Dead Soul Exorcist
In the wake of a devastating plague that claimed the lives of 95% of Umbravale's inhabitants, Kieran Nyxshade returns from his grandmother's house to a city in ruins, his parents among the casualties. At 17, the time has come for Kieran to awaken his magical powers, but instead of a blessing, he is bestowed with a cursed ability—the power of a Revenant.
Haunted by loss and fueled by a desire for justice, Kieran discovers the orchestrator of the mysterious plague. Determined to vanquish the restless souls and confront the cruel princes of Valorthorn Kingdom, he embarks on a journey where alliances are fragile, and the line between darkness and heroism blurs. Can Kieran harness his newfound power to reshape the fate of Varidianth Kingdom, or will the shadows consume him in his quest for vengeance?
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