'Carry me,' Luna said, stretching out her arms. Huno looked at her and she added, 'please,'. He smiled, bent done and picked her up; she wrapped her hand around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. 'Sometimes you behave like a kid and other times like an adult,' Huno said. 'I'm still a child,'. 'A child that's a lot older than me?'. Luna kept quiet, staring at the side of Huno's face. Feeling something wrong, Huno asked, 'what's wrong?'. 'Will you abandon me one day?' Luna asked. 'Or will you be tired of me?'. 'Don't let insecurity trouble you, I won't,' Huno replied. 'What if you got a family later? have kids and all. Will I still have this place?'. Huno thought and said, 'don't worry, if I have a family you'll be very important to me and them,' Huno said and walked into the bathroom. 'Okay,'. 'What's bothering you?' Huno asked and put her down. 'No nothing,' Luna said. 'Alright Moonlight but if anything is bothering you, you'll come to me immediately, won't you
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