All Chapters of Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia : Chapter 11
- Chapter 20
28 chapters
Yasuke, Chapter 11 : Battle Knowledge
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
"Purple Thunder, Mobile Gunner Smash!" Domitia chi formed a construct that was the shape of a cloud. It completely covered the area with a fifty foot reach. His chi also formed around his feet all the way up to his hip and around his hands all the way up to his shoulders. "I see why his final technique took so long to charge up." Amadia thought. "This energy is tremendous." "Before I begin" Domitia stated. "I just want to thank you for granting me the time it takes to prepare this technique. As a form a gratitude, I promise I will not harm you anymore than I need to." "You don't need to thank me." Amadia replied. "But, I appreciate your modesty. As my form of gratitude, I'll make it look as if I ran away rather than me just beating you. I know your superiors will scold you for failing." "I hope you're ready..." Domitia declared. "Because here I come!" Domitia rushed forwards and was almost instantly in striking range of Amadia. "He's taking this serious..!" Amadia thought as sh
Yasuke, Chapter 12 : Shameful Defeat?
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
With the intercepting style, one of the three basic combat kata, chi users are able to sense other chi users with their own chi. Amadia's terra grid took full advantage of this and even added another level to the technique. First, she would spread her chi throughout the ground so that she could sense any movement or actions in her vicinity. Then, she added the high level skill known as the matter warp to manipulate those movements and actions. In other words, any movement or action Domitia made would be manipulated and altered by Amadia. After remembering a few informational quotes from his seniors, Domitia realized this and tried his best to devise an appropriate counter for it. "Purple Thunder!" Domitia stated as he built his purple aura. "Triple Grand Smash!" Domitia created three clones from his purple aura that leaped into the air and came down, crashing into the ground. After endless pieces of the ground flew up due to the impact, Domitia sent all of the scattered debris flying
Yasuke, Chapter 13 : King Nebuchadnezzar's Might
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
"It seems we have a few Spartans tailing us." Botaro stated as he used intercepting style. "I can tell that they are substantially more powerful than the average knight. I believe they are both bishops."Botaro was leading the rest of the squad of knights he and Amadia were leading on this mission. At this point in time, they travelled way closer to the Kingdom of Neserus than they were before. However, they still had a couple ways to go. "If we allow them to follow us into Neserus, we'll have to deal with them and all of King Musa's Order. If we stop and confront them now, we probably won't be able to complete our mission." Botaro stated. "Unless Amadia somehow joins us within the next few minutes, our chances of completing the mission are extremely low." "What should we do?" a female knight asked. "In a time where the odds are stacked against you, it's best to assess one single strategy to fully commit to." one of the other knights replied. "Now is not the time, Gozu." The femal
Yasuke, Chapter 14 : Deep Blue
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
Perseus unleashed a severe wave of chi as he built his blue aura. "Deep Blue!" Botaro and the others tried to build their auras as well until they started to feel a certain pressure. This pressure caused breathing to be abnormally difficult and it began to make it abnormally difficult to move. "You won't last more than three minutes in this state." Perseus explained. "My Deep Blue allows me to emulate the pressure you would feel deep down into the ocean. I've just started at the maximum depth recommended for humans, but little by little, the pressure will increase until you feel as if you're at the bottom of the ocean.""How did he even manage to make his chi this potent?" Kaji uttered as they were all soon forced to the ground. "I can't move at all." "I created this technique in honor of my late father, Poseidon." Perseus replied. "His chi is amongst the most potent I've ever felt, even more potent than the King himself, and he loved water. Before I could train with him, I had to
Yasuke, Chapter 15 : Idols Become Rivals
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
After building his aura, Gozu's chi formed a small book that continued to hover on the left side of him. "Gozu is really taking this battle serious...he plans on using his God's Hand from the beginning" Nala thought. After seeing this, Perseus noticed something about the book. It was radiating it's own chi that felt completely different than Gozu's. "I can tell he's not joking around." Perseus thought. "It would be wise to do the same." "To be able to show you that I'm far from weak, I had to start this fight off with my strongest technique." Gozu explained. "So go ahead." Perseus stated as he entered his battle stance. "Show me what you're made of."The Spartan's fighting style was taught to be as evenly offensive and defensive as possible. They always carried sufficient armor, a sturdy shield, and a sword or spear. Their famous battle stance could be identified by the positioning of these weapons and armor. The proper stance begins with their non-dominant foot leading with thei
Yasuke, Chapter 16 : King Nebuchadnezzar's Might Part Two
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
After hearing his voice, Gozu, Botaro, Perseus and the two others found themselves within in presence. After a divine flash of light rose in the sky, they found him standing amongst them in the flesh. "King Nebuchadnezzar, it's a honor." Botaro uttered as he struggled to raise his arm for a respectful gesture. "Praise not, elder one." Nebuchadnezzar replied. "The Black Dahlia has been secured, he is already on his way back to Namunda." "Is that so?" Perseus replied. "That must mean you had to defeat Domitia, Mephistopheles, and the others." "Think not, brave one. There's no point in trying to defy me in the slightest. I can assure that you can and will be dispatched with ease." Nebuchadnezzar responded. "You should rush to your fellow Spartans aid, they need it right now." King Nebuchadnezzar snapped his fingers, which seemed to let out a wave of energy that fully eradicated the pressure of Perseus' Deep Blue. Botaro, Nala, and Kaji found themselves able to move again and quickly
Yasuke, Chapter 17 : Two Birds, One Stone
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
Just as the Trident rammed through King Nebuchadnezzar's head, three snakes bit into the back of Perseus' neck. King Nebuchadnezzar's shocked face became a dripping, bloody mess as his trembling body slowly collapsed to the ground. After seeing this technique connect, Perseus' remaining strength was completely exhausted and he too fell to the ground. The snake's bite weakened his chi potency until it began to completely fade away. "King Nebuchadnezzar!" Botaro stated as he rushed to the fallen king's side. "It seems what they've told me is true. Somehow, I can feel this snakes pumping some form of venom into my body." Perseus thought. "It feels like my chi is being drained from my body. I know when it does, the result will be fatal. But, somehow I'm satisfied. Could this be the feeling of Nirvana my father spoke of..." The Spartans of the past always shared one common belief. The biggest determinant of true strength comes from what you experience in your lifetime. Those who have be
Yasuke, Chapter 18 : Luck and Probability
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
"I cannot label what I'm about to say as the truth, because truly I don't know. But, I heard that King Nebuchadnezzar became King by defeating the previous King before him, King Solomon." Logias explained. "The same King Solomon who was able to defeat the previous King of Spartania, King Apollo." "He beat King Apollo?" Domitia said in shock. "Doesn't King Leonidas consider King Apollo to be stronger than him?" "I've heard him say that before." Mephisto answered. "But, I cannot tell if he's selling himself short to uphold the respect he has for him. King Apollo was like a father to King Leonidas. The only family he had that cared for him." "Whether King Nebuchadnezzar is capable of defeating Leonidas doesn't matter. All that matters is that he is a formidable opponent, that we'll have to come together to defeat." Mona stated. "No." Domitia thought. "This is a matter King Leonidas should tend to himself. As much as I'd like to enlist in the battle, King Nebuchadnezzar seems to be com
Yasuke, Chapter 19 : Women of Spartania
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
With his ability named the "Sphere of Promise", King Musa was able to reverse all of the damage done to the Kingdom of Neserus. All of the buildings were repaired, all of the people hurt were healed. However, King Musa still faced the curiosity and concern from the Knights enlisted in his Order. Therefore, King Musa scheduled a meeting that would bring the Kingdom of Neserus and the Kingdom of Spartania's leaders and warriors together. While he was preparing for this, which was only a few days away, the junior knights Gozu and Nala continued on their journey to bring Perseus back to Spartania. Once they set foot into the Spartan's native land, they were puzzled at the sight of Leonidas' Kingdom. There were no gates surrounding the Kingdom of Spartania nor were there any knights actively standing on guard. The only thing that enabled the young knights to realize they were in Spartan territory, was the Spartans signature spear and shield that was sticking out of the ground. The confusio
Yasuke, Chapter 20 : Cost of Success
Yasuke : Rise of the Black Dahlia /Verbonic_Comics
After Botaro and Kaji made it back to the Kingdom of Namunda, they were met with King Nobunaga. He was cheerful that they managed to take Yasuke from Neserus despite what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Despite King Nebuchadnezzar's condition, Nobunaga's onto focus was throwing a celebration. "My King, I know it may be hard for you to hear. But, King Nebuchadnezzar fell in his battle against the Spartan Captain Perseus." Botaro explained. "He managed to capture Yasuke, which is indeed a win. But losing King Nebuchadnezzar in battle is still a loss. I'm having my own herbalist treating him with medicine currently. But, I think we should have the Order's head herbalist working on healing him." "No, that won't be necessary." King Nobunaga stated as he poured himself a drink. "You have your guy doing all he can, which is fine for me. Don't stress Botaro. You should have a drink, try to enjoy yourself." "I'm glad your in good spirits but I can't celebrate knowing King Nebuchadnezzar wo