chapter 7 :




The sound of the alarm continued to sound inside the trailers. Despite people's fear and ignorance of what was currently happening, none of them did anything rash and remained in their places.

“What's going on here?” Zenon asked with a frown. He looked out the window and saw that the train was still moving, and apparently at a faster speed than before.

“Um, Zenon! What happened!?”

He looked at Lisa, who was awakened by the energy vibration and the sound of the alarm. He shook his head, “I don’t know, the train was probably ... attacked by someone!!”


In confirmation of his words, another explosion occurred, shaking the train with greater force.

“Where are you going!!?” Lisa asked worriedly after she saw Zenon starting to walk towards the exit of the cabin.

"Stay where you are, don't worry, I'll just see what happens!?"

When he opened the cabin door, a security guard stopped him

“Sir, please return to your place...”

Zenon looked at the security guard who looked a little confused and said, “What’s happening!? Has someone attacked?, Are We in danger!?”

The security guard answered while trying to push Zenon to return to his cabin.

“Sir, go back to your place, there is no danger! The security guards are handling the matter...”

“Which of his envoys dared to attack...” Zenon murmured, then followed the security guard’s words after failing to extract information from him.

“What ! , Did you know what was going on?!” Lisa asked, after noticing the return of Zenon, who sat down and sighed.


Even though he said these reassuring words, for some reason he had an ominous feeling as if something bad was going to happen, so he raised his guard to the utmost.



“Hey, what is this...!?” Suddenly someone shouted while pointing at the sky from the window.

“Is that a giant bird!?” Zenon noticed the figure in the sky, “Damn, is it the demi-human that are attacking, bad ... it would be bad if it was them...” he thought with a deep frown.



The train shuddered again, the brake sounds extremely loud

“Seriously!! They stopped the train!” He turned to Lisa and warned her

“Be careful, it seems the situation is more dangerous than I imagined...!!”

Before he could finish his words, the door separating the two compartments exploded.


Zenon saw the security guard who told him that the situation was safe, had fallen to the ground and blood was bleeding profusely from his wound on his neck.

“Damn, that security guard was a knight at the same level as my current one...” Zenon thought nervously, then looked at the person who shot down the security guard. It was a person wearing a strange black uniform and a black mask that hid his features. The uniform he was wearing prevented you from determining the gender.

“wah !! Look who we have here!!...” The person spoke in a cheerful tone, judging by his voice he sounded like a middle-aged man.

Zenon's facial expression became ugly as he could notice the black tail behind the man.

“Demi-humans, this is bad...” He took Lisa's hand and tried to make himself hidden behind the chair.

The man looked at the terrified crowd and said calmly, “Now! Tell me, which one of you is called Lumen Geetha!?”

The face of one of the young women with brown skin and blond hair turned pale when she heard the man's words

“He's looking for me!?, but why!?” Her eyes swept across the crowd inside the trailer and her facial expression instantly turned ugly, the majority were looking at her.

The man behind his mask smiled, opened his mouth and said in a sarcastic tone

“It seems like they abandoned you... after all, this is human nature.”

Geetha sighed and got up with an ugly expression

“Why is an old master like you looking for me!?” I tried to ask in the most calm tone.

The man laughed and replied, “Girl, I have no malice towards you, I’m just doing the job assigned to me...”

He stopped talking and looked to the side

“Next time try to hide your aura if you want to attack someone!!”


Its tail moved very quickly and beheaded the young man who was apparently trying to attack secretly.

Everyone's face turned pale. Some could not bear the scene. They got up and ran quickly from the trailer. The strange thing was that the man did not do anything to stop them.

“Fools, you should have stayed here. I am a more merciful person than those rabid dogs...” the man murmured and then returned his attention to the beautiful girl in front of him.

" Let's go ... "

The man frowned when he saw that she was frozen in place.

“I don't have time for this...”

He disappeared from his place and appeared behind her. He hit the back of her head with his hand and knocked her unconscious.

As he was leaving, carrying Geetha on his shoulder, he suddenly stopped and looked at Zenon

"Hmm, I swear I saw you somewhere but I can't remember. Tell me, boy, have we met before!?"

Zenon frowned and tried to hide any emotions that would destroy his current calm

He shook his head and said in the most respectful tone

“Sorry, I have never met an expert like you, sir...”

“How will I recognize you when you wear a mask, you idiot?” he thought sarcastically.

The man noticed the sarcasm in Zenon's eyes, smiled and extended his arm very quickly.

Zenon's eyes widened when he noticed this, unfortunately he had no room to dodge, after all Lisa was behind him.

The man grabbed Zenon by the throat and lifted him easily. Lisa was about to move, but she backed down when she saw Zenon's signal for her not to interfere.

“I remember now, I saw your face on the most wanted list!!”

As soon as he heard the man's words, his face turned pale, unconsciously remembering an incident he had experienced three years ago.

“Damn it, I did not expect that they were still seeking revenge. I am the one who should take revenge on you, not the other way around. Calm down, Zenon, calm down...”

“This guy is a Silver-level starter, two levels stronger than me...”

Zenon was able to sense the strength of the man . This was another advantage that his race enjoyed, in addition to the advantage of manipulating eternal energy, as he could sense the strength level of others through touch.

“Hahahaha, I didn’t expect this day to be so fruitful...” The man laughed happily, looking at an event in Zenon with a half look. “You are definitely calm, which is amazing. Compared to someone your age and in a situation like this, I didn’t expect you to be so calm , This is the correct mentality of a warrior, it is shameful that you are my enemy...”

The man increased the strength of his grip on Zenon's throat. The latter felt that the air had stopped rising to his brain. He lost consciousness as a result of this.

The man put him on his shoulder and left the cabin. Lisa looked at Zenon's body on the man's shoulder with concern. She could only pray that he would not be injured. She did not make any move to save him, and the reason was Zenon who told her not to do anything even if he was in danger. He had that can felting from the beginning, so he told her about this.

“I'm a burden to him,” she murmured bitterly. This was one of the reasons Zenon decided not to resist.

She sighed heavily and looked out the window. It was cloudy and dark, but she could still see the battle taking place outside, where sparks and the sound of swords clashing could be heard from afar, in addition to fire and lightning that appeared from time to time, as a result of a warlock's spell.

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