chapter 9 :

Inside the train compartment where Lisa and the rest of the students are

“Cough, cough... son of a bitch, I didn’t think my journey would end here... I... I regret coming on this trip...” Jeff said while he coughed blood from his mouth as he spoke, behind him was Lisa on the ground with eyes wide open , She was terrified and her face was pale.

The reason is due to Jeff, whose body was pierced by sharp claws

A wry smile formed on the face of the half-human that was penetrating Jeff's body

“Hehehehehe, you're too late to regret it, be a good person and die!!” He took his hand out of Jeff's chest and waved it again, aiming for the heart.


Suddenly the cabin door opened and it made a loud sound, which attracted the half-human's attention and stopped his attack, which would have pierced Jeff's heart.

At the entrance to the cabin, Zenon looked with bloodshot eyes at the scene in front of him. Wherever his eyes passed, he saw blood, body limbs, and internal organs scattered around, but what made his heart contract was the sight of Jeff covered in blood and Lisa behind him, whose face was bleeding from blood.

Without hesitation, he took out the gun and aimed at the half-human, who was a tall human, but had the head of a fox with orange fur.

“A firearm!!? This is bad...” When the half-human saw that Zenon took out a firearm, only one thought appeared in his mind , to run away immediately.

Even though the firearm that Zenon had was just an ordinary weapon, The half-human was only a knight at the elementary stage of the Silver level, and people at this level could be killed by a bullet from an ordinary weapon if it hit vital places. Only when a person broke through to the middle stage of the Silver level would he be able to face bullets without dodging or wearing armor.


Zenon fired without hesitation, but the half-human dodged it and jumped from the broken window outside the cabin.

Zenon wanted to fire more bullets, but the stock of bullets ran out.

He dropped the gun and ran towards Lisa and Jeff, who fell to the ground with blood pouring out of his pockmarked chest.

“ brother, brother, Jeff…” Lisa tried to stop the blood flow with her trembling hand as tears rained down from her eyes. She raised her head with a desperate expression and looked at Zenon who hurried to her side.

“Z-Zenon haha, please do something, please save my brother...”

Zenon gritted his teeth, his knuckles turning white due to the force with which he was clenching his fist. He looked at Jeff, who was staring up with wandering eyes, eyes that seemed to lose their sparkle with every passing second.

He knelt on one foot, removed his jacket and placed it on Jeff's wound. He took Lisa's hand and placed it on top of the jacket.

“Press hard so it doesn’t bleed more...”

“I'll go find a witch, they definitely have a way to deal with such serious injuries...”

Even if he said these words, he did not have much hope. Even if he found one of the sorcerers, with Jeff's injury almost destroying his lung, had he not trained in the path of the knight, he would have been immediately eliminated.

He looked at the cabin that had become like hell, out of all the students who were here, only the half or less remained alive, the anger within his heart was growing more and more towards the demihumans.

“I swear I will annihilate you one day, every single one of you. I really hate how weak I am. A pathetic weakling, a pathetic talent. If it weren’t for that plant, I wouldn’t have reached my current level!”

He stopped thinking about these things and ran quickly towards the source of the sound of explosions and the fusion of metal that was resulting from the swords colliding with each other.

“I'm literally running towards danger, my senses are warning me not to approach the fighting site... but if I don't take the risk, Jeff will die!”

Zeno walked towards the battle site in the darkness of the night, which was slightly clear due to the moonlight and the train lights

He found several bodies on the way, most of which belonged to the train guards. He even found the body of a familiar person. He couldn't help but sigh in exasperation. He bent down and closed the eyes of Ramos, the examination supervisor for the Knights Academy. He died as a result of a firearm. A bullet pierced his forehead.

Firearms. In this era, newly advanced firearms have appeared and are considered rare. Only a minority have the right to access this type of weapon. Of course, the person who invented this type of weapon was not a powerful knight or a high-level sorcerer.

No, he was just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who was intimidated by sorcerers and knights, and he ended up inventing a weapon that changed the balance of power, so that an ordinary person could kill a knight below the golden level, even if the knight could block bullets with his body when he entered the intermediate level. From the silver level, except for fragile places such as eyes or some other sensitive areas, these places contain fatal weaknesses, but only at levels below the gold level for an ordinary firearm! Of course, sorcerers and knights are two sides of the same coin.

“Hmm, this person!? What is he doing?” Zenon looked from afar at a young man. Because of the fire that illuminated the place, Zenon could see that the young man looked about the same age as him.

“He's definitely not half-human, apparently he's one of the disciples, but what's wrong with that red aura around him...”

Hope suddenly appeared within his heart, “He is the disciples of the Sorcerer Academy, he might have a way to heal Jeff...”

Without further hesitation, Zenon cautiously approached the young man who was oblivious to him, as his entire focus was on the corpse of one of the demihumans.

When Zenon got close enough, he saw that the young man's hand, which he was placing on the demihuman's corpse, was directed by a slightly black red light.

“Ahem, Aadhar...” Zenon spoke, making the young man’s eyes widen in horror. He immediately took several steps back and looked warily at Zenon, but when he saw that the visitor belonged to humans, he relaxed his guard but remained alert.

Zenon looked at him with apologetic eyes, “Sorry, you are one of the students of the Sorcerers Academy, aren’t you!?”

The young man frowned but still nodded in response to Zenon's question, who became cheerful

“Please, a member of my family has been harmed…” Before Zenon could complete his words, the young man interrupted him

“I am not an expert in healing spells, I cannot save...”

“Please, you don't need to heal him, just do something for him to buy more time...” Zenon took out his wallet from his pocket.

“I will give you all the money I have, I have a total of 1,500 rais with me.”

The young man's eyes lit up when he heard Zeno's words. The amount of 1,500 rai was not a small amount for a young man like Zenon. This amount required approximately 5 months to collect.

The young man looked at the half-human corpse and sighed before looking at Zenon, “Good, I agree, show me the way...”

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