All Chapters of Stuck in my Game World.: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
192 chapters
81. Bring their heads to me.
Now this was serious because Ethan could not believe that a prophecy like that was made yet he did not know about it. Well, he stuck to the reason why he had sat with Eric. He went back to encouraging him. "Whether a second prophecy or not, since the world does not know of it, we will keep holding on to the first that says you are going to deliver us from the terrors of these monsters. So hold firm to that and you will see it happen before your eyes. Trust me in this and see.""You are very positive and convincing," Eric confessed to him as those words were really helping him to think positive and not negative."We all have to be positive as our thoughts have a great impact on what comes to us. I really like now that you are not looking too worried. Take away some thoughts from your mind even though I know it is very difficult to stop thinking about a family, especially when it is your child."Though his face had been lightened by those words, he knew that Ethan did not still get the
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82. Mantle of leadership.
The news about Raychester city being destroyed went around the country and came to the ears of General Morgan Elliot who was in the city of Newgriffin leading and helping the soldiers there. The news came to him, saying that no life was left in the Raychester, and the King was fighting with his two sons, Aaron, Zach and even the American. The city had searched and all they could see were dead bodies which were burnt, therefore recognizing the King nor his sons was now possible.These words had come to the General on the same day that the King and those men came out from the tunnel in the Warcton fortress. Therefore the deliverers of this message were right in what they had said since neither the King nor his son would survive the battle and stay hidden for five days. General Morgan Elliot was the best person this news came to since he was now the highest ranked officer in the whole country. He wept after hearing this sad news and did not know what to do. He knew that for them to bri
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83. Best form of defense.
Eric took a while to think about this as he kept rolling his eyeballs, looking at them as he saw their eagerness to hear something good from him, but there was only one thing coming into his mind at this point, and he believed that was what they all had in mind yet they were expecting another thing from him.Prince Ethan was the only one who understood him better and his reason for not wanting the entire people of Palind to assemble to two or three cities, and that was because he had entered a conversation with Eric earlier that day.Well, since nothing else was coming into his mind, he had to go with the thing that he had predicted all of them to have in their mind. "Is there still a need for me to tell you what we must do? I have seen in all our faces that you already know what we must do.""What I have in mind might not be the same as what Aaron or Oliver or any other person has, so tell us what it is and leave making assumptions." King Luca said to him as he wanted to hear what he
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84. Gorlúk.
When it was sun rise, and the leaders of the army who had partook in the meeting that was held last night began to set out for the other cities of the country, Eric Claus chose to go to Riverston so that he could meet with the seer as they had planned to see days ago if not for the battle that began in Raychester.While they left Warcton fortress, the news of King Luca Cole and his sons surviving the war also spread throughout the cities as it gave hope to the people once again.When Eric Claus came to the city of Riverston, down to the dwelling of the seer who had come to see, he saw some orcs in the environment and at once he attacked them all by himself, about twenty of them.What they were there for was something he could not guess but he knew that they had no good intentions for being there.The orcs attacked him at once, since he was alone, it was easily concluded by the creatures that they would bring an end to him with ease. But things didn't go as they had presumed. He fought
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85. Commender Benjamin.
When the words got to Prince Ethan that the next city to be attacked was Riverston, he had doubts about it as they had all concluded that Warcton would be the next city since it was the greatest city and the orcs were now going for the larger territories before the smaller ones. It took Ethan several hours before he finally agreed to go to Riverston with soldiers as the messengers had brought to him.On the part of Zachary Hawkins, he did not think it twice, as he was not totally in support of what others thought concerning Warcton being the next target of the orcs. He set out with a good number of soldiers to come to Riverston for aid. Amongst these men was his son, Harris who he will never let out of his sight because he knew that no place was safe again, so he had to fight side by side with Harris to keep him safe.To General Morgan, it was too early for the orcs to attack another city seeing that they had conquered Raychester. Most of all, if they were to launch another attack, wh
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86. Another mission.
It was the best decision that they made by following the leadership of commander Ben. Just as he had said, catching up with the orcs away from the city boundaries was best they could do. Attack was the best form of defense. Their marching out to meet the orcs was something their enemy never expected from the human race, especially from the city to Riverston.Gorlúk, the orc commander never predicted this action from the soldiers of Riverston, even the number of soldiers it saw marching towards them wasn't what it had expected, so it knew that their conquering of Raychester was an eye opener to the other cities of the human race. It was without a doubt known to it that Riverston will not fall that day, but that did not make him stop its army. It pressed as there was another mission which it must achieve that day, which was getting the head of the seer, who had already been killed. When Gorlúk saw Eric, Zach and Harris amongst the enemy marching out to its army, it knew that it could n
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87. The legend's grief.
Back to the battlefield, the fight was waxing higher and higher. It was tougher than both the orcs and humans thought it would be. But in all, the humans were prevailing.During the battle, Eric and Zach ensured that Harris was not harmed, as more orcs were coming towards them, yet they were unable to tell that the orcs were after Harris. They thought that they had made so many kills that all eyes were now on them to bring them down.Harris was really doing well in combat and he also made a lot of kills, as he fought beside his father and Eric.With what Gorlúk was seeing in the field and how Eric was also protecting the same person who Zachary was keeping safe, it knew that Harris was not only a target to get Zachary separated from the rest of the soldiers, also it came to know that Eric would be separated from the army too if they could get their target. So it raised its voice, speaking in orcish language, charging the orcs to be more serious in getting Harris out of the field.With
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88. The legend's grief. (part 2)
Zachary could not say anything to Morgan who came to console him. The Prince was standing next to him and so was Eric. They lacked the words to say to him. The entire soldiers that had helped in searching for Harris' body could feel the pain their legend was going through.Commander Benjamin, kept his distance from Zach at that point as he had no words to say, so he allowed those of higher rank to talk to him and make him rise again to his feet.So many of the men knew that what was happening now was able to make Zach take his life because that was the story that was told of him years ago when he vanished. It was said that he could not bear the loss of his entire family, so he died of grief. Well, now it had happened before their eyes as they could see with confirmation that his last heir was no more, so that story which was said of him was going to come to fulfillment.Eric could fill his grief as the thoughts of not being close to his daughter came into his mind. His case was diffe
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89. Without regards.
As King Luca Cole entered the tent, he saw Zach sitting on the floor at one corner. He was looking weak and in sorrow of which he understood. Despite his barging into the tent without his consent, Zach did not utter any word, nor did he even look up to see who it was. He heard everything that was said outside, so he knew without looking that it was the King that had entered the tent.Luca then approached him gently as he saw the abnormal manner which Zach had squeezed himself to one corner, he said calmed. "Zach… Zach…." He repeated his name because he refused to answer him on purpose. Since he had not made any move as he came in, he attempted touching him as he thought that he might be sleeping. "Please leave me alone, your majesty." Zach finally answered him even before he would touch him. Then he raised his face which he had buried in-between his knees and looked at the King. His eyes were coloring red as he had been crying ever since. Though he was angry that Luca had gone agains
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90. He is dead.
As they were seated in the commander's camp, Aaron began with the question, "Your majesty, what exactly did you tell Zach that caused him to raise his voice at you?" King Luca knew that they must ask him that question but he did not know what to answer. So he was silent even though they were all waiting for him to say something because he must definitely say something. Since they really want to know this, he began, "Please, let none of you judge me because I did not know why such came out of my mouth." With the way he had started by telling them not to judge him, they knew that what he said was something he shouldn't have said, so their curiosity to know what he said rose as they made signs telling him that they would not judge him as requested. Therefore he continued, "I mistakenly mentioned that his son is not dead and could still be found since his corpse was not seen in the battlefield." As they heard this it was very irritating to their ears as it was actually something he sho
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