

Everyone looked at the blue and violet light radiating from the silver crystal

Mandy looked at the young woman who was the cause of the crystal glowing with excited eyes

“A combined element, lightning and water...”

Thomas smiled and said while looking at the beautiful young woman in front of him with blue eyes

“Water element affinity rate is 67%, Lightning element affinity rate is 54%, congratulations, you have an A-level talent...”

“So!?” the girl asked with an excited expression

Thomas understood what the young woman in front of him meant, “Of course, of course ! , you are officially accepted by the Earth Paradise Academy of warlocks...”

He took the card, which was somewhat different from the previous cards, and gave it to her.

The young woman smiled happily and turned to look at the crowd. She seemed to be looking for someone. Her eyes settled on Varan, but she sighed in disappointment when she noticed that there was no particular young man who was with Varan.

“Is he really gone!?” She wondered with disappointment and sadness, but she quickly put these feelings aside and got off the stage without taking the Knight Test. She had already passed the Elemental Affinity Test, so why would she need to take the Knight Test?

Away from the stage, Zenon looked at the young woman and clenched his hand tightly.


He punched the lamppost next to him angrily. Traces of deformation appeared on the lamppost made of metal, demonstrating the physical strength contained in Zenon's body.

“How ironic, she and I are from the same damned family, yet she succeeded and I didn’t!” His voice contained some jealousy and regret over his situation.

“The King was right, it seems I am destined to become a mere knight...” He held the pendant on his neck tightly

The image of a young man in his early twenties appeared in his mind

"I'm sorry, Rafael! I'm incompetent..."

“I can't get you out of that place, if only I was as talented as the rest, just a little bit more talent...”

He took a short look towards the platform, where he saw that another young man had succeeded in the element affinity test, and who was from the same family as his cousin. Both his cousin’s son and daughter had succeeded in the matter, but he did not succeed.

“Sorry, Dad, I seem to be a source of shame for you instead of a source of pride...”

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