In the urban fantasy novel "Hellstinger," billionaire playboy musician Marcus Hellstinger is thrust into a world of supernatural forces and ancestral history after a mysterious visitation drives him insane. Discovering his parents' secret past as legendary superheroes, Marcus awakens to his own inherited powers and vows to avenge their deaths while battling the demonic god Romulus and his legion of minions. With the guidance of his devoted trainer/bodyguard/caretaker, Alexander Hill, Marcus must navigate a treacherous path of betrayal, self-discovery, and redemption as he faces the ultimate showdown against the formidable Romulus to protect his city and honor his family's legacy...
"Ugh! Grr hmgh..!" Marcus grunts with effort as he climbs out of the cavern onto the leveled ground of the dark cave. "Argh!"
He sighed and exhaled heavily, taking in a lungful of oxygen only to exhale more heavily as he crawled to rest his back on the cave wall.
"Damn..." He huffed heavily, panting and aching. His fingers had blistered, aching, and bleeding, his back felt at its breaking point, his muscles could hardly respond to him anymore, and his stomach groaned relentlessly for food.
He had collected the bow from the stream of luminous fluid, strapped it to his back, and climbed out of the cavern. Marcus had never been so out of his elements before, and climbing had never been an imagination much less doing it fatigued and hungry.
Marcus laughed, who knew he could ever go this hungry and still climb several meters out of an underground cave? No one. Although he has no idea how long ago he had left his hotel room or how far he had walked to the forest, he knows he will have to do it all over again.
"Ah f@#k!"
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