Often, people report having similar dreams: They’re being chased, fall off a cliff, or show up in public naked. These types of dreams are probably caused by hidden stress or anxiety. The dreams may be similar, but experts say the meaning behind the dream is unique to each person. By interpreting our dreams, we may gain insight into our lives and ourselves. Many people say they’ve come up with their best ideas while dreaming.Essentially, dreams are images and stories that the mind creates while the body sleeps. Dreams can be quite vivid, as if you’re right there, living it out, if just in your mind. Dreams can make you feel frightened, angry, sad, happy and all ranges of emotions in between. Some dreams seem absolutely normal and rational, while others may seem bizarre or confusing. Dreams occur at any point in the sleep cycle, but scientists say that the most vivid dreams occur during periods of rapid eye movement sleep.Dreams are meant to help the mind process emotions, incorporate
Last Updated : 2022-06-03 Read more