All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
192 chapters
71. A wizard, isn't it?
The word 'finally' made Eric Claus know that the seer had been expecting him to come there, therefore his asking what he was there for was not regarded as a question to him. He chose not to answer the question, instead he said. "If you had been expecting me, then you must have something you want to tell me and even you will know why I am here."That was a smart answer by Eric and the seer was not expecting him to say that, but he did and there was no way the words would be taken back as if they were not said. "I have asked you a question and demand an answer, not you pushing it back for me to answer." "You are not the one to tell me what to do. You just said it right that you have been waiting for me, so there is something you also want to tell me.""Stop misinterpreting my words and save our time.""If there is anyone amongst us that is making delays here, then it is you." Since the seer said the words he said when he entered there, he had shifted from asking the questions that had
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72. Orc civilization.
King Luca and Aaron stayed calm waiting for him for over five hours of his discussion with the seer. When he joined them again, their hearts were set to ask him of how the conversation with the seer went, but they withdrew their tongues from saying those words because they had promised not to bother him about what was discussed with the seer. Therefore, it was left in his discretion to tell them or not."I believe your discussion went well with the seer?" King Luca changed his words at once because the other question was about coming out by force."Yes. But it was unfinished, so I will be coming back some other to complete my conversation with him." He said as climbed the back of the horses again, sitting the way they had been sitting since Eric's ride ran away. Then they head back to Raychester to see how the place was and plan on the next thing to do.*****News flew, so the news of Raychester's fall flew beyond walls and even beyond the country of the human race, that is beyond Pal
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73. Battle preparation.
Zachary noticed the King talking with the captain and then gave his son instruction which he moved with haste to carry out, so he came close to the King and asked. "What is going on, your majesty?""Thank goodness you are here. We need all men ready for war, both soldiers and civilians. At this point, Harris will have to fight." The King said to Zachary.With the manner in which those words were said, it was known that the situation was very serious, therefore he could not hide his son from battle while those who were not trained at all would be fighting. He obeyed and left to gather the people.Then King Luca headed for the military camp to enlighten the soldiers there with the current situation of things, because every man was going to fight, whether he served in the medicals or other non combat unit. As he went to the military camp, he met his second son, and said. "I believe you have been informed?""About what, father?" Prince Ethan was yet to know about the situation. He had se
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74. The battle begins.
After the King had sent forth the main soldiers to join those who were already at the gate, he came to behold the men that had joined the force just now, and as he looked at them, he cried and was discouraged. Their number did not reach his expectations and above all he did not see a warrior in them. All the same, seeing the weapons Reece and Zach had made them to select, he was happy because with the arrows, if fifty percent of their shot kills orc, then they had taken down over a thousand, but the probability of this was fluctuating at a very high rate.Before the orcs would reach Raychester at dawn of a new day, the army in Raychester had all been ready to fight, not up to two thousand men in total. The fence of Raychester had already been surrounded both by archers and swordsmen.They were shocked at first when they saw that the fence was still standing, so it was thought that the news they heard was false. But then it was noticed by the commanders that had led these army of orcs
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75. Battle continues.
The orc commander saw the few riders and laughed because he was far off and did not know that it was the Putrids. He was laughing at how those few riders would think they were going to be able to stop or withstand the one thousand orcs it had sent forward.Putting their formation and special strategy in use, they were doing wonders in the rate at which they killed the orcs.It was at the moment they began to put their training to use that the orc commander knew that those were not just riders, but the Putrid squad. Well, his sight made him baffled because he never expected that the Putrids squad would be in Raychester when they attacked. Yet that did not make him think that they would not come, he knew that the squad must surely show up in that battle, maybe when the battle had been fought for a long time and even they might have begun to claim the territory.All the same, whether they showed up early or not, they had come prepared. It was now time for them to send out the orc riders
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76. Battle continues. (part 2)
With what Prince Ethan's eyes had seen Eric do, he now understood what Aaron had told him not to get engaged. But he was glad he did. Speaking about what Eric had told him about knowing what to do, he knew that it was to use the beast now against its kind, but doing that would require him to have a weapon in his hand.Eric knew that Ethan would need a weapon, so the manner in which he used to snatch an orcish sword from one of them riding on a beast too was so fast. After taking the sword, he put the beast to sleep, making the orc fall from it, landing on the ground, as the beast fell on him, leading to its death too."Here! You will need this," Eric tossed the sword to Prince Ethan. "Thanks," Ethan said as he caught the sword, and with it he then joined Eric to fight against the orcs, both those on foot and those riding on the beast.The number of soldiers was now very few, even the Putrids had died so much as they retreated back to the city. The orcs were still joining the fight as
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77. A lost battle.
Now Eric had to put an end to the beast which he was riding on. He and Prince Ethan had successfully brought down the majority of the beasts. Since Ethan had been following what Eric did, he also stabbed the beast from its head. With their closeness to one another in the field, Prince Ethan had come to see now for himself that those things which were spoken of Eric doing wonders in the field with his staff were true. He had seen how he used his weapon as both a staff and a blade.The fight had at this point lasted for a whole day because they had fought throughout the night till it was dawn again.It was at this point that the orcs which had entered Raychester from behind had the opportunity to set fire on some houses as they had planned. It was also as a result of the smoke which was seen inside the city that had caused Eric to put an end to the beast he was riding. Then they fell back from the forefront of battle, going back into the city because the battle was now tougher there.
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78. This is pointless.
As the slaughtering of the orcs continued, few of the orcs managed to make it through the part of the fence that was broken because they thought that their commander who was supposed to break the gate after it was sealed had disappointed them. Within the next four to five hours as it was getting to midday when the sun was at the center of the sky, they successfully had a break from the fight as all orcs inside the city were killed, and over five hundred escaped through the route whence they had entered from.Out of the two thousand men that had begun the five, only about three hundred were still breathing, twenty were Putrids. They had lost a great number of soldiers in that fight. Even the one thousand five hundred rides that just arrived that morning, had lost over two hundred men because all the focus of the orcs did shift to them when they rode in.The King and those that survived happened to be the happiest people because they never thought they would still be alive till that ti
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79. Inside the tunnel
Back on the main surface, the orcs that were turning around the fence of Raychester came to the place that had been broken and they saw the few orcs that had escaped from the slaughter as they prepared to leave Raychester and journey back to the outer lands where they believed the others had retreated to give report to their leader, Zagthak.In orcish language the orc commander called their attention to come back and they did turn around to see that the orc commander who they had thought left them did not leave them as thought. They were glad to turn again and join with them as they were asked what had happened there to have made them retreat."Human race is difficult to wipe off the face of this earth. They got help, and a battalion of riders rallied against us from behind." One of them still answered in their orcish language because that was the language they knew how to communicate in.Being very determined to defeat all life in Raychester, the commander said based on his discretio
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80. Neglected.
Eric looked for a place to sit down after coming out of the tunnel. He sat down in deep thoughts. He was lost in his thoughts, everything was too hard for him to comprehend. His countenance was broken. Harris was the one who looked around and saw him where he was sitting with facial expressions telling his frustration and anger. Since Zachary was moving around with Aaron to see that the city was in a stable state so that they would not fear, Harris then left his side and came to sit close to Eric."What is the matter Sir?" Harris asked as if he did not know that the fall of Raychester was able to make anyone so devastated and look very weary."Oh, Harris. I'm glad you made it." Eric said. He had not taken time to look out for those who survived. "Where is your father?""He is over there with General Aaron. I sighted you sitting in thought and confusion so I came to know what the problem was.""It's the fall of Raychester as we both know." He answered even when that was not the main r
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