All Chapters of The Westbrook Games: Chapter 61
- Chapter 70
179 chapters
Hands where?
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
After a short while of speculation on their part and utter silence from Saul,he finally finished drawing.The map was finally ready and they all stared at it, admiring Saul's penmanship from the names he had marked some spots with.Saul had left out all of the places that they had no idea about, marking them with a large X that also seemed like some pretty cursive depictions.The area for the shopping mall was not centered in particular because they had been unable to figure out the exact location of it but at least they knew the general area around it and were sure that it would be a piece of cake from there.When they got there, they could begin their search for it.Jared finally broke the silence that had first stemmed from their awe of Saul's work and had eventually gone on as they all tried to think of what they might encounter today."When do we leave? At night?",He asked as he looked up at both of their faces.Saul turned towards Jared and scoffed like Jared had said something
The responsibility game
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay kept them on pause for a while longer, wondering if she could still use the catchphrase that she had always wanted to use while also pondering that every moment she spent wondering , it was getting too late to use the catchphrase , she was in a royal bind that kept getting even more confusing with every passing moment."Uhm, are you not going to ask us to turn around slowly?", Someone finally asked from amongst them, interrupting Clay's personal struggle.She frowned at them, observing them.The one in the middle was obviously the one that had spoken without being asked to speak.He was wearing a hat and fatigues that obviously did not belong to him because they stopped far above his ankle and making him lift his hands up was making the discrepancy very obvious.Clay could not believe the audacity of the man.Well,on some levels she could understand it.He was in a survival game and he had already suffered so much that he had lost his clothes,there was really no reason for him to
The convertible way
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
After her exchange with Jared,Clay had totally ignored him,Richie and the rest of Richie's team while she and Saul had focused on determining the best and safest route forward while also considering a route that would be advantageous for them as they returned,in case they were being chased when they returned.So,she was pretty surprised when she turned around to find that Richie and his gang had not long since dissapeared,infact they were hanging around and discussing with Jared.Richie's appearance had reminded Clay that there were a lot of players that would be satisfied with robbing other players all the while they were here, completely forgetting the pyramid that came on every morning.It made her even more wary of their journey to the mall,wary of people they might come across and wary of word getting out if they succeeded in procuring food from the mall.It was one of two.Either Richie had decided to ignore Clay's words completely and still follow them around or Jared had given
The distraction
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Once Saul had also returned from his peek through the convertible,Clay had expanded the peeking,she wanted everyone to see what they were up against.Clay had beckoned for Jared and the others to also come closer and they had all taken turns to peek through the convertible at the autobot display beyond the stack of cars.Tara, the last person had finally finished looking through the convertible at what was waiting for them and returned when they began to discuss."Okay , this is a little more intense than we anticipated",Richie commented, sounding like he was a few seconds away from running off.Clay looked over to Richie and smiled cynically,her teeth on display for too long.Wondering how long it would take him to run off."No shit, Sherlock",She told him.Richie only frowned at the deliberate aggressive answers and turned to talk to his people about the situation while Clay also did the same and beckoned on her teammates so that they could also have a conversation to come up with a
The ride through fire
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Everyone understood what they had to do as soon as the roles had been shared and no one had any questions or suggestions.They split immediately Clay was done sharing them, everyone running to their respective duties while Clay ran towards the stairs.She took them in twos , running for the next floors as fast as she could .She was so engrossed in running up the stairs that she almost missed her floor and had to run down an extra flight of stairs to get there.She ran around looking for the shop that had been termed hardware and eventually got it, taking a second to understand the door before she was running in.The first thing her eyes landed on were black trash bags, perfect.She grabbed one and tore the seal off with her teeth as she opened it while running around the store, looking for where to start from.She finally found a shelf that had things she wanted or rather things that were needed, she grabbed flashlight batteries and several little bottles of menthylated spirit,thy wo
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
For the duration of their walk back to the church,no one had spoken to Clay.They had spoken amongst themselves for the longest times but they had not spoken to Clay and she had been gkzdrkThey were almost at the church when Richie stopped the party.He wanted them to split the spoils so they could be on their way and would not have to walk all the back since they were headed in the opposite direction.Actually, he was only scared that if they continued to move forward, they might encounter more people and the others might agree to split the spoils with the new people as well, and he would not be able to disagree because he had not really played a significant role in procuring it and would have no say."Hey, I think we have gone far enough now, let us split what we got and go our separate ways",he suggested.Clay looked at him and all she could think of was that this meant that Richie did not stay very far away from the church.Clay yelped softly when two strangers , a male and femal
Through the dirt
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay had no idea which way to go or rather which way she would have gone.She thought and thought of where she could have gone in search of them but nothing was coming to mind.All she could think of was all the terrible things that could happen to her while she was alone and how she was even injured.Lords,why had she not at least written a message.She knew there was no point in blaming herself.It was a waste of time and effort and she should be focusing on finding her first.She knew all of this but still,all she could think of was how it was her fault.She could not think of anywhere that she might have gone off to so she ran to all the places they had been to together, hoping that she would find her in one also searching for her.She would have probably suspected that Clay and the others would not go to any new places so she might have checked out all of the old places that they had all been to together.She checked around the church's block and all of the places that they had e
Human hater
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
A game .Clay felt that she was personally experiencing an epiphany, that was the only explanation she could muster for the feeling that she was experiencing since hearing that she was in a game.She had of course known it was a game but she had been so busy surviving that she had not even noticed what every average game possessed.Why had she never thought of it that way?A game meant that there had to be someone in charge or at least in control , like a gamemaster or someone on another level, a guide of sorts.And a very common feature of a gamemaster was usually their availability to the players.They would not leave the gameverse just to the players,they could not.If Clay was right,there was a gamemaster somewhere in this game watching all of them.They might be hidden and watching them but what was the point of even hiding when no one here knew anyone else?Whoever it was,they were definitely also pretending to be a player to be effectively included in the game.Clay gasped slig
The evil one
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
It took them a while to completely navigate the woods, quite the longest time they had spent in the woods since they had begun to move around it.Actually, it was more than a while but they did get the hang of it later on and were soon out of the woods and on their way to the church, utterly thirty and tired.When they arrived at the church about an hour later, Saul and Jared were waiting outside for them,this was new and unexpected.They were seated on the stairs and talking to each other about something that seemed to be quite animated and engrossing as they had not noticed Clay and June walking up to them even though they were not even trying to be stealthy.Clay shook her head as she thought of what might have happened if it was some other people walking up to them instead.They turned around when they finally heard their footsteps from behind them and watched them walk a while before they moved.Saul jumped up the stairs in a way that made Clay suddenly curious of his age,he walk
The break in
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay decided on her rifle though .For some reason even she was unaware of, Clay was keeping the bow and the new arrows she had just procured,she just did not want to use them.She forced her vest back on and stepped out of the room, ready to move and face whatever had attacked.Saul had left the pews and was standing by the church's doors now with a pistol in his hand,he quickly scanned around when he saw Clay approach and noted that June and Jared were no where to be found.Clay got off the altar and moved between the pews to look out of the glass stained windows to see if they could be seen from the windows.Since they were stained, it would be relatively hard for anyone to see through but Clay would have no problem seeing them.Clay looked out all the windows but saw nothing.She was on the last window when she caught a brief flutter,she spent a second longer at the window and noticed movement from fatigues like theirs.The strangers were all men and seemed to be working very well