The Kingdom of Guhya
In the land of Almercia, a hidden dimension harbors a baffling enigma. Within this secret realm, four women known as the Valencias—Thania, Alhyssa, Venice, and Blair—reside, each assuming unique roles in managing a prominent school. Meanwhile, five close friends inadvertently stumble upon the elusive entrance to this concealed dimension in the real world, promptly becoming lost within its ethereal borders. As their paths intertwine, the Valencias mistakenly identify a man named Lorde as their old acquaintance, Jax, accusing him of betrayal. Caught amidst this web of uncertainty, the Valencias and the group of friends will navigate their newfound connection. Will they succumb to their suspicions and become bitter adversaries, or will they defy the odds and cultivate a remarkable and unyielding bond borne out of unwavering loyalty, love, friendship, and virtues? Through their collective journey, the Valencias and their newly found companions will encounter challenges that put their allegiances and values to the ultimate test, propelling them towards an enthralling climax of self-discovery and resilience in the KINGDOM OF GUHYA.
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