All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
192 chapters
41. Too young.
While Harris was following them, he could notice and attest to the fact that those soldiers were good. They fought in a uniform manner, with every man watching the back of his neighbor. Their ears were wide open even while fighting, they did not allow the clashing sounds of weapons distract them from hearing the next command. It seemed as though they were deaf to the noise made by the striking together of weapons. All they heard were commands and would change their strategy at the sound of every command. They did not maintain any constant formation. From observing the Putrid squad fight and chase the orcs away, he told himself that he had a lot to learn. The manner in which they were coming up and down their horses was another thing he could not explain. Even their rides on their own proved to him that they were trained for that purpose. Most of all, at the end of the whole thing, he could notice that they lost about ten to five men only. And the squad did not march in their number. T
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42. He is not here.
As the Putrid squad were set to go back to Riverston where they will leave Harris with the commander he was under, they heard the sound of riders coming their way so they seem to be happy about it since they will just leave Harris with the riders and set off their business.As the riders came close to the point they could recognize the King and Zachary, the squad had to bow at once, to conclude the Prince. Harris also joined them to bow his head niy refused to raise his face again even when they were told to rise.The greatest joy the Putrids had was because of the presence of Zachary Hawkins, they had missed him all the years he was away from them. It was their desire that he did not leave them to become a general but the King demand that honor must be given to whoever it was due, and Zachary also agreed to leave because he had trained the squad well to the extent that he knew they were able to carry the purpose without him and of the truth, they had done just as he had believed.The
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43. No two ways.
In order to find out what the promise to him was, he walked away from the other soldiers and Putrids. Only the Prince and Oliver walked with him since they were signaled to join. As they came a few meters away from the others, he began. "So what agreement did you enter with my son?""He wants to be a member of the Putrids squad so we told him that he is too young and will come for him when he is older." Ethan answered.Then Oliver asked the question which was ringing in his heart as he thought that Zach was done with his. "Sir, how is it possible that you and your son are still alive after all these years. And why did you let such news spread about you being dead?"Zach did not answer his question as he continued with the topic that caused him to draw them apart from the others. "That promise and agreement will not stand. Harris is not going to join the Putrids. Even his years as a soldier are limited.""But he will make a great warrior just like his father." Ethan said even though h
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44. Hunt it down.
After making this statement, it happened that it was the worst mistake he made. Instead of getting a favorable answer which he was expecting, King Luca Cole said to him. "Eric, I will say that is enough. Let him be while we head for Raychester castle."He was more surprised that the King had given him the least answer he expected, so he still insisted that they help him influence Zachary's mind. "Your majesty, I can't believe you are the one saying this. You know the truth yet do not want to do anything about it.""Eric, I will not have you continue with this discussion. We had concluded on this before now." King Luca reminded him as he thought that he was yet to recall their agreement before his loss of memory."That was in the past and you don't need to remind me of it. But this is a different time, we all heard from Prince Ethan.""What do you want me to say before you understand?" Zachary now said again even when he was not the one being referred to. "The Putrid squad does not spe
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45. Hunted or hunter.
After hearing this from the King, the three elders looked at themselves with strange eyes as they thought of what could be giving them this great courage to want to go up against the dragon. With the eyes they gave themselves, they made sign communication to one another, contemplating whether to tell them the truth or to hide it from them. The interpretation of their sign language was not hidden from the King, Zach and Aaron. They were able to discern what the elders were telling themselves, and it was not what they had expected from them. When they were done with their sign language and the spokesman was about to air out what they had concluded, King Luca said to him, "There is no need to hide anything from me. What we want to hear is the truth and not that lie which you have agreed to tell us.” As they heard this from the King, the spokesman held back his word for a minute, sharply looking at his fellows for a brief moment and this time around there was no sign communication made,
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46. Back to Cliffsage.
This was what he was expecting so he was glad the King asked that question. Just as King Luca had thought, Zach had a place in mind before asking the question, but in order not to make it too obvious, he took a few minutes to pretend as if he was thinking. After about five minutes, he said. "Why don't we go over to Cliffsage city?"As he aired this out, it was instantly accepted by the King and Aaron without asking or thinking about why Zach would choose Cliffsage out of the many places in Palind."Cliffsage city, it is!" The King said and hit their horses to hasten its movement.Whether thought about why Zach chose Cliffsage or not, there was definitely a reason behind his choice. Cliffsage happened to be his home city and one of the most recognised in Palind because it had produced great men of valor in the past of which he is one of them and even the most popular. Though it was great, but Warcton was and is still the most recognised in Palind, though it had not produced a legend as
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47. Why are we stopping?
Aaron definitely did not know much about Zach's odd mood, so he said, "This is the place of his past and whatever he wants to do, is related to his past."As King Luca heard this, he recalled that Zach is from Cliffsage, and that made him discern the possible thing Zach would want to do there before leaving.So they halt their horses, waiting for Zach to draw closer with his ride. But as they stopped Zach and the other men with them also stopped.Zachary was unaware of what had caused them to stop, so he drew nearer to them as they had wanted and asked. "Why are we stopping?""For you to join us," Luca answered him as they controlled the horses to resume movement.Zach was very confused due to this act as he looked at Aaron and Eric, then continued with them at the same pace while Aaron raised his right as a signal telling the other soldiers to continue with them.Still in confusion he had to ask, referring to none of them in particular. "You still haven't told me why you stopped?"Th
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48. Abandoned farm.
After some minutes of standing still with rolling down his face, Zach wiped his face and then proceeded towards the old and partly burnt building.Most of the soldiers refused to enter the compound with them for reasons best known to them and the leaders did not force them to come in with them. They were even okay with the fact that the men were coming in with them.Zach did not enter the house even as he came close to the entrance. Instead he turned around going to the back of the house as he was followed by Eric, the King and Aaron. The few soldiers that entered the yard with them stopped some meters away from the entrance of the house. This was because none of those they were following had asked the ones that stopped outside the yard to join them. They were also surprised that the location was that tattered unlike the other corners of the city where they had come through. So they concluded that they were a reason for the abandonment of the place and why it was not renovated.As Zac
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49. Used to be but not anymore.
As those words came from Aaron, Zach still delayed for a second and then realized how serious the matter was. His heart had to tell him that for Aaron and the King to be trying to stop Eric in joint effort, it therefore means that there was something bad which they had seen or suspected. So he made haste at the very minute Eric was able to push Aaron aside since he was in his front but as for King Luca who still held him tight from behind, it was difficult to break loose from his grip.As Aaron was dropping to the ground, Zach was drawing out his sword and was very close to them. Since he has watched them try to hold him back to no avail, he used the handle of his sword to hit Eric in a very strategic way which was aimed at making him lose consciousness without bleeding.So King Luca had to let him go as Eric fell to the ground and the three of them were now standing around him as they stared for a minute. Neither the King nor Aaron dared question Zach, asking him why he had to hit
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50. Huge mistake.
After Eric was laid on the ground by Aaron, Zach then came close again to him, squatted and with his hands, he strategically touched his head, applying some amount of pressure and instantly Eric returned from being unconscious with a very heavy breath."What happened?!" Eric asked as his eyes were opened."Nothing," the King answered immediately. Then Zach stood back to his feet as he helped Eric to get back on his feet.This sight was amazing to Aaron as he was wondering who that was possible. Even the men with them were astonished, they had never seen such a thing before. But neither of them could ask what was going on because from the tone King Luca had answered Eric, telling him that nothing was wrong, they could design that they did not want him to recall what had happened and in addition to this, they were wondering with series of guesses, concerning the possible thing that had happened behind the house while they were there.Now that he had restored the consciousness of Eric, h
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