All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
192 chapters
31. Leaving Raychester castle.
As they came to the Raychester castle after about a four hours ride with great speed, they rushed down to the army camp and searched for the supervisor. "Sir, we bring words from General Aaron Gordon."Based on the usual instruction that will come from the General or other commanders in the field, the supervisor asked. "Did he say how many men he will be needing because most of the soldiers are still going through training and it would not be advisable that they go into combat now.""Sir, we are not here l for more men. Rather we were charged to bring a soldier from the medical department."Then the supervisor concluded that they had so many wounded soldiers in their midst that they could not bring all of them back to the castle so he said. "That will not be a problem, I will assign the best few to go with you immediately.""We only need one person, he goes by the name Harris and it was said that you know this soldier very well."The supervisor was surprised, because he knew that Har
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32. It is a long story.
Aaron just stood still and watched them, but as Harris was walking away, he followed him to know what was the meaning of those words, why he said them and most of all why his father wanted him to say them."Wait Harris..." he called as Harris walked away in haste. Harris stopped under the command of a General, and as Aaron came close to him, he asked. "What is the meaning of that? Why is your father so certain that Eric is not gone even after seeing that there is no sign of life in him?""It is a long story," Harris did not want to tell it to him else he might start seeing him as a magician just as his father sees him."Make it brief," he said but suspected that Harris would tell him that it can not be briefed so he added, "Or you can not brief the whole story, then tell me about it in full. I have all the time to listen."Since Aaron had developed so much interest in knowing what was going on, he had to speak and not hide it again. "It was after the dragon's first attack, that Eric C
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33. I make no promises.
Now after King Luca Cole had spent so long inside the tank trying to figure out the special thing about the staff that had made it able to cut off the head of a troll yet was not able to discern any special thing which he could hold on to, he had to come out of the tent as he could also tell that the day was soon passing by and they can not stay there till dusk because the trolls can come out again and this time will wipe all the remaining army. When he came outside, the soldiers were quite ready to move, all they were doing was to wait for an order which they believed would soon come.Then he saw Zach carrying the corpse of Eric which he had thought they had buried as instructed, so went to meet him as he called, causing him to stop and turn around. "Zachary!""Your majesty," He replied as the King came closer."What are you still doing with this body?""My lord, I'm sorry but I can not watch him being buried.""Nobody said you must watch while he is buried. Just hand it over to the
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34. Time of death.
They were approaching the gate of Raychester when they received words from three riders who met them on the way at twilight. When King Luca had asked them what their mission was, one of them said they were coming to get aid for the city of Riverston which was under attack. Then the King looked at the men which he was returning with and those eyes could tell that he was going to need some of them to go with the riders. While he looked at the soldiers he studied to know if they would like to go or not seeing that they were just returning from a fight.As nature may have, there were always going to be those who would want to fight voluntarily. And since would not want to force any of his soldiers, he asked that those who were willing and had the strength to fight should join the riders.To his greatest surprise, about half of them if not more were willing, and since they were close to the gate of their destination, he could not stop them since the war did not get that close to Raychest
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35. Lost memories.
Just as they were about to remove everything that was connected to his body, they could hear the monitor beeping, and all eyes turned to see that it had begun to read again, detecting life in his body. Instantly they looked at Eric and could see his eyes open, as he stared at them.So the doctor looked at time again, it was eleven forty, so he immediately, along with the nurses with him resumed the administration of treatment to him, as they fixed back the drip in him and other necessities.Even after this, the doctor confirmed that he is still in a coma but there was quite an improvement that his chances of survival had risen from fifteen percent which it recently dropped to, and was now at a thirty five percent rate. Though the chance was still nothing to celebrate because there was every possibility that it would drop again to an even lower rate than it had risen from. So all he had to do alongside his staff was to monitor him closely to see how it would go.******Back to the roo
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36. It is not magical.
Then Zach was now happy that he could remember everything that he forgot. "I'm sorry.""No you don't have to be sorry. I understand. Your world needs my help and I have fulfilled a purpose here before returning home. I understand everything.""Yes you are right.""Last I checked, we were in the field fighting against the trolls, so what happened? Why are we back here in Raychester castle?""The battle ended and the trolls fled." He began to answer the questions he asked. "You killed three trolls all by yourself. You proved to us that you are really a hero as the prophecy said.""So tell me, where is my staff? I should get back into the field as I must defeat these creatures and go back home. The longer I stay here, the lesser my chance of leaving.""No, I don't think that's how it is. Rather, I will say the more your victories the higher your chances of going home.""Then, I need to start gaining those victories so as to leave because my daughter is waiting for me. She wants me to com
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37. Can we talk with you?
Zachary understood why he was asking that question, but Eric did not since he was expecting the King to be happy that the savior of his land and world is not dead."Is that the question you are supposed to be asking? Aren't you supposed to be happy that I am still alive?""I am happy to see you are walking and breathing, but yes, that is the question I am supposed to ask because you were dead, freezing cold for over twenty four hours."Then Eric looked at the three people in the room with surprise. "Wait, there is something you are not telling me. Was that battle with the trolls not in the night breaking this morning?""No Eric. It broke yesterday. You died for more than a day." Zachary answered him.So he was silent for some time now, he then knew the reason for the King's shock was because he would feel the same way if he saw someone rise after being confirmed dead for over twenty four hours.While he was quiet, King Luca asked Zach, "What did you do to him? How did you bring him ba
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38. Something about the user.
Since Eric will not answer his questions, he turned to the King and those who were from his world. "Please let us not let this stranger confuse us. I am sure he must have told you something about the staff, so tell me let me know whether it has anything to do with my forging the weapon or if it has not."The King, Zach and Aaron had come to stand with Eric on this aspect and would not tell Bradley what they had noticed about the weapon unless he had told what was used to forge the weapon."Listen Bradley, no one is going to tell you what we observed about the staff until you have told us the source of the ore used to forge the staff." King Luca said and that was the mind of Aaron and Zach. "You don't have to hide anything from us. We get that he is special and for that reason you chose to use a special ore for his weapon for his weapon. Just tell us the source and we will give you the response you are asking for." Aaron added to what the King had said."It is your questions that make
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39. Remembering Harris.
When they came back to the court as they were still discussing the staff and how Bradley Rogers could not discern what was strange about the weapon he had made.Eric Claus, who was getting sick of the continuous talk, had to say. "Please, let's forget talking about this staff. It makes me confused and as though I should stop using it and get a new one.""No, there will be no need for that. You are good with the staff," King Luca said to him. He personally had seen the way he skillfully brought down three orcs, if not four because he was at the verge of killing another before he was knocked away to death."Thank you," he appreciated that the King was willing to draw the talk to a close.Since they had stopped talking about the staff as he had pleaded, he then raised another topic. "So, which city are we marching to next?"King Luca was amazed that he was talking about marching for war again seeing that he had just come back from the land of the dead. For sure he was against this as it
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40. Hear him out.
Yet with what had happened, the commander was still certain that Harris would be among his men. "Like I said, he will be within the camp. All we have to do is to gently and carefully find him. If you look around you will see that many of your disbursements to us are still alive and they seem to the set of soldiers more agile to fight.""The men you speak to us about had just finished a battle against trolls before coming here. So do not see them as being as agile as you think.""I already know about that, a commander made it known to me when I was interacting with him."What they were saying was not what Zach was thinking, so he had to cause them digress a little. "Why do you believe he will be alive?""We did not only ask for aid from Raychester castle. Seeing that my men and I had been fighting for two days, we also sent for aid from Warcton fortress and other parts of Palind. Those from Warcton could not come because they were holding back the line to ensure the fortress remained s
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