All Chapters of The Westbrook Games: Chapter 71
- Chapter 80
179 chapters
Brother Saul
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
SAUL'S STORYSaul's name had once been Daniel Hughman and he had been part of a pretty normal family.They had lived in a county town by the west and his father had been the sheriff of the county's police department and leader of the men of Valour from the local church.His mum had in turn herded the women's meetings and held regular sewing and knitting classes at their home while they had made Saul leader of everything they could think of that a child could handle.The whole county had looked at their family as the ideal family , something they were very far from .Saul however had never been a good liar , he had been a quiet boy because he was unable to relate his parents from outside with the parents he saw and knew at their home.His father was always hitting his mum while avoiding her face and his mum had a drinking problem that she used to forget that his father was actually the devil and demon she always prayed against.It was a whole cycle, they had a little argument that coul
Jared at night
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
Clay woke up for what was like the fourth time since she had tried to fall asleep.She was so exhausted but her brain was strangely excited and would not rest so she found herself waking for strange reasons , with her brain replaying almost every scenario that she had witnessed within the past few days over and over again.At first, the reason she had been unable to sleep had been quite simple , it had been because she had been unable to sleep as she was plagued with how Saul had looked as he read Carlos' note .She had tried to tell herself to keep calm that she would talk to Saul later on and they could resolve it when everyone was sufficiently rested , but her body would not obey so she had ended up getting up and trudging up the stairs to look for Saul who she had promptly found so deep in thought that he did not notice Clay outside his room for almost six minutes , when he had eventually turned and noticed Clay , Saul had looked quite depressed.So Clay had spoken briefly to Saul
Guns and blades
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"I can not sleep with all the yapping you two are doing".This was surprising as the room she slept in was quite far from here and there was no way she would have been able to hear them doing anything but none of them were ready to point that out since she was holding a gun and glaring at them with her fingers dangerously close to the trigger.So they both kept very quiet and very still.She sighed when she noticed how stiff they were,even people that she was in no rage to and put the gun by her waist , she left her hands to rest akimbo and pointed at each of them with her fore finger. "So what had your panties in a twist ?Did one of you finally lose their virginity?",She asked, genuinely curious about what they had been discussing about so excitedly.Clay and Jared both turned to glare at her now that her gun was not very close to their heads or so Clay had thought.When she turned around, she found that Jared was glaring at her and not June.June moved closer to Clay, she was still
The formation
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"How to survive the night ", Clay reiterated to her team as they all looked on.They all collectively groaned at Clay's statement and Clay nodded in understanding , she also wanted to groan louder than they had all done altogether.She had also not imagined herself spending yet another night at the Arena and especially within the gauntlets ring, but right now, they did not have much of a choice if they did not want their names to be on the next day's pyramid fall.Clay had actually expected some kind of blow back from Vasquez and his team,she had just not known when and in what form it would come.People like that always wanted to establish their authority and when their authority was threatened, they did anything to return it to how is was.After all, June had first interrupted one of their fights and then she had gone in to also interrupt the already Interrupted fight.And as if that was enough, The very next day , June had gotten into yet another fight and then, there had been the
The gifted
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
They had all been staring at the map for a while now with their excitement slowly dwindling from a desert fire into a slow burning candle fire as they found out that it would be much harder than they had anticipated to find Juan now that he had gone rogue and was not associated with any known groups ."Maybe we should take a break and just eat for now? Maybe a clue will fall into our laps if we hold on long enough",Jared suggested, realizing that they might not find anything tangible when everyone was so dispirited.Everyone immediately smiled, relieved at Jared's suggestion of a change of scenery, the candle was already burning brighter and faster.Jared and Saul left to bring out the rest of the food that they had gotten today while Clay remembered the dress she had gotten June and decided to give it to her now.She fished for the dress and found it a couple of minutes later before leaving too to join the others outside .They were already laying out bread and a jar of jelly while J
The guests
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"Long time no see, Westbrooke".Clay cringed over the name and frowned deeply at Juan who was smiling broadly like he had just won some kind of lottery .Clay had expected him to still be quite enraged or in a sour mood after everything that had happened to him in just one night but he seemed quite okay actually, he seemed more than okay , which was kind of shocking to Clay who had been discretely hoping that his grieving would make him easier to handle.Clay put her gun down since none of Juan's men, including Juan had their weapons out and she did not want to be the odd one out since Juan was obviously not here for any sort of violence.But it was just her that thought so,the others refused to out their own weapons down.Saul and from the corner of her eyes,June and Jared too, they all still had their weapons up in case something went wrong which was highly likely with how excited Juan looked,he definitely did not look like someone that was here for a meet and greet."I honestly wis
The picks
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"Yes, let's kill that puta".Juan laughed maniacally as he said this.Clay rolled her eyes at Juan and Juan only scoffed loudly on seeing this."Unbelievable, this gringo is about to tell me that I am not allowed to curse around her or something of that nature",He said out loud, looking around at the faces of the other people there.Clay was slightly peeved that Juan had made a correct assessment of what she had been about to say to him right before she had said it.Clay whipped out a fresh sheet of paper from behind her and beckoned for Jared who was closest to her room to bring the rest of the writing supply, making a brief sign with her fingers that she had expected Jared to easily understand.Jared only stared back at her , apparently not able to understand this very simple signal, even as she tried to signal this, she raised the sheet of paper, waving it and indicated writing but Jared still looked very frustrated which was something only Clay was supposed to have a right to ."W
The final matching
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"Who is going up against who?"Clay could see as they all raised their faces,moving their bodies closer for the second part of their gathering, which was really the more important part,the determining part because if a pairing that was not up to par was made,that would signify the beginning of their end.Clay was still not sure how to go about it or rather, she knew how she would go about it, she was just not sure of how the others would take it in stride, actually she knew for a fact that certain people would not like it.There was no longer any avoiding it as they all moved closer, their eyes on the paper and the five figures with name tags drawn on it.With this distraction, Clay leapt forward and grabbed the ink brush out of June's unsuspecting hands.She raised her other hand but missed her at the last moment and instead hit Juan on the side of his head, a loud whoop that caused everyone to turn to her.Jared , Saul and Ricky stifled chuckles , covering their laughs with fake cou
Hearing impaired
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
"Everyone , get off the altar!!! "Clay knew and trusted Saul enough to do what he said with the urgency that his voice had contained, so she immediately grabbed her rifle and dove down the altar , she somersaulted to break her fall before she landed on the ground.She was less than a second early because she heard it just as she was somersaulting away from the altar, a loud whooshing sound that swept past her ears and body, headed for the altar beyond it, it reached its destination immediately and blew up the altar and everything beyond it.The blast had flung Clay so far, throwing her on to the pews , she had not fallen well but had instead fallen in a heap , she lay crumpled and bleeding from her hand that she had wrapped off just a while ago , the bandage had come off and her wound that had begun to close off was now opened and bleeding afresh , with it came a new wave of pain that had Clay's eyes closing on its own.Clay groaned as the pain from the blast and her hand slammed int
The good doctor
The Westbrook Games/prolover011
JADEJay woke from her nap with a start, she had been having one of her usually unexplainable dreams, dreams that she was positive had no actual meaning.She had been dreaming of going to school when an explosion had taken the school down, it was a typical dream for places like their apartment or any of Clay's workplaces, Jay was always having dreams with explosions or bombings, usually of places that she did not like, which was a lot of places but not school.She had always wanted to go to school , mostly because Clay had always wanted her to go to school and she did not think of how a place dedicated to learning could be bad.She knew it would be a pain learning with people that were beneath her or could not contribute to what she was learning but she had always been curious of what the other children did there and how exactly they learnt that they ended up so slow.And Clay seemed to think she would make lots of friends and be very happy at one of these schools,Jay had never seen t