Awaiting the arrival of Hael, the group finds themselves resting in a quarter at the far end of The Bethel, where they ponder their own thoughts. Marne looks to the high ceiling, where a set of arched beams maintain the roof beyond it. His thoughts dive deep into the ideas that Yuler provided him. A place to call home, land to care for, and potentially even children. Still, who to enjoy it with seems to slip his mind, as Yuler's words have not seemed to have hinted towards it being him she has these intentions with. As he continues to think on this, Lee finds himself focused solely on the well-being of Hael, who he assures himself will be the same woman he has always known. Perhaps, even better. If, and only if, Farrow can restore her sight, perhaps she will enjoy the life they have come to know even more so. Or... perhaps she will see his scar, and feel too much guilt to continue on with him. Yuler, who has separated herself from the others and taken to a windowsill, watches the stre
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