All Chapters of Nothing Wrong: Chapter 51
- Chapter 60
105 chapters
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
51Last night was a long night. Excitement kept me awake. Thinking about this made me come to the conclusion that Lou would be better in my room instead of the spare room. No dumb idea we haven’t been together long enough for that step. Anyway back to today. Killing Mrs Clark. My plan was simple. Step one park up a few streets away. Step two go around the back of Mrs Clark’s house and break-in. On my stakeouts, I had noticed that the back door was flimsy with a few ways to get in without a lot of noise. Step four walk up to her bedroom where she would still be asleep and wake her up. Step five tie her up silence her and let the killing commence. My car was already loaded with some new toys and two changes of clothes.Breakfast wasn’t going how I had planned. My idea was to have breakfast on my own and go. It was early far too early for her to be up but Adam had other plans. He started to cry at three AM and Lou got up with him and took him downstairs.
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
52The back door to Mrs Clarks was slightly rotten. In my bag of goodies was a crowbar. After a quick assessment, I saw that the frame would split easily by the lock. I wiggled the bar into a small crack and pulled. The wood started to make cracking and splintering sounds. Slowly adding more pressure until the catch popped. The door swung opened a little more violently than I anticipated but the sound was minimal. Taking a quick look around before entering I saw no one.Inside the house was dark and quiet. Even in the shadows, I could tell that this place was tidy and clean. From my bag, I took some cable ties and a knife. To keep my movement silent I took off my shoes and walked on the balls of my feet. From the kitchen to the living room and up the stairs. All the doors were open making it easy to find the right room. She didn’t move a muscle as I stood over her sleeping body. Her mouth hung open it amused me to see her without her teeth. At the same time, it s
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
53Was it so easy to read me? This nasty piece of work saw me for who I was from being five years old. Is that why I have had such problems with people all my life. All my efforts to be normal have failed. That hurts more than anything in my life. I failed as a person. Manipulation and hiding have not worked out for me so maybe I should change things. It might shorten my life span of cost my freedom but I might be happy. I’m telling Lou. How can I say I love her when she doesn’t know who I am? If she doesn’t know me she can’t love me back. Do I love her? That’s a big statement and I don’t know or understand feelings. This was a distraction I didn’t need now. I went back to my task.“So now you know your right about me what are you going to do about it.”Mrs Clark looked up at me. Her face turned into a smile and then a laugh came from her.“Well, it looks like I’m going to die for my silenc
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
54 Night was drawing in and the orange glow from the street lights was dull and muted. Sporadically cars would pass the house of Mrs Clark. After a full day with the bitch I found she didn’t have as many friends or family who cared about her as I thought she might. Not once did her phone ring. That gave me hope that she wouldn’t be found for a few days. Killing Mrs Clark was not as joyous as I had hoped. The bitch had managed to get under my skin and I had killed her sooner than I wanted to. I had planned to take her limbs slowly one by one from toe to neck. Cauterising each wound as I went stopping the bleeding. But no I just slit her throat making her death quick. Before leaving the house I changed my clothes and wiped down anything I had touched. When leaving the house I did a quick fix on the door lock so from the outside it looked closed. In reality, the door would come open easily but that didn’t matter. As far as I could see things were ok. No people about and
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
55“I wish you hadn’t seen that. I like you.”“What?”Carla was looking at me with fear in her eyes. She was edging back away from me. There was nothing for it I had to let the blackness take over. So much for a couple of pints then home. I was starting to think of myself as being different people that was a bit concerning. There is the person people see and think they know. There is the me that kills. Then there is the me who has some feelings for Lou and Adam. Now back to the girl. She was speaking at me but I hhadn’t heard what she was saying.“HELP!”That was all I heard. I dived for the door and slammed the bolt in to the hole locking us in. The girl ran for a door behind the bar. In three steps I was at the bar and vaulting over. My feet hooked on the handrail that ran around the bar and I went head over heels sprawling on the floor. All my weight landed on my thumb and I heard a snap. Pain shot
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
56My thumb was in agony and I was in a fucking mess. Light was Less than when I first walked in but not low enough for me to go unnoticed if I was seen. I forced myself to look at my thumb even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. It was shorter than the last time I looked at it and bent at a strange angle. Suddenly vomit rose up and flooded my mouth and sprayed out of my lips. Sick splashed on the ground by my blood-covered shoes spattering them completing my ensemble. My hands were shaking with the pain I can now feel from my thou. I took another look at my thumb. It was now clear after a second look that I had pushed my thumb out of its socket and up into the back of my hand slightly. With my right hand, I wrapped my fingers around my thumb and pulled. The pain was unbelievable. Somehow I managed to pull it forward and it clicked back. It still hurt but nowhere near as much as before.“OH MY GOD! CARLA.”Who ever was in the bar had obviou
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
57There is only one thing for it. I am taking the man’s clothes. Granted they are old men’s but beggars can’t be choosers. His beige cardigan wasn’t going to do me any favor's with the fashion police but they weren’t my problem. The real police are. Getting down to my underwear in a room with one dead girl and an old man who probably won’t pull through is not my idea of a good time. To be honest it was creeping me out a bit. The thought of putting on his clothes seemed like bad luck or omen. Needs must though and if I have any chance of freedom this was it.As I finished getting dressed knocking came from the pub door. It froze me to the spot. I was terrified to move in case I made a noise my breathing stopped and I didn’t miss the air normally needed to live. Again louder and more persistent banging came then shouts.“Come on open up. I’ve got a mouth like the Sahara out here.”A pause then ano
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
58 Adam was now in bed and I was pacing up and down. My mind was working overtime playing out different scenarios. When she said don’t wait up was she meaning she wasn’t coming back? Could she have been insinuating that she was going to sleep with another man? The bag of blood covered clothes caught my eye. This would be a welcome distraction. I would go and burn them ready to throw away somewhere. Oh, and while I was at it I could change my number plates. By the time the tasks are done, she might be back and we can make up. Hours were ticking by at a pace that was not good for my mental health. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes like hours. Why did time have to pass like this? Why couldn’t all-time move at the same pace? Well there is nothing for it at eleven twenty-six and forty-three seconds I’m going to bed and when I wake up in the morning she will be here with a the mother of all hangovers and a baby to look after as I go to work. Then who will be laughing?
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
59After pulling myself together I realised that Lou had done two things. One hurt me more than any kick or punch ever had and that was she left me alone. She brought up all the feelings that others had made me feel. At the time I couldn’t understand but now I see. Both my parents were gone. Friends or so-called friends had been and gone. All leaving me on my own. Lou threatened me with that again. The other thing was she said“You’re not as nice as you make out.”Now that was telling me she was having doubts about me. Someone or something has got in her head telling her something is off about me. What it was I don’t know but I will find out before saying anything to her at all. We let the conversation die at the point of her revolution and went to bed. I had to be at work in about four hours and I hand a bag of ash to dispose of as well. If I don’t sleep I’m leaving myself open to mistakes.After what felt like t
Nothing Wrong/Simon 1982
60Lou seemed to still have something on her mind after our little spat. I had been avoiding the inevitable conversation for days now. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife when either one of us walked into a room with the other tension was evident. It was bugging me that more and more people seemed to be getting suspicious of me. Maybe if I look back at my life people have always had an aversion to me. Not many stayed around me for long. Lou was probably the longest relationship out of family I have had and we had only known each other for about six months now. Today I was planning to go car shopping but this with Lou was getting to me. I was going to have it out with her today before I told her about going car shopping. Straight after the washing up was done. Yes I’m fully aware that in procrastinating but. But nothing do it and get it over with I told myself. Right here it goes.“Lou can you come here a minute please.”I called to her as