All Chapters of Asher the Insane: Chapter 61
- Chapter 70
103 chapters
61 - Asher the High-Elf
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
It's pretty huge, the building I mean. Rike's spire, just as the barman had told me, was the tallest thing I had ever seen in this world, even in my own world. Looking up, it must have pierced into the clouds themselves. Who knew how far it went beyond them? The golden tiles, which lead up to the spire in some sort of road, were in immaculate condition, none of them were damaged or broken even the slightest. Grass, which usually crept its way through the ground, wasn't even touching them. I only assumed it was gold because, in my subjective reality, they were green at the time. I only recently discovered that, in this body, I was unable to distinguish between the colors green and gold. It wasn't particularly bad, just strange. Color blindness usually came in red-green, blue-yellow or complete blindness to color, not green-gold. I wonder where that came from. Do all elves have this? Or maybe it's just in the high-elven subgroup. There could be a weird genetic code in these fantasy
62 - Two of A Kind
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
While there was still a considerable distance separating them, the voices of the two elves were carried perfectly through the marble hall. "Come now, a conversation shouldn't be held in the entrance of a home," the older elf gestured for the younger one to follow. Up the countless marble steps, there wasn't another door waiting, but a platform to carry them through the mighty structure. It rose into the air and flew like the wind, but the two elves felt nothing since it was in perfect equilibrium. Just as the moment had passed, they already reached the spire, the very top of the citadel. Stepping off the platform into the only room available, they finally settled down in a workshop. Unusual objects were strewn throughout it, chaotic yet possessing a feeling of order. While they were distinct, familiar but foreign, the younger high-elf felt as though he remembered some of these items. He wanted to touch them and so he did, while the older elf sat by one of the chairs next to the
63 - Rike and his Journey to the Crown
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
"I have not come here to talk about myself. I'd rather have it that you tell me more about your life, if that isn't too much of a hassle for you," Asher stated. After he'd agreed to listen to an old man's stories, Rike told him about his own life. "I am old, very old in fact. As I told you, high-elves usually don't count their years, though I did, which is usually for any long-lived elf. In a few months, I will turn twenty-thousand-and-ninety-four. I believe I am one of the oldest elves that is still alive and conscious. Yet, because I am a high-elf, nothing, not even a wound or illness, can kill me. Stab me, poison me, even rip of my head from my neck, nothing would end me.When I was younger, I frequently heard about the marvels of the world but never experienced them for myself.High elves are known of, not seen. So the idea of travelling was heavily discouraged. So I stayed. I had a family like everyone else. I received high-elf education, which has the highest standard in this
64 - Rike the Old King
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
He was not an elf, neither was he not an elf. I didn't truly know what the 'correct' reality about his being was, but, ultimately, it didn't matter. Neither it nor my opinion on the fact mattered. The encounter with someone of my own race left me feeling perplexed, especially when it was not the norm for high-elves to present themselves unannounced. But what was even more surprising was the revelation that this visitor was just like me, spirited away from his own world, his previous life, into this one, where, with a one-hundred percent guarantee, there must have been even more than just the two of us. He said that his names; Cyrus previously and Asher now held no significance; if he believed this, then I would too. This was the truth of the matter. I also had two identities, once. I was someone and then someone else, though one of them was eroded by the passage of time until it, just as it was to him, held no significance. Now I was, and forever will be until my end, Crown Rike;
65 - Asher the Envoy
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
"Sure I'll be. I can't imagine sending you a few letters from time to time would hinder me in any way, so why not? Or is there something special I'll have to do when you're, like, my boss? In this world, there must be a few skills, or other methods, for sending long distance messages pretty quickly, or even instantaneously.Wait, let me see... I think I already have a skill like that-" Rike lifted his hand to interrupt me before I could finish my thought. He let his hand down and said, "Relax, that's not required; I will send Wystus with you, and at the proper moments, he'll report to me." "Really?” I raised an eyebrow and replied, "I assumed that 'the companion for life' wouldn't be handed away so easily. Or, mhh, I'm not sure how strongly I am connected to my 'life companion'. ... No, I wouldn't abandon Faye, since she is helpful." Rike flashed a mischievous grin, revealing a glint of his pearly whites. "Do not worry," he said in a voice laced with confidence. "Wystus is unique
66 - Asher the Calculator
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
Where to now? The nearest nation from the citadel, according to Rike, is Alaran. Though that didn't really say much. Chauk is a microstate, meaning that it was pretty small. Wandering from one end to another wouldn't even take.... well, let's look at it in more detail. I took a map out of my bag and gave it a close inspection. The map's center was Kathe's capital, Eliza, very close to the north-west of Chauk. Chauk was essentially squeezed between six nations in what seemed like a tidy circle. To pull that one off, Rike must have put in some extra hours of hard work. The average person walks at a pace about one point four meters per second. Three-thousand-six-hundred seconds in an hour makes five-thousand-forty meters per hour. Five kilometers per hour, roughly. From the direct middle of the country, the citadel, Rike said it's about twenty-five kilometers to the closest border, which almost made no difference because almost every border was about that distance away. Double
67 - Asher the Accused
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
I ate a mouthful of dirt, then turned around and looked up from the tall grass. From the dust of the crash zone, a figure emerged. "You're Cyrus, right?" Okay, Asher, play this cool. A woman with lime-hair who suddenly crashed on the ground like a meteor, asked you if you are who you are. Size her up in your mind, she's a woman. That usually meant that she's physically weaker than a man, but that information was useless in a fantasy world where stats decided your power, a woman CAN just be a strong as a man, there are no inherent statistical differences. She looked taller than me and clearly had more muscle mass than I did. If you did, in a world like this, that must have meant that your strength and constitution skill must be high. Also, there was the fact that she could enter into orbit, and not just burn up while hurtling through it and land, creating a crater without getting hurt. “No," I said. Great work Asher, now expand on it to make it feel more real. "...never heard
68 - Ioine the Goddess of Jealousy
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
He started to laugh without hesitation. "YOU'RE a goddess?" Did he WANT to provoke me? "And what's so funny about it?" I asked angrily. "Oh gee, I don't know. I thought gods and goddesses are supposed to be graceful and radiate a commanding aura. The only thing you radiate is heat because you're so hot-headed. So, whatcha want, Miss Goddess? Tell me and I'll do or give you anything in exchange so that you won't kill me. Deal?" "Anything?" I questioned him while hurriedly attempting to cover up a smirk on my face. I'm hoping he missed it. "Yeah," he quickly replied. I turned a section of the grassland into a comfortable parlor and invited him to join me there. I attempted to gaze intently into his eyes, but with no success. He was unable to focus on anything for more than a moment, eyes darting all around the surrounding landscape. Crossing my arms and legs, I ordered him, "I want you to stop hogging away all the attention from my dear Lexi, in addition to all the other guys."
69 - The Queen's Journey Part 01 - A Girl
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
Wo Aini, was a princess born to a father called Wo Chongbaini. He was the sixty-ninth successor of the Alaranian Empire, the sole heir of the throne after his nameless older brother had died during infancy. Her mother was a very weak noble woman called Tamen Henhao, who had also been the sole heir of her own family line. The Wo's and the Tamen's always had a close relationship with each other and to strengthen their connections to the throne, the Tamen's offered their daughter to the previous Emperor, Wo Weirou, as wife to his son. This gift and also the fact that the Tamen's had the biggest private army in Alaran made it easy for the emperor to accept the proposition. Following the birth of a beautiful baby daughter with a snow-white complexion and dark, opaque hair, her mother Henhao passed away, leaving her husband Chongbaini with a void in his heart that was soon filled with hate for the girl who had, in his mind, murdered the only woman he had ever loved. Chongbaini who had a
70 - The Queen's Journey Part 02 - The Children
Asher the Insane/Solomon Cliff
Baohu Ta wasn't a delicate father to both his biological son Wangguo and his adopted daughter Aini. And even if Aini knew and rejected him as her actual father, they both accepted the roles of father and daughter. He still loved her just as much as if she were his own. He didn't mind knowing that her real father was the Emperor and that one day she had to take up the throne. Just as both her mother and father were, she was the only heir of their family and that meant that the heavy responsibility of the future of the empire would be placed upon her shoulders. Ta was aware that the first lesson in life he would have to impart to Aini was humility. "Just because we were born into something doesn't mean we have to take it for granted." This lecture was also extended to his son, who was a descended from the distinguished line of the Baohu family, who often were famous artisans and, usually, remarkable warriors. As any member of the family, he had automatically received the unique fa