Arcane Exorcist
Following the discovery of a formidable grade of Primes dubbed, 'The Colossal Prime', Adam and his crew stumbled on a grotesque being, found unconscious in the Abandoned Sector of New Chrisland City. This being turned out to be an adolescent male, who for some reason had a strange case of Mana Contamination.
After being asleep for a Long period of time, the formerly unconscious youth suddenly regained consciousness with no memory of his life. Thanks to the help of Xavier, he was able to regain a tiny fraction of his memory, which included his name, Jeremy.
Learning what happened humanity fifty years ago, Jeremy decided to fight with humanity against the ever expanding and evolving beasts known as 'Primes', a group of vicious monsters that solely prey on humans. Not long after this, the so called 'Colossal Primes' reappeared, laying waste to human civilization.
Jeremy alongside humanities greatest forces, went into all out war with the Primes, with Humans coming out victorious in the war. This victory came with a huge cost, as half of Earth's population was destroyed but thanks to the Survivors resilience, humanity stood tall, restoring balance to their world.
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