All Chapters of Nothing Wrong: Chapter 31
- Chapter 40
105 chapters
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
31After three interviews I had two job offers. Turns out knocking on doors and bending the truth slightly can get you a job. Not only that obviously I had to prove myself. In each mill I was asked my opinion and being me I gave it to them straight. They seemed to be impressed that I didn’t kiss ass and pointed out places that could be more efficient. Now I had a decision to make. Bank bottom was bigger and paid more. West Yorkshire weavers was a small outfit that had an easier job. It paid less but gave me more time and less stress. Knowing how I handled stress I was leaning toward that option. The thing was I needed to be challenged or I would get lazy.Louise had made me think I need a get out plan. I’m nnot stupid at some point the police will start to put two and two together. At no point have I ever thought that I was perfect. I have probably left fingerprints at each murder. There are more than likely hair samples. Until I am caught though those things are useless
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
32Everything was going great. New life booked and paid for in advance. At the time I thought it was expensive but after they told me what was included I realise that it’s a bargain. Not only will I get a new birth certificate driving licence and passport but when I need to disappear the hide me until everything is in place. Once I am out of sight they buy my house, not for the full amount that it is worth but close enough so I have a good wedge of cash in a new bank account that coincided with my new I.D. Yes, it was a lot to pay out and not get anything for until the time it was needed other than a name and phone number but you wouldn’t drive a car without insurance and that’s how I looked at this. This was more than life insurance. It was life and freedom insurance. This was an investment in my future.Louise had been gone for a fortnight now. My life was getting back to normal but I still thought of them two daily. She was one of the few people who had shown me any k
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
33This is where things were going to go wrong. At the same time, I could not let it drop. This man had messed with the wrong girl this time and Adam is just a baby. The street lights were on and my temper was up.“Lou listen to me. Where is Adam? We have to act fast.”“He lives just around the corner. Go down here and turn right. What are you going to do Harry?”Her voice was shaking as she spoke and a single tear rolled down her cheek. She must be shitting her pants right now and I’m not surprised in the slightest.“Get me to the house where Adam is and it will all be ok.”“Ok. Slow down it’s that house there.”Louise pointed down the road at a mid-terraced house. The curtains were closed but light shone through dully. I pulled over badly into a large space. I parked like a prick that I would normally grumble at. I left half a car length in front of me behind a parked car and there was nothing behind me. Switching off the engine I took Lou
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
34The house was behind me and getting smaller as I drove away. Adam was now silent again back in his mother’s arms as I drove obeying all the traffic laws to the letter. Getting pulled over now would be just my luck. It would most certainly serve me right for going off half-cocked and no plan. It would be nice to say I’m stressed but that would be an understatement. Seeing Lou with Adam in her arms made it seem like it was worth it. The blood-soaked clothes, on the other hand, I could do without. Driving in jeans that were twice their usual weight and sticky was not pleasant.“Harry thank you. I owe you everything but what have you done?”“Lou I could tell you but I probably shouldn’t.”“Harry I’m scared. What have you done?”“I will tell you but I have to get home before anyone sees me.”“Ok.”I know that I had said I would tell her what I had done but right now I was doing my best to think of a way not to. If I told her then she would be
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
35The money was no longer in my possession and to be fair I was a bit paranoid that I would never see it again. No, technically the money wasn’t mine but it was going to go a long way in my new life. Not all of the money was getting cleaned I kept three thousand back. Two thousand of this was to buy Adam and Louise new lives as well if they wanted to come with me when the manure hit the fan. I’m still not deluded enough to think I will be free forever. Like I would really need to worry about that when I tell her why it will need to happen. Let’s see how would it go.“Hi, Lou. Just wanted to say that I have killed at least three people. Potentially five there is two I don’t know as I had to leave the crime scene in a bit of a hurry but if you’re with that do you want to be with me until the time comes that we have to leave and then become someone else?”I changed my voice to a ridiculously high pitch for a woman’s
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
36A week later and it had occurred to me that Louise was saying that she wanted to be with me. At the same time, she was permitting me to take things slow. I’m not a virgin don’t think that. I have had sex a grand total of four times. With four different people. That was what I thought was a reasonable amount to ddecide that sex is overrated and too time-consuming. It’s a huge distraction from other things in life that you are missing out on and need your undivided attention. Speaking of which my attention was now on Mrs Clark and where to find her. I was in my old school’s office and asking questions.“So you are saying that you were one of Mrs Clark?”“Yes and now I have grown up I realise that a lot of my life choices have been down to her and I want to show her my appreciation.”“Oh that’s such a nice thing, to do. So what can I do to help?”This girl on the reception desk was pretty. Pretty dumb. Now I wasn’t sure if just giving a fake name was go
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
37The table was set when I walked in. Louise had found some wine glasses somewhere and placed them on the table half full of white wine. Taking the piss I picked up the cheap bottle of plonk and examined the label. I then picked up the glass held it to my nose and took a quick exaggerated sniff. Then I tasted it a small sip and then drilled it around my mouth like mouthwash. Instead of spitting it out, I swallowed it.“That will do nicely. You picked a good an there lass.”“I’m glad sir approves.”We were giggling and smiling. Her face was just relaxed and happy. Was this down to me or was it me? It felt right to put the food down on the work surface and placed my hands on her hips. We faced each other and her body tensed as I held her. She gasped in and I moved in closer and closer until our lips touched. I pulled back slowly and her eyes were still closed. She blinked her eyes open.“Well, Harry if that’s what wine does to you I will get it more ofte
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
38Mrs Clark walked into my old junior school and I was watching. It seemed to take her a long time. I had bbeen waiting for three long boring hours. The time gave me a rest and some thinking space. Unfortunately for Mrs Clark, my thoughts were about how I could make her suffer. She is now old and I’m fit and strong. I wonder who will bully who now? I was liking the idea of taking her fingers and toes one by one in different ways I’m not sure if I can think of twenty ways to cut them off but I’m going to have a good go. The bitch came out of school and got into her car. It wasn’t aanything flashy a small blue car with a dent in the back like she had reversed into a post or something. She set off and I held back a few seconds to let a car pass and get in-between us. Her speed was infuriating she didn’t go above twenty-five miles an hour. Luckily for me she didn’t live far away just a few miles from the school about ten from my house. When she got to her house I coul
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
39According to the papers, there had been a crime committed in the local area. The report said that there had been a gruesome blood bath at a local pimp and drug dealers house. One man had his head smashed into a pulp and was dead. One man was in a critical condition and early signs were bad. If he did survive he was going to have long term brain damage. One man was reported to be doing well and on the mend. He has been cooperative with the police and given them a description. When I read that my sphincter tightened up. My stoanach churned and the contents started to rise. I shot to my feet and ran up the stairs to the bathroom.Once I was cleaned up I stumbled back downstairs. Louise came down after me. She was talking but I didn’t hear her. Not a word made it to my brain. The sound might as well have been in a different country for all I cared right now. I sat back down at the table and started at the paper. It had a artists impression of my face looking back
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
40So I might have been wrong about sex. It can be fun and very distracting. Louise is very good at it. If it was possible to stay in bed forever I would have. Unfortunately, bodily functions happen and eventually so would death. Someone at work pointed out that I looked like the guy in the paper. My first reaction was to run but at the same time, I knew that would get me pinched. So I faked it out.“Morning Harry. How you doing?”“Morning Colin. I’m not bad thanks. How about you?”I hate making small talk. Do I really give a shit if you’re having a crap day no? Is anything you say going to affect me in any way. Usually no but today.“Yeah not bad. Have you seen this in the paper?”“No what is it?”“here.”He passed me a newspaper. It was folded back open on the page with the picture of me. I gave the paper a shake and pretended to give it a good looking at.“Well I suppose he kind of looks like me but I haven’t got the stomach f