All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
192 chapters
51. Seeing is believing.
Eric Claus noticed the kind of surprise which had taken over their faces and he was confused, with lots of questions flying into his heart, as he asked himself why their moods had changed. With the questions troubling him greatly, he had to voice them out. "Why the strange looks? What is happening? Why aren't you saying anything?" "Are you sure of the name you mentioned now?" King Luca was forced to ask. "Yes. I wouldn't say it if I wasn't sure. By the way, what is wrong with the name? Do you know the person that has the name?" "That is the name of Zach's daughter who passed away with his wife and first son." As he heard this from the King, he was able to understand why Zach was the way he was after hearing him mention the name. He also understood why Zach was able to correct him when he mispronounced that name. With this understanding, he was now able to recall how they had stopped him from entering the old farmland and at this moment, he no longer had the desire from them to go b
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52. That land is cursed.
"No I haven't and I pray it never comes around my city." The chief was quick to say, showing how much he was afraid of the dragon coming around his location.With the response they've gotten from him, they knew that there was no valuable information that could be gotten from Cliffsage pertaining to their mission of hunting the dragon down. So it was to leave Cliffsage for another city which could be a target of the dragon.But the chief continued with a question, "Sorry to ask, but why are you asking about the dragon? And why do you think it might have passed through this city?""We want to hunt it down." Eric answered the question, and he was sincere in his response.Since his question had been answered and the first reason for their coming was achieved, the King had to introduce the number two purpose for their being there. "Secondly, we are here to know why a site in this city was not renovated after the destruction it faced years ago."The chief was left to think about what he was
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53. Filthy prophecy.
After hearing these words from Eric, the chief was dumbfounded for some minutes. He now understood why despite how much he tries not to talk about it, he could not. For the singular fact that the soldiers had told them about him being in the right position to tell what is wrong with that place, he must do so because the soldier had confided in him, so he must not let them down."That land has taken several people away from this world." He began, "Those who planned on renovating the places say there are voices in the yard, and the moment you answer the voice, that I will be your end.""Are you saying that the person vanished or what?" Zach asked to get a clearer understanding of what he was saying concerning his old house."Not really, but they always pass away at night after coming out of the place. Out of fear we stopped sending people into the land to work on the place."Immediately, they all looked at Eric Claus, because from what the chief was saying he was going to die in a few m
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54. Rare decision.
Since they had left the house of the chief when the sky was still dark, they did not move at a fast pace. They had just left the city of Cliffsage, heading for the city of Newgriffin, when the skies began to brighten up. About some distance away from the Newgriffin, they saw a few riders heading towards them at great speed, so they had to stop for them to come close because it was sensed that they had an important message for them."Your majesty," the captain in the midst of the riders saluted as they came close before continuing with the message which had brought them since there was no need to be asked before speaking. "The dragon has been seen and there was news reaching us, telling us that you seek the dragon.""Where?!" King Luca asked at once. "Northby."Not waiting for further orders from the King outside the eyes which met with his own, General Aaron whistled as he waved his hand in the air, thereby drawing the attention of the army with them, then added with words. "Change
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55. Let's be positive.
Even with the exclamation of Eric Claus and the manner in which the others stared at King Luca Cole, he had no intention of going back on his words. Instead he said to them, "These looks are not going to change my decision in any way so it is better you quit looking at me like and stay calm let's wait for the riders that will bring us news of the dragons location.""Are you sure we have the patience to wait that long?" Zach said to him."You better find a way to grow your patience. It is better we leave here with full confidence of where to find the dragon, than wander to the last place where the draft would think of going. The commander had just said that his men would come here in less than no time. However, it's late and I bet we all need rest.""And what if the soldiers don't come as supposed, are we still going to stay here forever without acting upon the latest information heard concerning this situation?" Eric wanted to hear some words which he could use to pin the King into do
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56. Here you go again.
Next they were all in a small circle as with the commander and the riders that just came in. One of them had just finished making the report of what had befallen their comrades. But the news which was heard about them and the dragon was one that made the ears of the five people who they told this to tingle.They had just narrated to them how the dragon attacked and consumed them with his breath. According to their words, the dragon had known about them keeping up tracks with it all along but refused to react as it waited for the right time to do so. And the time it did was actually the right time based on the dragon."What are we waiting for again?!" Eric Claus asked them at random as he saw the manner in which they all froze. He was probably the only one amongst them that did not feel the way they did and even himself could not tell what the cause yet he was sure that it was as a result of words which they said about him being a gift to them. He knew that there was more to why he had
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57. Enough command.
Since King Luca had made the promise, Aaron and Zach did not need to think about it before giving their response. They chorused, "Yeah, we won't.""Fine," Eric was glad to hear that reply from them, so he continued with his explanation which they had given him the chance to do. "This is not the place to make a plan. Any plan should be made in the castle, so that it would not cost us much time to begin its execution. The news is that the dragon is heading for Raychester so it is expedient that we are there at the moment when it will strike, rather than I have a good plan yet we are not there to execute it by the time it attacks."Now it made sense to them why he had shuck to the saying that should leave Northby and go to Raychester. Therefore there was no more argument on this. The King told the commander to still keep his men at alert because other creatures can attack the city at any time, especially the trolls which are believed to have a camp at the borders of the city.Afterwards,
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58. It's the dragon.
Harris was already about to make the report of what happened there to his father before the question was raised so it was not a problem for him, he answered at once. "It's the dragon. It's around." Zachary looked up to the sky and then around the surrounding area as he was now confused of what Harris was saying. His mind was that if the dragon was around, then the soldiers would be engaged in combat already instead of running here and there. Since he could not hear the sound of the dragon nor that of combat, he asked. "Where is it? I can't see nor hear it." "It was visible some moments ago. It flew over the camp about thrice today, and from what our teachers and superiors say, it is planning an attack as it is observing our status so as to know the best way to launch its attack on us." Now that was serious as Zach was charged in the spirit. He also knew the reason for the unordered movement of the soldiers. He discerned that they were preparing for war so that they would be in their
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59. Fight against the dragon.
As they left the main castle, heading for the military camp, and where a good distance away, the dragon came into sight again from behind as he smashed the top of the castle, so that the wall broke, as the top was falling, breaking the walls below and causing the castle to fall, the dragon flew above the collapsing building again and unleashed it's fire breath on the castle to aid the collapsing of their great castle.At the sound of the collapsing castle, all eyes turned to the direction of Raychester castle, and since it was a building so tall that all eyes could see no matter your location as long as you were within Raychester, the collapsing was also seen by all men. and they could see the dragon pour out its fire on the castle.This terrible and horrifying sight, caused a great shout and cry in Raychester. It was known to everyone that saw the castle fall that hundreds of people were also going down with the castle. Amongst them was their Queen, because it was without a doubt tha
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60. Death of the dragon.
Since Aaron Gordon was the highest ranked officer in the troop, his instruction was obeyed without questioning, even though some of them still thought that Eric was the rider who is controlling the dragon on what to do and what not to do.While the soldiers did as General Aaron had ordered, Eric then gained enough distraction as he moved on the dragon's back from its trail end down to the neck joint.As he made this move on the dragon, the soldiers who were doubting who he was now believed what Aaron had said. They were able to discern that if he was the dragon rider in control of the dragon, then the dragon would not be seeking for means to throw him down. And for this reason, they did not give the dragon any chance to do what it had in mind.The fight was now tougher than the dragon had expected, so it was time it would leave the fight, but before doing so, it had to release another astonishing strike which was its fire breath which it had gathered, ready to pour out.Eric who was o
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