In a distant universe, two realms coexist: Nirvana, brimming with vibrant life energy, and Infernum, cloaked in dark power. Three races inhabit Nirvana—humans, werewolves, and the ruling Eminence. In Infernum, the Risens reside amidst rivers of blood. These realms are linked by dimensional channels controlled by the Eminence and the formidable Irae clan. Regis, a boy in the realm of Infernum, bears the weight of his status and the chains that bind him, torn between embracing his freedom and safeguarding his loved ones. Will he choose to let his beloved perish or sacrifice himself?
Amidst the confusion, Regis encounters a handsome yet strange boy in a dimensional channel. Will this encounter alter Regis' fate for the better, or will it further twist him in a whirlwind of doubt?
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