All Chapters of The Westbrook Games: Chapter 151
- Chapter 160
179 chapters
The plan
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
They had to exit the room again to take Vasquez to his sister who was even farther down the hallway which meant they had to spend more time in that dark abyss .They filed out of the room but this time , Saul had taken the forefront so he could continue to Switch the flickering light back on everytime it went off,which was quite a lot of times.Vasquez was walking directly behind him while June and Juan supported Juan as they walked."Old man , how much longer do we have to go?Walking around your dreary hallways is really making me hate you more and more!".June groaned out while everyone pretended not to smile at that .Everyone wanted to be the ones to complain but since they also did not want to be perceived as weak , no one had complained .Clay was personally glad that June had expressed exactly how she felt on behalf of everyone of them.Vasquez was beginning to learn that it would take a whole lot to clear his name in June's book and get her to like him.Liking was probably far
When in doubt...
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
José watched the whole thing unfold uneasily.She was not sure what had happened but she could sense the power change,the kid seemed to be the one somehow in charge.Was that why no one was saying anything about her plan even though it was strange as fuck?She looked over to her brother,the only reason she had done most of the things that she had done in this game, including Listening to what Vasquez,the sick fuck wanted her to do.She could see that even her brother seemed to acknowledge this child.She knew nothing about the child except that she was the one that had Interrupted her brother's fight, defeated him, ended his winning streak and set off this rollercoaster of fighting.She briefly Wondered if that was why her brother seemed to respect the child that he could have probably given birth to if he had procreated as a teenager.Saul on the other hand seems to be just a statutory figure,he did not seem scared of the girl but he also seemed to not be interested in what the girl
The agreement
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Juan nodded."Yeah,I saw him and even heard his prognosis",he replied to the inquiry.As soon as Clay heard that,her head spun around and she turned to face Juan,to address him when she suddenly noticed the look on his face,he seemed to be quite uncomfortable with the topic that they were discussing."It is okay , you do not have to mention it",she said, referring to The Mute's state that he had come across.Selfishly,it was not just because she did not want him to be uncomfortable about what he had witnessed.It was mostly because she was scared of hearing what she had done to the other man in order to win the match.She did not remember most of the match since at different times,she had been blinded with anger and rage and had just gone on rampaging and now,she had to hear the full extent of the damage she had done while cosplaying as a nice, violence hating medical student.But Juan shook his head,staring at Clay in confusion as he spoke,his eyes carrying a light that immediately a
The walk home
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
They were all leaving together.They had all huddled together out of the dreary hallway and then followed Vasquez to a better, well lit , escape module.It looked nothing like the escape module that they had all thought of or imagined but Vasquez Insisted that it was an escape module and all efforts to refuse his ideology had failed bountifully.They were all a team now as Vasquez had once again insisted but Clay preferred to think that they were just a group of people whose interests aligned for the time being,she did not put it past Vasquez to attack them if he thought that it suited him and they were no longer of use to him.After today or tomorrow,she was sure that they would all be off in completely different places,Clay just hoped none of them were navigating the roads that led to hell.As much as she did not like some of them,she also did not wish death on any one here, especially in this horrible manner.Vasquez had offered to take them past a way that was hidden and would not
So long
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay had suddenly stopped talking and was looking like she was in a trance of some sorts.Suddenly,Clay took a step forward and removed her gun from her hip as she walked.She heard it again but it was not as loud or as prominent and Clay was just about to ignore it, thinking that it was far off when she felt the ground beneath her boots shake.She jumped back and yelled for the others to all hear." Move ! Autobots are coming this way!",She screamed as she began to feel for her weapons.She did not know the kind of attack they were facing or rather,the level of the attack so she did not take out a weapon just yet.She only felt for them in order to be assured that they were still there.They broke apart after hearing Clay's statements,getting out their weapons immediately, a sound that Clay had never expected to hear quickly filled the air as different people began to uncork their guns.Clay suddenly heard more pounding coming from another angle and quickly rushed to face there,this
The connection
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
The Gamemaster.He had not expected much from the autobot that he had sent after Clay because he had realized in the first few days that had gone by that it seemed to be that she was talented in the art of disposing of autobots.So,he had kept sending, waiting for her to run out of whatever fuel encouraged her to lay waste to his autobots.He had of course not gained anything since she had still succeeded in getting rid of the ones that he had sent her way.If he was to be sincere,he had actually gained something, knowledge that he would have to try harder lf he wanted to beat Clay.He of course had no ill feelings about that,he was always up for a little beat down and the thought of that had always seemed to brighten his day whenever he lost yet another autobot to them.But it had still been very shitty for him when he had lost that bot and he was quite pissed.After,Clay had decapitated the bot just as soon as he sent it to over,he had focused on June's bot next, hoping to get at le
Whispered plans
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay and Jared tried to move as quietly as possible so that they did not draw any attention from the numerous people that now inhabited the church.It would be too hard to have to explain why they were creeping around at this time of the day.They stood behind the church , within the grove of young trees and other plants that had helped them conceal the secret that they hid.Clay went first,struggling to part the heavy branches as quietly as possible as she moved deeper into the grove of trees.Eventually,they reached a part of the grove that had no trees , just smaller plants that acted as a bed for the autobot that lay there, unmoving in the middle.Clay had killed it yesterday when they had returned from the mall to find June gone.She had no way to take it back with her after the kill without answering a load of questions , so she had left it there and told Jared of the exact location and provided ropes to help him move it while they were at the arena.Jared had gone for it immedi
The sight
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
June was frowning quite heavily as she stared at the two that were Obviously hiding something from the rest of the crew.Honestly,she was just glad that it had not been what she had been thinking of when she had first seen them sneaking out together and gotten a really sour feeling at the base of her tongue.The first reason she had followed them was just so that she could get rid of that feeling.June had watched them for about ten minutes as they got into nerdy stuff and she was beginning to regret following them out as they did not seem to be doing anything that would Interest other people asides the two of them.June realized that maybe that was the reason they had even been secretive about it in the first place.But , it was all their fault , if they had not bee so secretive about it in the first place,then she would have had no reason to follow them to see what they were up to.When people were being incredibly sensitive,it was usually because they were up to no good at all.Bes
The semantics of the masters
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
The Gamemaster chuckled at the developments that the gamers were making.He had known that there was a difference between them and the previous gamers but this much change was unsettling.At least, whatever Clay's ultimate plan had been,it had been an ultimate failure as the autobot had powered down almost as soon as they had it powered on and ready to connect to the other autobots whom he had kept turned off and waiting at discreet,remote and easily accessible places,well, accessible for him."I see your new toy was not at all what you had hoped for it to be , that is so sad but still never give up hope , you are literally the only person on the right path'',he whispered as he looked over what was being done to the autobot,a ghost of a smile on his face.He laughed at this , Clay was indeed the only one on the right path .So smart and quick , she reminded the Gamemaster of himself from three years ago and for some reason it made him feel nostalgic.Was this how the previous Gamemast
Sick leave
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
She had come to her room, hoping to fall straight asleep because she knew that if she remained awake for much longer,her brain was going to be sending an Amber alert to the rest of her body soon.However,as soon as she had spotted Vasquez in her bed,most of the sleep had cleared out of her eyes leaving her quite awake.Clay stared distastefully at Vasquez' semi naked form on her bed and groaned,a bitter taste soon filled her mouth or maybe she was simply imagining it.Why had the man not just stayed back at his comfortable place instead of insisting on coming back with them to inconvenience them here?Clay had no where else to go and maybe it was because it was Vasquez, someone she did not like even though they were presently after the same thing.She still could not forget all of the things that had occured because of him and hence,now that she had seen him on her bed,Clay could not let it go.So she took the flashlight and pointed it directly at his eyes, flicking it off and on to g