chapter 4 :

The next day of the test



“I'm coming…” Daphne, Zenon's mother, said as she headed towards the door.

“Oh! Hello, Lisa, this is quite a surprise...” she said with a big smile as she looked at the beautiful young woman in front of her, she was the same young woman who had passed the Elemental Affinity Test with a dual element of water and lightning as well as an A-level talent.

Lisa smiled and said

“Hello, Aunt Daphne, is Zenon at home...”

An expression of sadness appeared on her face, but she quickly smiled and said

“Zenon, hmh ! No, my dear, he’s not home. He left early. If I’m not mistaken, he’ll be in the Thousand-Hands Dogo...”

Lisa nodded

“Thank you, Aunt Daphne...”

Daphne patted Lisa on the shoulder and said cheerfully

“Never mind my daughter, oh congratulations by the way, as expected my future daughter-in-law is very talented...”

Lisa laughed when she heard what she said

“Okay, my daughter, go and talk to that man, and hopefully he will come to his senses...”

Lisa nodded and left the place towards the Thousand Hands Dojo, which was famous in the Bluefish Kingdom. In terms of sword skills, almost all of the knights of this kingdom were graduates of this dojo.

After half an hour of walking, she arrived in front of a large building. It was a huge building with approximately 7 floors, occupying a large area within the Bluefish Kingdom.

“Look who came, isn’t this the pride of our kingdom, the future warlock...”

Lisa looked at the person who spoke, who was an average-looking young woman in her early twenties.


Lisa smiled and gave the girl a short hug

“Congratulations girl on your passing the test, I'm a little jealous...” said Judith teasingly.

Lisa smiled sarcastically and said while looking around

“Hey, what are you jealous of, aren’t you also a student at the Paradise Academy ...”

Judith laughed and said while looking at the young woman in front of her who seemed to be searching for someone

“Your man!! He’s in the backyard, fighting against my father...”

“Let's go, I was also on my way to meet Father...”





The sound of metal grinding together could be heard throughout the backyard.

Many people were training inside the arena, some were waving swords while others were training their bodies, while some were dueling.

“Man, how long has that man been fighting against the teacher!?” One of the people asked while looking at a fight that was taking place between a man in his forties and a young man in his prime.

“If I'm not mistaken, it's been more than two hours, this kid is truly a monster, it's a pity that he didn't pass the elements affinity test...”

“You're right, man, it's unfortunate...”

“No matter how powerful a knight is or becomes, he remains just a knight, his ways and methods are limited, unlike a warlock who wherever he goes can dominate the place...”

"Yes, you are right. The warlock carries a lot of weight within society. Even in wars, the knight is considered just cannon fodder, unlike warlocks...”

“Guys, you are ignorant, the strongest person among you has only reached the middle stage of the Copper Level, some of you are even close to fifty years old, the strength of a knight is not inferior to that of a warlock, it is just that a warlock has different methods and they have greater limits than those of knights.. "

“For example, the teacher...” The man pointed to the person fighting against the young man and continued

“The teacher can defeat the warlock with ease, and this is the power of the silver level, unlike the copper level. When a person reaches the silver level, a major change occurs to him...”



Both the young man who was Zenon and the man waved their swords at each other


“You're confused today, boy...”

The man said as he kicked Zenon back several steps

Zenon didn't say anything, he just grabbed the long linen sword in his hand and rushed towards the man again.

The man looked calmly at the rushing Zenon

“Let's end the fight with this move, boy...” He waved a sword as he spoke.


Sparks of fire scattered at the moment the swords collided.

Zenon gritted his teeth to use more force to try to push his opponent's sword away but to no avail. His opponent's strength was simply too high.

“Should I use that move!?” Zenon thought with a frown

“With my current strength, I can only use it once. This is just a friendly battle. There is no need to use such a move, but...”

“But this frustration inside me, I have to release it before it overwhelms me...”

He gripped the sword harder, until green veins showed through his skin.

“Hmm, what are you trying to do, boy!?” the man asked as he drew his sword back.

"Hmm, the aura of eternal energy, is there a warlock here!?" asked Judith, who was walking towards Zenon's location with Lisa. Her arrival coincided with the moment Zenon began using his move.

“Huh!!...” His eyes were amused by the scene happening before her eyes

Even the man who was fighting against Zenon had a look of astonishment appear on his face as he looked at Zenon's sword, which began to glow with a dim red light.

“Is this an aura!? No, at his current level he can’t do something like this!!” The man murmured in a surprised tone of voice.

“Bring it on boy, let me see who's stronger, your weird move or my aura...”

He said excitedly, and then his sword also began to glow with a milky white light.


Both Zenon and the man waved their swords at the same moment, the surrounding air showing traces of deformation.


The moment the swords collided, it was as if time had stopped for a moment before a strong air pressure was created as a result of the collision and sent some of the surrounding people backwards several steps.

The man had a shocked look on his face, but it quickly changed into an excited look.

“Good, very good, even better man, you amaze me every time, as expected of me I am an amazing teacher...”

Zenon's mouth trembled when he heard his teacher's words.

The man smiled lightly and said while raising his strength a little

“Let's get this over with, boy...”


As a result of this, Zenon was sent backwards forcefully and crashed into a concrete wall behind him.

Zenon felt the air leave his body when he hit the wall, and he groaned in pain

He coughed several times and sighed as he looked at his mangled sword

“I don't have any strength inside my body, if only I had a core like a warlock, when I could use this move multiple times without becoming weak like that.”

“zenon, Zenon...”

He smiled subconsciously when he heard a familiar voice

"Are You Fine !?? "

Lisa asked, running towards him anxiously

“I...I'm fine...”

Zenon answered with difficulty, as he tried to get up, but his body did not respond to him, or rather, he did not have any strength.

“Don’t move, oh my God, your face is so pale...”

The girl said while putting her hand on his face

“Thank you, Lisa...”

Zenon said as he felt warmth fill his body when he heard her worried tone

Lisa said while looking at him with sparkling eyes

“You were amazing there, that move was amazing, did you know that you forced Mr. Rick to use his true strength...”

“tsh , how disgusting, do you think this is a time for love?”

A mocking voice said from afar, approaching them


Zenon said as he looked at the girl who got down on one knee and placed her hand on his chest


A green light appeared on her palm

Zenon looked intently at the green halo on Judith's hand

“You're fine, no fractures, seriously, your body is really strong...” she started to feel the muscles in his body. "You were able to withstand an attack from a silver level knight without any serious injury...”

“Ahem, ahem...”

Zenon coughed slightly and pointed with his eyes at Lisa, who was smiling briefly.

Judith removed her hand and winked at him teasingly.

“This girl…” Zenon smiled helplessly.

Fortunately, his savior came and destroyed the awkward atmosphere.

"You're still alive, boy. I'm surprised. I thought my last blow had finished you off."

Rick said while looking at him with searching eyes

“Master? Do you hold a grudge against me?! Seriously, you used aura against someone at the Copper level!!”

Zenon asked sadly

"Haha, you're asking me!? Isn't it obvious? Your strength forced me to do this matter…"

"Seriously, what is that last movement!? I don't think it's the aura because I've never seen anything like it before..."

Rick said with confusion while smiling enthusiastically.

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