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Casado por engano
Casado por engano
Madeline Crawford amou Jeremy Whitman durante doze anos, mas no final foi ele que a mandou para a prisão. Entre o seu sofrimento e a sua dor, ela teve de ver o seu homem apaixonar-se por outra mulher...Cinco anos depois, ela regressou com força renovada, já não a mesma mulher que ele menosprezou há anos! Com esta nova força, ela irá despedaçar aqueles que fingem ser puros e pisar a escumalha desta terra. No entanto, quando ela está prestes a ter a sua vingança com o homem que a injustiçou... Ele passa subitamente de um psicopata frio e insensível a um homem carinhoso, caloroso e amoroso! De facto, ele até lhe beija os pés em frente de uma multidão, tudo isto enquanto lhe promete: "Madeline, eu estava errada em amar a outra. A partir de agora, vou passar o resto da minha vida a tentar compensá-la". Ao que Madeline responde: "Só te perdoarei se tu....morrer".
9.12.3M viewsCompleted
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Castigado por su amor
Castigado por su amor
Ella era una mujer cuya vida dependía de los demás. Se vio obligada a ser una chiva expiatoria y al final se quedó embarazada. Él era el soltero más destacable con abundantes riquezas y poder. Al principio él pensaba que ella era la flor del mal, manchada de codicia y engaño. Y ella ya decidió no enamorarse de él, así que desapareció de su lado. Furioso, juró buscarla hasta los confines del mundo para recuperarla. Toda la ciudad sabía que sería encontrada tarde o temprano. Con desesperación, ella se quejó: "Ya no me importa este matrimonio, así que ¿por qué todavía no me dejas ir?" De manera dominante, él respondió: "¿Me has robado el corazón y has dado a luz a mi hijo, y ahora me dices que quieres escapar de mí?"
9.52.9M viewsCompleted
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Casamento relâmpago: meu marido é bilionário
Casamento relâmpago: meu marido é bilionário
Aurora Garcia realizou um casamento relâmpago com um homem estranho no primeiro dia em que se conheceram.Ela achava que o seu casamento seria apenas uma convivência, sem amor envolvido.Mas ela não esperava que seu marido se apaixonasse profundamente por ela.O que mais a surpreendia era que toda vez que ela enfrentasse uma situação difícil, assim que ele aparecia ao seu lado, tudo se resolvia facilmente.Quando ela perguntava o porquê, ele sempre dizia que era apenas sorte.Até que um dia, ela assistiu a uma entrevista com um homem mais rico de cidade G, famoso por proteger sua esposa, e ficou chocada ao descobrir que este homem era justamente o seu marido. E quanto a essa esposa que ele tanto protegia, era ela mesma!
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Esposa Pecadora
Esposa Pecadora
Madeline Crawford amó a Jeremy Whitman por doce años, pero finalmente fue él quien la envió a prisión. Entre su sufrimiento y su dolor, tuvo que presenciar cómo su hombre se enamoró de otra mujer...Cinco años después, ella regresó, pero con actitudes totalmente nuevas y distintas, y quería que todo el mundo supiera que ¡ya no era la misma mujer que él había humillado antes!Con esta nueva actitud, destrozaría a aquellos que pretendían ser inocentes pero en realidad no eran nada más que una .Sin embargo, justo cuando ella estaba a punto de vengarse del hombre que la lastimó... ¡De repente, él dejó de ser un hombre cruel e indiferente, y se convirtió en un hombre cariñoso, afectuoso y muy amoroso!Aún más, él incluso podía besar los pies de ella frente a la multitud, mientras le prometía: “Madeline, fue toda culpa mía. Me equivoqué en el hecho de amar a otra mujer. De ahora en adelante, pasaré el resto de mi vida tratando de compensarte ".Madeline respondió: "Solo te perdonaré si...te mueras".
8.84.1M viewsCompleted
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Arrependimento do ex-marido
Arrependimento do ex-marido
Ava Nove anos atrás eu fiz uma coisa horrível. Eu não me orgulho disso, mas tive a oportunidade de ter o cara que amei desde pequena e aproveitei. Anos depois, estou cansada de viver em um casamento sem amor. Quero libertar nós dois de um casamento que nunca deveria ter acontecido. Dizem que se você ama alguém… Você tem que dar liberdade.. Eu sei que ele nunca vai me amar e que nunca vou ser a pessoa da vida dele. Seu coração sempre vai ser dela e, apesar dos meus pecados, eu mereço ser amada. RowanNove anos atrás, eu estava tão apaixonado que não conseguia enxergar direito. Estraguei tudo quando cometi o pior erro da minha vida e, no processo, perdi o amor da minha vida. Eu sabia que tinha que assumir minha responsabilidade e foi o que fiz, com uma esposa que não queria. Com a mulher errada. Agora ela mais uma vez mudou minha vida, se divorciando de mim. Para complicar ainda mais as coisas, o amor da minha vida voltou à cidade. Agora, a única questão é: quem é a mulher certa? A garota por quem me apaixonei anos atrás? Ou minha ex-mulher, a mulher que eu nunca quis, mas tive que me casar?
9.5450.6K viewsOngoing
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An Important Villain
An Important Villain
"What the hell?! I didn't jump down the bridge to get transmigrated into a Fantasy novel!" Noah decides to end his meaningless life after fulfilling all his worldly duties, finding no attachment or will left to keep living. But when he opens his eyes after drowning, he finds himself in the body of a villain inside a Novel that he used to read. "Since I did receive a second chance in life, let's watch the drama from a VIP seat." He decides to enjoy the rich life of a nobles son while helping Arthur, the original protagonist, with his quest once in a while. That's how Noah's new life in a fantasy world began.
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Wrath of Nathan Poroit
Wrath of Nathan Poroit
Nathan had to face disgrace and humiliation in the hands of his wife, he was treated like a servant and he never complained until three years later, he decided to put an end to all of it and divorce her. Nathan plans to get revenge on everyone who humiliates and despises him. Read Wrath of Nathan Poroit to learn about Nathan's story
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Every day brought this moment closer with the inexorability of a metronome, but still humanity was not ready. Neither the experience of previous tragedies, nor the tremendous work done for his own salvation, nor the simple fact that the date of this event was known long before everyone realized its inevitability did not save him from a wave of despair in the face of an inevitable threat. The countdown has begun, what must happen will surely happen, we will step towards the great cosmos and all its horrors, the only question is the price that humanity will have to pay four centuries before the Age Beyond.
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Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon
Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon
"My granddaughter will divorce Noah immediately, and we'll begin the preparations for her engagement with James Clifton. That's my final decision!” The matriarch declared, turning her gaze towards Noah, whom she considered less worthy than roadkill. “Or, you can just take the blame in place of Henry.” Voices rose in her support, urging Noah to accept his fate and go to jail for a crime he never committed. “Do you think a gutter rat like you compares with our precious Henry?” “You’re nothing but a worthless villager who got lucky by chance, but my daughter doesn't have to be tied to a fucking freeloader forever!” “Why Eliana ever agreed to marry you, I’ll never understand! I guess my lovely daughter has a heart of gold, but I won't let you take advantage of her!” Their eyes were cold and judgmental towards Noah, who was still an outsider after three years. “Just because you're allowed to live here, don't start thinking that you own the bloody palace! You’re nothing but a stain on this family’s name.” ***** Noah Kingsley– the heir to Edencrest Estate! He doesn't even need to walk amongst the mortals, for his lineage is one of Kings Yet, he lives a double life as Noah Turner, the downtrodden son-in-law of the Frost Family… all to repay a debt of his life saved by the girl, long long ago. Until one day… the Frosts force him to divorce his loving wife and take the blame for her cousin's heinous crime. Noah is ready to show the world his real power, but will his wife accept his new identity? What lies ahead for him at the family he was kicked out from, at the tender age of five? Will he ever be able to claim his place?
107.5K viewsOngoing
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Transportation In A Gaming World
Transportation In A Gaming World
In the year 202X, a virtual game came into existence, sweeping all the records and crashing the server. It became history to sweep all the records in the world of creation. The developer of Virtual Survival Instinct, Alexander, and his whole team thought it was the breakthrough of their life and everything ahead was sunshine and rainbows. Until a strange incident started happening to people who were logging in to the game. People started getting lost in the virtual world, unable to come out. It was unusual, not typical of the system. After a series of investigations, it came to light that a bug had been planted in the game which was causing people to get stuck in there. To stop people from getting lost inside the virtual reality and to save the child Alex created with his own hands, he decided to enter in. " Congratulations, the host has entered the virtual instinct ". Ding! " New mission: The host is required to clear the bugs ". A person as new as Alexander in a world full of dangers and monsters, he lost his life in vain while saving the people from Sunray cave. He met Mike, a person who was scary yet kind by heart but got no time to spend time with him, and he died. But that wasn't the end, the second time he entered the game, he met Sharon and Charlie. Will he be able to sweep all the bugs and save his child? (Attention: The cover image isn't mine, it belongs to its rightful owner )
94.5K viewsOngoing
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