All Chapters of The Westbrook Games: Chapter 161
- Chapter 170
179 chapters
Early morning scuffles
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Despite the situation and her troubling thoughts, Clay had managed to forget it all and sleep a trouble free sleep.When Clay opened her eyes,it was day time and the room was flooded with an early afternoon sunlight, she must have been asleep for quite a while.She looked around to see that she was alone on the cot , June had either not taken her up on her offer or she had already bailed earlier on.She looked back through the opening that the collapse had created on the wall,it gave a very slight view of the outside and if Clay angled her head just right,she could stare directly out.So,she did just that, staring at the sky , wondering what the time was because the sun seemed strangely far up in the sky like it was probably noon already and also wondering why they had not provided them with time and stripped them off any way they could tell the time , sometimes her mind went too far and she would think that maybe they were in an alternative universe where time moved differently but t
The attack
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay stared at the twins.They were right , they could help them spread the news to add coal and flame to the fire that would help them flush the Gamemaster out .They were just who Clay needed because she had no idea how to get the identity reveal to bug the Gamemaster enough that he would search them out to do something about it .She had thought about it all night because for one , she could not imagine anyone on their team going about and spreading the news that they needed to be mostly because outside of themselves and the knowledge they had,she did not think the rest of the team knew any other people.Two , she could not actually let any one on the team go around alone because they would likely become a target of the Gamemaster since he had effectively proven last night that he had his eyes on them.But,the twins were not afraid to do that it seemed and she was not morally inclined to keep the twins safe in any way.But she would warn them,that was the most she could do for them
Clay's cutting edge strategy
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"Woah...".Someone said from behind Clay and Clay nodded, completely agreeing.Clay held up her hand , she meant for them to remain calm and wait behind while she thought of a game plan but she also realized that they had never exactly discussed hand signs and what it meant to them, so they could easily have taken it as a totally different message.One of them of course did not get any of what she meant and stepped up next to her, her eyes on the autobots who stood unmoving in the center of the road , her hands dancing on the rifle she had brought back for her from the mall.They silently watched the autobots for a while before they began to speak."What is our game plan ? We have never had to fight so many of them at once ", She said to her, stating the obvious.Clay sighed,she had no game plan whatsoever.There was almost no game plan that could help them in this situation because she had a sinking feeling that these autobots were not here on a humanitarian mission , they were here
The single goal
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
THE GAMEMASTERHe stared at all of them from the eyes of all of his autobots distastefully.It was not enough that he had found out a few hours ago that the team he had planned on annihilating quietly had doubled in numbers and now,there was this?There was nothing he hated more than losing control and not being in control of any situation he was involved in.And that was what was happening right now , he was losing control and thereby losing the game and the twins were responsible for that .They hated Clay or at least that was what he had thought so he had shown them his face without factoring that they might ever get to like or decide to set down their childish issues with Clay and that had been a terrible mistake in his part .A costly mistake , that he could not comprehend that he had dared to make .He had not planned for the twins,he had definitely not included them in any plans that he had and he had not planned for them to come to Clay .He had not even considered them as Imp
The intent behind
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
" NO !!! ".He was growling like an injured animal as they all watched, his arms holding the bloody body of his brother while he continued to growl Into the air.He growled some more and eventually quieted down into a sob."No... Please!!''."No!!!".It was not your usual sob nonetheless, he was crying heavily and holding tightly on to his brother as he repeated the words over and over again , screaming and crying it like a mantra or more like a curse and sometimes switching it over with pleas, although,no one really knew who he meant his pleas for."No , No , No", The white haired twin was screaming while everyone watched in different stages of perplexity , there was something about his grief that just rooted you down and you were unable to step closer to him because you could just feel that it was somewhere you were not wanted.Clay watched, completely struck.It was like she was watching herself,a future her that seemed more and more possible with each breath that she took.She sho
The grungy kid-nap
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"That was an attempted assassination if there ever was one ", She stated and shrugged, rolling her eyes when the others turned to look at her.June had just been the only one to say what was on everyone's mind ,what they had all been thinking and hoping that if they kept quiet about it , it might not be true because the implication meant so much worse for them and for the rest of the gameverse. Clay sighed as she dragged her hand through her hair , frustrated at their progress.It was like they moved forward one step and moved back two steps .They had succeeded in getting the attention of the Gamemaster and would probably Continue to make his life hell from now but at what cost?If he had decided to retaliate by giving the autobots sole, focused missions of attacking them one after the other,had they really done well?" Do you recognize what this means for us? ", She asked as she looked at the faces of her teammates.They all shook their head and Clay groaned and took a step back so
The truth about a certain person
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay looked at the kid one more time , checking his pulse and his eyes and anything that could indicate that he was getting better but he looked just the same way he had looked some minutes ago when Clay checked him and alsothe same way he had looked ten minutes ago , he was not getting better but at least he was not worse , that was Clay's only consolation .Clay had been watching over the Aiden kid for over forty five minutes , there were limited ways to check if he was going to be okay , but Clay truly hoped that he was going to be okay , partially because she needed the kid to wake up and tell her who the game master was and where he had met him and mostly because she could not afford to think that she had killed him and had his bloods on her hands .Clay sighed , this had not been the plan .But , if she was being honest , she must have known that the plan was definitely going to be dangerous at one point or the other , she had just pretended not to know and hoped not to be actu
The family name
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"Get Out !!! ", Clay screamed.It was the first time that they had seen her raise her voice in such a manner and half of them were struck stillby this while the other half were wondering if the questions were responsible for her losing it .Clay turned away from them but even after she had done that,she was still faced with Vasquez since it was a not that large room and the people had gradually come to surround her already .She stared at him angrily, willing him to leave her be but he did nothing of the sort and Continued to stare at her like he was waiting for her to do or say something .Vasquez and Clay were locked in a staring competition that had them panting hard while the others watched , suffering from an overload of information .Saul looked about and realized that for the first time,he was seeing Clay get mad , so mad that she did not recognize friend from foe ,the only other time that he had seen her like this was when she had been in the cage with The mute .Recognizing t
The truth about the leader
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"I am so lost",She muttered as she looked around at each of their faces."What the hell is a Westbrooke? And I have heard Juan call Clay this before , on the morning after José supposed died. So,what the hell does that even mean? ", She asked as she glared at each one of them."I am curious too, most of you seem to know a lot more about Clay than us and we are her original teammates ", Jared added quietly, unconsciously moving closer to June to show that he was in support of what she was saying.Juan pointed at Saul since he was the only one between Jade , June and he that was still in his combat fatigues ."Take a look at the tag on everything that you have on your body, everything that was provided by the game", He told them , his hand moving over their body to show what he meant for them to looking at.June grabbed Saul by the back of his neck to check what the tag read while Jared checked their guns and Saul checked his boots.They all looked at each other when they were done chec
Trying for answers
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay turned around in horror , her fears had come true , the Gamemaster , the Gamemaster was here right now .∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆Saul and the others sat in silence as they all were deep in thoughts just outside of where Clay was being told that one of them was the Gamemaster.Vasquez sat in front of them wiping the blood that was coming out of his broken nose which no one seemed to care about , in fact , they all seemed quite pleased to know that June had disrupted his nose forever .But June herself was quiet as she stood stiffly in Saul's arms , her face in a harsh setting.Saul was also still standing and holding her so that she did not decide to go back and go through with her attack .He looked down at her after a while of utter silence from everyone ." What are you thinking about ? ", He asked, wanting to engage her because he was afraid that whatever she was planning that had her so quiet was probably going to be very bad .She sighed softly , her sigh indicating that it