chapter 6 :

On the train, Zenon looked at Lisa's sleeping appearance with a compassionate smile. He subconsciously laughed when he remembered how shocked she had been two hours ago when he revealed himself, but all he heard was a frown when he remembered his last conversation with his father before he left.


“Ha-ha-ha, as expected of my son...” Varan said as he warmly patted his son’s shoulder.

Away from them, his mother looked at them happily

Zenon smiled when he saw his father's reaction, he couldn't help but silently apologize for making his mother and father worried.

Zenon had told them that he was going to the Knights Academy, which meant that he had abandoned the impossible idea of becoming a warlock .

That's why his father, Varan, was happy about this.

“Very good, I am proud of you son. You will leave the day after tomorrow, right!?”

Zenon nodded

“Yes, that's what I'm planning, I don't need to take the final entrance exam, so I don't have to go today...”

Successfully demonstrating talent in one of the paths, warlocks or knights, was not enough for a person to enter one of these academies directly, of course there were some exceptions such as the case of Zenon who showed that he was one step away from reaching the upper stage of the Copper level.

But in general, the rest must take the final entrance exam, whether it is the Academy of Knights or the Earth Paradise Academy for warlocks, both of which a person must take another test in order to become official students.

Varane nodded, then clapped his hand and said as he headed towards the door, “Very good, we still have some time, okay, follow me...”

Despite Zenon's confusion, he followed his father.

After a little walking they reached an empty area, which was a cement plaza

“Hmm, why are we here!?” Zenon wondered as he looked around.

“Before you go to the academy, let me at least pass on one of my techniques to you...” Varane said with a smile.

Zenon was stunned for a moment before an excited smile formed on his face.

“But is this good!? You know, the Knight Council’s punishment and all that!?” Zenon said worriedly.

Varane waved his hand

“Heh! Do you think your father is such a fool for violating the laws of the Knights Council? No one wants to become an international criminal, especially since I have a family to take care of...”

“Anyway, these laws only apply to skills affiliated with the Knight Council, but they do not apply to skills that have been invented. Anyone who invented a new skill has the right to pass it on to anyone he wants, and the Knight Council cannot do anything to him. Of course, he can sell This skill to the council in exchange for money or merit...”

“But only a few choose the second option, after all a self-made skill can save a person’s life...”

“Save a person’s life!?” Zenon asked in incomprehension.

“Imagine with me , that two knights are facing each other. They almost know each other’s skills well, but in the middle of the fight one of them implements a completely new skill...”

Without his father completing the explanation, he understood what he was trying to convey to him.

“My skill is called, Holy Armor, a fancy name isn’t it, hahahaha...”

Zenon shook his head when he saw his father's actions.

“My skill is almost, no one can learn it, no one but the people who belong to our family, the Gilfitch Family...”

“As you know, Zenon, we Gilfitch family are a little special from the others but at the same time we are cursed with a lack of elemental affinity...”

“Unlike any warlock or knight, we are able to manipulate eternal energy freely, we can channel energy into our weapons, just like you did this morning!!...”

Varan laughed sarcastically when he saw his son's facial expressions

“What, I have eyes and ears everywhere, of course I will know that the achievement that took me so many years, my eldest son has achieved while he didn't even reach 20 years old...”

“Watch carefully, I'm about to perform this skill...” Varan said as he took his sword out of the sheath.

Zenon carefully watched his father's movements, under his gaze, Varan plunged his sword into the cement ground.

Because of his sensitivity to eternal energy, he was able to feel the fluctuation of energy in the atmosphere.

[Holy Shield]


A shield of energy formed in front of Varan. The shield looked like a red network surrounding him from all directions, almost resembling the eyes of a bee.

“This is more like a turtle shell than a holy shield...” Zenon mocked his father.

Varan removed the shield and said while looking at his son

“Ignorant! This is a level five skill...”

“What!!?...” he shouted in shock, “Old man, I think I heard it wrong...”

Varan smiled sarcastically

“Boy, you didn't hear it wrong, the Holy Armor is a level 5 skill …”

“In fact, its level is higher than this, but due to the almost impossible requirements, the council has classified it as only a level five skill...”

“Hah!!, just! You say!?, man, skills of this level are a treasure for most people...” Zenon complained when he heard his father belittle a fifth-level skill that only middle-stage Silver Knights could wield. The complete one.

“I know, I know, you could say it's the third strongest skill in my skill arsenal, the reason for this skill's low rating is because the holy Armor can almost only be practiced by members of our family...”

Zenon raised his eyebrows, remembering that movement he made in the morning.

“As long as you have eternal energy, the armor cannot be destroyed, strong isn’t it...”

Zenon nodded unconsciously

“Okay enough talk, let’s start teaching you this skill, at least you will have a life-saving skill...”


After a while

“Okay, let’s stop. You have understood the basics of this skill. With time and effort, you will be able to master it...”

The pale-faced Zenon nodded and opened his eyes. His face was pale due to him using the eternal energy inside his body.

Varan noticed his son's depressed mood and said

“The eternal energy inside your body is still small. We knights do not have a core to store the eternal energy like warlocks, but we can still store some energy within the muscles of our bodies, but whoever be careful, this process is somewhat very dangerous...”

Zenon nodded and remained silent. Varan looked at his son, who was in deep thought. He couldn't help but remember a certain incident that had occurred three years ago that had a huge impact on their family.

Three years ago, Varan lost his eldest son in an accident. The entire family was affected, but the most affected was Zenon, given that he was involved in the incident that led to the killing of his brother Raphael.

Because of the war between humans and demi-humans, during one of the battles, Varan killed a person belonging to a noble family among the demi-humans! Because of this, this family tried to take revenge on him by targeting his family, and to do this, they hired a suitable organization to carry out such tasks.

The time of the attack coincided with the visit of both Zenon and Raphael to a city close to a place called [The Devil's Abyss], one of the most dangerous places on the face of the continent.

Raphael was only in the elementary stage of the silver level, and as for Zenon, he had not even begun training. Facing a warlock sent by the organization after Zenon, Raphael was no match for him, and he was forced to choose to sacrifice himself in order to save his brother. He fell into the devil's abyss and He brought the warlock with him.

Everyone knows very well that if a person enters the devil's abyss, he cannot return.

No one knows what distinguishes this place or what is in it because no one has come out to talk about the matter! .

For the past three years, Zenon had been blaming himself for his weakness and blaming himself for being the reason for his brother's death. That's why he trained hard and after only three years reached the middle stage of the copper level, but he was dissatisfied with the matter, especially after he personally witnessed the power of the warlocks . He became obsessed with it.

Other than his obsession with becoming a warlock , he had daily dreams about his brother Raphael. The content of the dreams was similar, which was Raphael asking Zenon to search for him. This made Zenon believe that Raphael was alive.

Varane let out a long sigh, “I lost the first, and the second I pray every day not to hear the news of his death, and here is the third, still obsessed with the first , I didn’t want to talk about this , but...”

Varan opened his mouth and began speaking in a stern tone

“Raphael is dead, you just reject this idea and chase your brother’s ghost, my son!...No one survives after falling into the Devil’s Abyss…”

Varan sighed when he saw the deep frown on his son's face

“I said this because I fear that you will collapse after you discover the bitter truth too late. I know how much Rafael meant to you...”

Before he could finish speaking, Zeno interrupted him in a fit of anger and a sharp tone of voice

“If you hadn't done your damned work that year none of this would have happened...”

" I ... "

Varane wanted to talk, but he noticed that Zenon had gotten up and left the place.

He looked at his son's distant back, feeling a deep sadness afflicting his being.

“If only you knew, my son, how much I blame myself...”


“I really am a disobedient son! I shouldn’t have shouted at him like that...” Zenon murmured in a sad tone.

“I am not that foolish or ignorant to expose my life or the lives of the people I love...” He looked at Lisa next to him, who was still sleeping peacefully because she knew that he was there next to her.

“Even if those dreams were just dreams and not a vision, even if Raphael was already dead, the least I could do to pay him a little gratitude was find his body...”

“As for the father, I will definitely be sure to apologize to him next time...”

While Zenon was deeply immersed in his thoughts, suddenly the train shook violently and the sound of an explosion was heard coming from the front.

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