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When His Eyes Opened
When His Eyes Opened
Avery Tate was forced to marry a bigshot by her stepmother as her father's company was on the verge of bankruptcy. There was a catch, the bigshot—Elliot Foster—was in a state of coma. In the public’s eye, it was only a matter of time until she was deemed a widow and be kicked out of the family.A twist of event happened when Elliot unexpectedly woke up from his coma.Fuming at his marriage situation, he lashed out on Avery and threatened to kill their babies if they had any. “I’ll kill them with my very hands!” he bawled.Four years had passed when Avery returned to her homeland with her fraternal twins—a boy and a girl.As she pointed at Elliot’s face on a TV screen, she reminded her babies, “Stay far away from this man, he’s sworn to kill you both.” That night, Elliot’s computer was hacked and he was challenged—by one of the twins—to kill them. “Come and get me, *sshole!”
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Cuando Sus Ojos Abrieron
Cuando Sus Ojos Abrieron
La madrastra de Avery Tate la obligó a casarse con un pez gordo debido a que su padre entro en bancarrota. Había un detalle, el pez gordo -Elliot Foster- estaba en estado de coma. A ojos de la opinión pública, era solo cuestión de tiempo que la consideraran viuda y la echaran de la familia.Un giro de los acontecimientos se produjo cuando Elliot despertó inesperadamente del coma.Enfurecido por su situación matrimonial, agredió a Avery y amenazó con matar a sus bebés si los tenían. "¡Los mataré con mis propias manos!", gritó.Habían pasado cuatro años cuando Avery regresó nuevamente a su tierra natal con sus gemelos, un niño y una niña.Mientras señalaba la cara de Elliot en la pantalla del televisor, recordándole a sus bebés: "Manténganse lejos de este hombre, ha jurado matarlos a los dos". Esa noche, el ordenador de Elliot fue hackeado y fue retado, por uno de los gemelos, a que fuera a matarlos. "¡Ven a por mí, gilip*llas!".
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Even After Death
Even After Death
Olivia Fordham was married to Ethan Miller for three years, but that time could not compare with the ten years he spent loving his first love, Marina Carlton. On the day that she gets diagnosed with stomach cancer, Ethan happens to be accompanying Marina to her children's health check-up. She doesn't make any kind of fuss, only leaving quietly with the divorce agreement. However, this attracts an even more fervent retribution. It seems Ethan only ever married Olivia to take revenge for what happened to his little sister. While Olivia is plagued by her sickness, he holds her chin and says coldly, "This is what your family owes me." Now, she has no family and no future. Her father becomes comatose after a car accident, leaving her with nothing to live for. Thus, she hurls herself from a building. "The life my family owes will now be repaid." At this, Ethan, who's usually calm, panics while begging for Olivia to come back as if he's in a state of frenzy …
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La Heredera Divorciada Billonaria
La Heredera Divorciada Billonaria
Nicole Stanton, la joven más rica del mundo, apareció secretamente en el aeropuerto, pero los paparazzis la reconocieron de inmediato. Paparazzi A: “Sra. Stanton, ¿por qué terminó su matrimonio de tres años con el Sr. Ferguson?”. Ella sonrió y dijo: “Porque tengo que heredar mi propia fortuna familiar de mil millones de dólares…” Paparazzi B: “¿Dicen que has estado saliendo con un montón de chicos en un mes, ¿verdad?” Antes de que la heredera multimillonaria pudiera hablar, una voz seria llegó desde lejos. "No, son todas noticias falsas". Eric Ferguson apareció entre la multitud. “También tengo una propiedad que vale mil millones de dólares. Sra. Stanton, ¿por qué no hereda la fortuna de mi familia?
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The Dark Side Of Fate
The Dark Side Of Fate
Books 1 and 2 In a world where it is almost impossible to find a fated mate and hard to reject them, Tamia finds herself in a bind when her husband suddenly finds his fated mate. From the loved and wanted wife, she faded into the shadows of his heart. The heartbreak is intense, yet she can't let go because of the ties that bind them, but she knows only true freedom can bring her peace. So when an opportunity to escape her husband's pack presents itself by virtue of sacrifice, she takes it and does not look back. Fate might have decided to rob her of her joy, her home and her happy ending, but Tamia takes destiny into her hands and decides to create her own fate with the Dark Alpha.
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Beyond the Divorce
Beyond the Divorce
Most people often see marriage as a reincarnation for women. So, countless foolish women jump into one without a second thought. Many people see my husband as the perfect husband. He cared for me and loved me in every way. Yet, he still cheated on me right under my nose. Faced with the hypocrisy and ugliness behind his facade as a perfect husband, I've decided to serve him karma on a silver platter!
9.11.9M viewsCompleted
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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha
Accidental Surrogate for Alpha
After struggling with infertility for years and being betrayed by her lover, Ella finally decides to have a baby on her own. However everything goes wrong when she gets inseminated with the sperm of intimidating billionaire Dominic Sinclair. All of a sudden her life is turned upside down when the mix up comes to light -- especially because Sinclair isn't just any billionaire, he's also a werewolf campaigning to be Alpha King! He's not going to let just anyone have his pup, can Ella convince him to let her stay in her child's life? And why is he always looking at her like she's his next meal?! He couldn't be interested in a human, could he?
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Ámame otra vez
Ámame otra vez
Hope era la esposa de Blake Cameron, uno de los magnates más prestigiosos y reconocidos en la industria del cine. Actor, director y productor, ella tenía la vida que muchas mujeres en el medio deseaban, pero había sido ella quien se había hecho con el corazón del famoso magnate. Entonces pensó que la llegada de su primer bebé consolidaría aquella relación. Hope nunca pudo estar más equivocada y el golpe llegó cuando su marido la acusó de infidelidad y la echó de su lado. Tras la muerte de su padre, Hope se ve obligada a regresar a la ciudad de Los Ángeles seis años después para compartir la dirección de la empresa con nada más y nada menos que su marido. ¿Qué pensará Blake cuando conozca al pequeño Matthew? ¿Podrá seguir renegando de la verdad?
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The Alpha King's Hated Slave
The Alpha King's Hated Slave
King Lucien hates her more than anything in the world, because she is the daughter of the King who killed his family and enslaved him, and his people.He made her his slave. He owns her, and he will pay her back in spades, everything her father did to him. And her father did a lot. Scarred him into being the powerful but damaged monster King he is.A King who battles insanity every single day.A King who hates—LOATHES—to be touched.A King who hasn't slept well in the past fifteen years.A King who can't produce an heir to his throne.Oh, will he make her pay.But then again, Princess Danika is nothing like her father. She is different from him. Too different.And when he set out to make her pay, he was bound to find out just how different she is from her father.*********A love that rose from deep-rooted hatred. What exactly does fate have in-store for these two?Aree you as interested in this ride as I am!?Then, fasten up your seatbelts. We're going on a bumpy ride!
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Alpha's Claimed Mate
Alpha's Claimed Mate
“ Know this. You have to do what I ask of you. And don’t ask any questions. ” His voice drops a few octaves. Instinctively, I place my hands over his chest, feeling his beating heart under my palm. “ Just do as I say and everything will be fine. ” His eyes lower to my lips. “ Or else…”  The lingering threat triggers the rebel side of mine. “ Or else? ” “ Or else…” He lifts his gaze to my eyes and shoots me a very promising smirk. “ I will make you. " ******** ******** A wild night out with her two best friends, away from her controlling boyfriend was all Natalie Whitman planned on the ocassion of her 20th birthday, but it didn't turn out quite right. Because now, she was marked and claimed by a man she doesn't even know and her boyfriend of two years is pounding the door. Hide the truth or pretend to be not marked—That's her only choice but it doesn't prove out to be easy when the Alpha who marked her comes barging in her life and it becomes impossible for her to ignore him.
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