The Revenant Mutation
In a world devastated by the Revenant Virus, chaos reigns as the infected transform into relentless zombies, and plants and animals mutate into monstrous predators. Amid the apocalypse, a rare few humans evolve into powerful beings called Revenants, but at a grim cost—they survive by feeding on human blood. Victor, haunted by the loss of his family during the outbreak, awakens from a plane crash to find himself changed. Once weak and powerless, he’s now one of the Revenants, with incredible strength and speed. Yet, this transformation fills him with self-loathing, leaving him struggling between his new found powers and the terrible downsides.
But, in a world where humans are almost as dangerous as the monsters, and trust becomes a luxury, Victor must come to terms with his new identity and the responsibility it brings. What begins as a personal mission grows into a fight for humanity’s survival, forcing Victor to rise as a reluctant hero in a world teetering on the edge of extinction.
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