All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
192 chapters
61. Agony in Raychester.
While his command was being carried out, he took the staff and went to meet Eric where he was lying on the ground since he kind of needed aid before he could get up and walk.As he came to the spot where Eric was lying, he sat on the ground beside him and said, "You did it, Eric."Eric, whose eyes were closed when Aaron drew near, had to open his eyes at the sound of those words and look at Aaron who made the pronouncement.Aaron intentionally did not touch Eric because he knew that it was merely closing of his eyes, because he had seen him when he fell from the dragon and tried standing up but couldn't. So he knew Eric was just resting, nothing more. As Eric opened his eyes and looked at him, he said again because those looks carried a question that needed to be answered and since he discerned what the question was, there was no need waiting for it to be put in words. "The dragon is dead, and guess who did it? ....You. You've killed the dragon."As he heard this he turned his neck to
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62. Call back my sons.
Just as Aaron uttered his first words, King Luca looked at him with this weird look that told him that he was not ready to hear any wise words from any of them at the moment. So Aaron held his peace apologizing to him for the words which he had spoken. "I'm sorry your highness."Eric was still on the horse, as he made the horse walk around the place, seeing the great multitude that had died both by the collapsed building and in the hands of the dragon. He was never happy with what his eyes were seeing because he could see that those who the dragon had taken down with him were so much that even the dragon's death would not take away such pain from them.When he had gone around the place and came back to the spot where King Luca was, he was shocked that even with Aaron and Zach beside him, he was still in so much pain, so he wondered how the both of them were unable to console the King. "Your majesty, you are in pain but that does not mean you should be like this. Look around you, your
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63. You are coming with me.
Now the wound of Eric Claus had been opened for too long, that it should have been treated before now, so he was loosing strength that he could no longer hold on to the horse, therefore he fell from it to the ground and that made Aaron who had turned around his horse to ride out of Raychester to stop again and see what was happening, only to see that it was Eric who had fallen to the ground and both the King and Zach jumped from their rides to find out what had caused him to fall.It was now that Aaron remembered that Eric was injured and needed treatment which should have been done earlier on. So he came back to them again and helped take him to the place where he would be treated.Since this had happened within the camp, the closest place to carry him was to the medical unit so they would save his life. Though most medical soldiers had joined in the fight against the dragon because being a medical personnel did not stop them from having the basic training every soldier had. Even th
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64. Impossible has become possible.
That information made Reece shocked as it was noticed in his body motion. He could not believe his ears. No one would ever believe that the great rayc will ever fall. But with the manner in which Aaron used to break the news he could tell that it was true and serious.While he was quiet in shock, Aaron said a simple prayer in his heart asking that the words he had said would be convincing to Prince Reece and make him leave the argument and follow him so they will go and meet his brother, Ethan. He had begun the breaking of the news to the Prince so there was every tendency that if Prince Reece was not moved by that news about Raychester's fall, them he might have to go further and tell him about the death of his mother too, as it was believed that definitely that one would make him want to go with him at once to Raychester.Reece Cole lingered a little as he was processing the information which he had heard before he asked. "I hope you are not joking with me? Because I hate lies.""Yo
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65. Tell us what you are.
When they had come to Raychester, the Queen had already been and so was all those that had passed on during the fight. The King was with Zach when Aaron arrived with his sons and the Putrid squad. Only the two Princes with Aaron came to meet King Luca Cole and Zachary Hawkins where they stood talking about what they were to do next even as they were still mourning the dead.Prince Reece and Ethan could see the way the dragon had caused the great castle to collapse flat with the fire that had burnt the place. While they drew near to where their father was standing, they kept rolling their eyes around to find their mother the Queen."Father," Reece said because they had come from behind.As he heard his son's voice, he turned around together with Zachary. "Welcome," he hugged them at the same time."Father, where is mother?" The younger Prince asked while King Luca held them tight, not wanting to let go.It was from the way he was holding them that had made them suspect that their moth
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66. Change of direction.
Reece had no clue of what the staff was; all he wanted was to hold the staff full of such power that had been mentioned by the witnesses of these things. He looked the staff up to down twice then he winged it a little but nothing was noticed. It was like every other weapon which was being used by soldiers. So he handed it over again to the owner."What do you think about the staff?" Eric asked him after taking it back for him."Nothing. It is very normal, just as everyone's weapon is." "You did not see the thing done by that staff, that is why you are saying this." Aaron who had seen more asked."You did not see these things with your eyes, that is why it seems as if that staff is normal.""I did not say that you did not see will, nor do I doubt what had been done with that staff. All I am saying is that the staff can be used by any of us here but it will not do the mysteries which it is supposed to do when in the hands of Eric."The words of Bradley Rogers flashed the mind of King L
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67. Stubborn horse.
As they were getting close to the boundaries of the village, they could hear the sound of battle as villagers were screaming, running here and there. Even the voices of the monsters that had attacked the village were heard.They did not need anyone to tell them what they were there for again. The three of them came to understand that their mission there was to help the villagers of Oldgriffin.Riding into the main village, where the struggle was waxing high, they could see the ogres that had attacked the people and they were destroying buildings, crushing soldiers and villagers with both hands and legs, as they ate some of the people.The few soldiers who were there in defense of the city were now running helter-skelter because even they themselves needed protection and wanted to live.From what Eric saw here, he then understood why Harris told him that they could not fight the ogres. Again he was now proud of the soldiers under Aaron's command in Northby when he first went there and
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68. Two down, one to go.
With the trap he had set for the ogre, its foot was pierced with the spear, and as though the ogre knew that Eric would dodge from being stepped on, it immediately moved its second leg to. kick him. But due to the unpredicted action of Eric, as it raised the other leg to kick Eric, it could not stand because of the pain it had on the other leg caused by the spear that had wounded it. Therefore it staggered to the ground at once.In the same manner which it had predicted the movement of Eric to had want to kick him, that was the same way Eric predicted that move and knew that with his trap, the ogre will fall, so he immediately picked up the sword of one of the fallen soldiers, climbed on ogre, sinking the sword into its throat as that was the best place to kill any living thing. Eric did not take chances by making any delay to give the monsters a chance after it fell to the earth.The first ogre which Eric had attacked that kicked him to the one he killed, was its like fall and rushed
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69. How did you do it?
This last one was really torn to the flesh as it did not want to fall down. It had noticed that its kind that came with it to destroy the village was no longer alive and from the way Eric kept striking it, it knew of a surety that he was the one responsible for the death of the other two. If it were a creature that wonders, then it would be asking itself what kind of a human was Eric to be fast to the extent that it could not hit him, yet was accurate to the point that he knew where to strike for great effect and where not to strike. For the fact that it had known that Eric was responsible for the death of its fellow, it vowed to itself that it would avenge them. Either it kills Eric and lives, or they both go down together.Whatever the ogre was thinking and promising itself was none of Eric's business. He was going to kill this one and live just as he had done to the others. No matter how strong it proved to be, he was sure to kill it at all cost without dying, or passing out like
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70. I heard it too.
Honestly, it was now that Eric was getting a better explanation to why Zach did not want Harris out in the field. "So if you say it is not determination and believing in myself, what else could it be?""You are the one to tell us what other thing keeps you alive no matter the danger you embark into." King Luca answered him."Hmmm," Eric then breath out before giving them another answer because he had come to know that there were a whole lot of things keeping him alive, such as the fact and believe that he was in his game, thereby he was entitled to a specific number of life which he had used two and was left with either one or two more because all the games he had produced before now, he only gave his character three lives, so if had planned more lives for this game, then it would only be an addition of one which he was not sure about and was never going to try experiment it by allowing himself to die again. Back to the answer he was to give, he said, "I think it's because I have to
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