chapter 8 :

“Cystle, you took a lot of time to do a simple task! The foolish humans called for backup, there will be a primary level warlock soon...” A man who was wearing the same clothes as the person who kidnapped Zenon and the girl , spoke.

The Named Cystle looked at the man who spoke with an indifferent expression

“Myles, stop crying like a baby, we have Albert with us even if humans send a primary level warlock we are fine!...”

“Tch! Whatever man, I see you’re carrying two people, if I’m not mistaken that girl is the target of the mission, what’s with the boy...”

Myles pointed to both Zenon and the girl on Cystle's shoulder

“I didn't expect you to have such inclinations...” Myles added with a sly and sarcastic smile.

Cystle looked at him with narrowed eyes

“Enough nonsense, this kid here has a huge bounty on his head, 33 million ray...”

Myles' eyes widened in shock after hearing Cystle's words.

He pointed his finger at Zenon and said in a shocked tone.

“huh !! , What!!?, are you fucking kidding me !! , 33 million rays, just who put such a huge bounty on this weak human boy!?”

Cystle smiled wickedly and said

“It's the Ayad family , they seem to have animosity with this boy. Anyway, it doesn't matter , tell me What about the rest? Are they finished yet !?”.

“The first and third squads are finished, the second squad still seems to have encountered a powerful warlock...”

“Hmm, what about the Fifth Squad!?”

“Oh! That band has been completely annihilated...”

Cystle raised his eyebrows slightly, "Hmm, I'm not surprised, I almost expected this, ..."

“Anyway, let's leave here and join the rest of the teams...”

None of them noticed that Zenon was aware of what was happening.

He did not lose consciousness at all.

He had to pretend that he had lost consciousness in order to get away from Lisa's , as he feared that if he resisted there, the demi-human would harm her.

He also wanted to know why the demi-human had kidnapped him. .

“This is bad! I have to move now , If these two meet with their comrades, escape will be impossible.” Zeno thought nervously.

He closed his eyes, exhaled a little to calm himself, then put his hand inside his jacket and pulled out a small knife, but it was enough to end someone's life.

“It's now or never...” he shouted inside his body and then swung the knife with all his might.

His target was Cystle's neck, Zenon's speed was great plus the surprise factor so Cystle had no room to dodge.

The knife penetrated deeply into his neck, blood spread on Zenon's palm, who jumped over Cystle's shoulder and headed towards Myles with the aim of killing him.

Unfortunately, he did not succeed because the latter put both of his arms in front of him to protect himself.

“Damn it!...” Zenon’s expression turned ugly when he saw that his attempt to kill Myles had failed.

He immediately retreated quickly back next to Cystle's body, who had blood coming out of his throat profusely. He died with a shocked expression on his facial features.

He did not expect that it would be this way and at the hands of someone weaker than him.

Despite the strength of the knights, they were, in the end, just humans ,He could not survive an injury like this and died instantly.

Zenon quickly took the gun on Cystle's waist and aimed it at Myles.




He shot three times in a row, but Myles, thanks to his high reflexes, was still able to avoid the bullets.

After all, he was a silver-level elementary knight. Being hit by the bullet was fatal for him, but because of the reflexes he had due to his level, he was able to avoid bullets and pounced towards Zenon

“damned , I will kill for this ...” He took out a knife from behind his back and then tried to stab Zenon, but the latter still raised both hands to block the blow.

Ignoring the pain in his arm, Zenon raised the gun again and fired


This time, because of the close distance between them, Myles was unable to avoid the bullet and it penetrated his shoulder.

Myles let out a painful grunt from his mouth due to the pain that struck him as a result of being shot.

He saw that Zenon had once again pointed the gun at him and was about to fire again.

Without hesitation, he turned around and started to run away at high speed and in a way that would make it difficult for him to become a target in the bullets' path.

Zenon fired several times, but to no avail , None of them hit the target.

Zenon looked angrily and angrily at the running Myles, “Hah, hah, hah…, son of a bitch! , He ran away from me, damn it, I have to get out of here before he summons more of his comrades.”

He ignored the pain he felt in his arm that had been stabbed. The injury was not deep. He only lost a little blood before the wound clotted, as a result of his circulating eternal energy towards the wound.

Knights at his level could not do this matter. Other than that, it was Myles who was higher. level, to stop the bleeding in his shoulder.

But after all, Zenon was of a special race, unlike the latter.

He looked at the still unconscious girl with a conflicted and hesitant expression.

He slapped himself and muttered in a low voice, “Damn it, what am I even thinking, I can’t abandon the king’s daughter...”

He put her on his shoulder and left the place towards the train again.

He knew that reinforcements would come, but he did not know how long he would have to wait for these reinforcements to arrive.

As he ran towards the train, he looked at the face of the girl sleeping on his shoulder with doubt and confusion.

“Just why would the demi-humans risk so much for her !? ”

He was confused, the railway lines were located within the empire, the place was considered a strategic area, the place was considered relatively safe, no organization or even the demi-humans who were considered mortal enemies of humans dared to attack the train tracks.

The continent of NewrtLand consists of seven major empires, each unit considered a great power.

Four of these empires belong to the human race, while the rest belong to the demi-human, the mortal and eternal enemies of humans.

Humans and demi-humans are enemies with a history that extends back thousands of years, and many wars have occurred between the two. The Leach Valley Empire was a part of these wars due to its rare geography.

The Leach Valley Empire has borders with three other empires. One of these empires belongs to the demi-human people. It is located on the southern border, As for the eastern and northern borders, there are both the Taimen Empire and the Rakuen Empire.

Both empires belong to humans , As for the western border, it overlooks One of the greatest and largest seas in the world, the mighty Atlantic Sea.

This is the reason that prompted the Demi-human Empire, located in the southern border, to wage war with the Leach Valley Empire. The war began years ago and is still ongoing , However, the Demi-humans have not risked going deep into the empire’s territory before, let alone attacking the railways that... Located in the heart of the empire.

Zenon pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind and focused on entering the cabin where Lisa and the rest of the people accepted by the academies were. He opened the cabin door forcefully, but his face quickly turned pale from the horror of the corset in front of him.

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