chapter 5 :

“That was the eternal energy, that red aura on your sword!?” Judith asked

Zenon nodded

“Yes, you are right, Judith, that movement was not the aura, but it was pure eternal energy...”

“What!!? Wait, is this even possible!!?” Rick asked suspiciously

According to what he knows, the knight cannot manipulate eternal energy. Even a warlocks faces a problem with this.

Basically, the knight depends on eternal energy to develop to higher levels, but he only absorbs energy from the atmosphere and saturates his body with it. Otherwise, he cannot do what Zenon did. It is the incorporation of eternal energy into their weapons, as for warlocks for whom eternal energy was the fuel to operate their spells.

Zenon smiled slightly and said

“It's the third time I've used this move. I can freely manipulate the eternal energy within my body. If I'm not mistaken, it's because of the Gilfitch Family's distinguished race...”

“So that's why I could feel a tension close to the eternal energy. I thought there was a warlock here because the same tension is produced when a warlock casts a spell...”

Judith sighed in disappointment, “Unfortunately, you have no affinity for any of the elements. Otherwise, you would have become a monster in every sense of the word...”

“You cast a non-elemental spell and you are just a knight, and without an elemental core...”

“A non-racial spell!? Is there something like this!?” Zenon asked

“As you know, the difference between knights and warlocks is that warlocks can create an elemental core, unlike a knight. The elemental core is the foundation of every warlock , as it is considered the center and battery of eternal energy. The elemental core enables the warlock to cast magic spells for his element, but he cannot cast elemental spells. He has an affinity for him, but like Zenon did a little while ago, there is a class of spells called non-element spells. As the name suggests, they are spells that do not require an affinity with a specific element to cast...”

“But even if it is a non-elemental spell, it requires the person to be a warlock in order to cast it. As for what Zenon did a little while ago, it is the first time I have seen or heard of something similar...”

“Shame you don't have an affinity for one of the elements...”

"Okay, Judith, that's enough. The boy is angry enough..."

Judith stopped speaking after hearing her father's words. She glanced at Zenon and knew why her father had stopped her.

Zenon had a dark expression on his facial features, you could see that the latter was angry and sad.

“Sorry...” she apologized quietly.

Zenon smiled, “Why apologise, you didn’t say anything wrong, it’s just the truth...” He paused for a moment before continuing.

“It is true that I had high hopes of succeeding in the Elemental Affinity Test even though all the facts indicated my failure! I will not deny that I am angry and disappointed with the bitter reality...”

Zenon smiled tenderly at Lisa, who held his hand as if to tell him that she was here to support him.

“But if this is my destiny... not to become a warlock , I'm fine with it, it's not as if I can do anything about it...”

He turned to Lisa and said

“Help me stand up...”

Although he felt weak as a result of using this move, he gritted his teeth and stood up with the help of his cousin.

“Master, I am unable to complete today’s training...”

Rick sighed and said while patting his student's shoulder

“Never mind, go and rest yourself a little...”


“Dad, wouldn’t it be better for you to talk to him and advise him? I’ve never seen him in this state before!” Judith said as she watched the duo leave.

Rick shook his head, “No!...”

" He is only at the middle stage of the copper level, but he can beat the knights at the upper stage. For a small kingdom like this one, this is a great achievement, but in the knights academy, there are monsters with talent that exceeds Zenon's talent. With his personality, I am sure that when he goes to the academy, He will return to normal...”

“Anyway, let’s go upstairs. You must have a lot to say, how was your first year at Earth Paradise Academy...”


Inside one of the Kingdom's parks

“Congratulations!! , Sorry I must be the last person to congratulate you...”

Lisa shook her head

“No, I'm not that childish to get angry about something like this...”

“I am truly grateful to my uncle and father for thinking of arranging this marriage between us since we were young...” Zenon said suddenly, making Lisa laugh sheepishly.

“I'll be heading to the academy this evening...” Lisa said suddenly, making the smile disappear from Zenon's face.

“I'm thinking about not going...” She looked at him with her blue eyes and said, “What do you think ... what do you think about us both staying here, getting married and living a normal life...”

Zenon was stunned for a moment before he smiled at her, “This would be really nice, but...”

Lisa frowned when she heard the word "but" from his mouth.

“I wish I could accept this idea. I really have no thoughts about power or domination, but I need power. I have someone waiting for me to save him...”

Lisa got up from the seat angrily, "Once again!! , Once again Zenon, really !? , wake up to reality. Raphael is dead... did you hear me he is dead , You just reject this idea and chase your brother's ghost, Zenon , No one survives after falling into [the devil's abyss]..."

"You too!? You don't believe it either!! Lisa, Raphael is still alive. He's not dead yet.." Zenon said with emotion.

“Huh!! How do you know this!?” she asked with a deep frown and then added

“And please don’t tell me that you saw him in your dreams...”

Zenon opened his mouth, but no words came out

Lisa sighed, "See, let's continue the conversation later. I'm going home..."

Zenon wanted to talk and say something, but he couldn't find a word to say.

“Damn…” he cursed in a low voice, then leaned back on the seat and looked up at the sky.

“I really hate this, but I can't be the chains that hold you back, Lisa…” He sighed again in frustration.

He closed his eyes and many thoughts flashed through his mind. After a while, he opened his blue eyes. Unlike before, his eyes were now firm

“If the path of a knight is my only option, I have no reason to complain here, I just have to follow this path and reach my fullest potential...”

“Knights Academy, that would be a good starting point, the goal is to reach the Gold Level as quickly as possible and then descend into the Devil’s Abyss to search for him...”


17 : 58 minutes, Bluefish Kingdom Grand Train Station

"Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to him, as you know you won't be back for another half a year?" Edward said with a raised eyebrow as he looked at his daughter.

Lisa had a troubled facial expression. She sighed and said while looking around, “I hate saying goodbye...”

Edward laughed when he saw his daughter's words contrast with her actions, as he noticed that she was searching for a trace of Zenon.

He sighed and said, “Be careful not to lose him, my daughter. Zenon is a good young man and he is the perfect partner for you...”

He looked at his silent son and said while patting him on the shoulder

“Jeff, my son, take care of yourself and your sister...”

[Bluefish Passenger Station, Passengers heading towards Castle-Stone Kingdom, Newstar, Leach Valley Capital, please board the train, pay attention to walking]

“Hmm, I am proud of you, my children. I wish your mother was still here to witness how talented her children have become...” He hugged each one of them passionately.

“Don’t worry, Dad, I will make you proud...” Lisa looked at her brother and then corrected her words, “We will make you proud...”

"He didn't come to say goodbye! Were I harsh on him?!" Lisa thought with a frown as she boarded the train under her father's eyes.

“Hmm, my seat is by the window...” sHe sighed when she saw that the seat by the window had already been taken by someone.

“Why does it feel a bit familiar...” she thought as she looked at the person sitting next to her who was wearing a hooded robe that made it impossible to see his facial features from the side.

He sighed and murmured in a low voice

“Hmph! Even now I still think about that man...”

“I'm glad to hear that you still think of me...”

Her eyes widened in shock and excitement when she heard a familiar voice.

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