All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
158 chapters
Chapter 11
The text Alonso got was from his lover, ex-lover Lyra. The tingling feeling he got in his stomach when he saw the text made him feel as though he had made a grave mistake by accepting Perry's offer as the feeling he had for her was still fresh.Despite the happiness he felt, he tried to control his emotion and make sure his emotions were in check at their best before meeting herShe had sent a text that they meet up, as she claimed she had something important to say to him. It was already past nine, and his leaving would arouse suspicion from Perry and the guards around, so he sneaked out successfully to meet up with LyraAs he approached the venue they were supposed to meet, he began having second thoughts about proceeding with the meet-up. His heart died a million times, as he remembered the night Lyra broke up with him, and the thought of James in her made the matter worse and his head was so messed up that he decided to back off.“Are you about to leave? I thought you just arrived
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Chapter 12
Alonso sneaked back into the apartment to avoid anyone being aware of his outing especially not Perry. What excuse was he going to tell? “Hey, I went to see my ex” that certainly would be crazyToday felt like the longest day in Alonso's life, but when he recalls a flashback of what his life used to be, he feels a little better.He lay on the bed for just a few seconds to lay off all the tiredness of the day, but nature got a grip on him on the bed and he fell into a deep slumber without changing what he wore or even thinking of showering*****Alonso's nostrils itched from the smell he perceived, making him wake up. It was not just any smell but an aroma of something delicious cooking and coming from his kitchen.He followed the smell and where it came thinking he was also given a personal cook but was stunned to see Perry actively cooking without any sort of guidance from either a cooking manual or YouTube."what the heck are you doing?" he asked stunned as she prepared the dish lik
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Chapter 13
He wanted to give her the space she wanted and sought, but having a knowledge of women and how it can be so confusing handling them and knowing what they want, he decided to go after her to console her “the food was really nice, how did you learn to cook so well?” he asked in a low tone as he approached her Alonso knew and felt that he had no right to ask a question, especially not in her current mood, so he thought of a way of starting a conversation that was all that came to his mind and surprisingly she answered “it was my mother” she responded, as she turned to his direction with the glass in her hand “she was a great cook, she did love cooking and I learned from her” she added Taking a short pause, she took a sip from the glass and took a deep breath. Buzz buzz… Alonso's body twitched when the phone in his pocket buzzed. He wasn’t expecting any text at the moment and it made him more curious to know who texted but then Perry was speaking he wouldn’t want to look as though he
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Chapter 14
“Do you have an appointment with Miss. Montillo?” she questions. Her eyes widened and her mind began roaming when she didn’t see the man she was talking to a few seconds ago.What sorcery, she must have presumed. Out of the blues, Alonso resurfaced and Pam was thrown off balance.“yes, I do actually by…” Alonso responded as he looked at the watch on his left wrist, and adjusted the shirt he wore, trying to act as though everything was alrightThere was a tiny box which was at the receptionist's counter ot was filled with tiny wrapped chocolates and mint definitely for customers. Alonso asked for a mint to calm his nerves but was blatantly turned down by Pam.“Ten O’clock this morning,” Pam said as she arched her left brow and stared at Alonso and his weirdness “you are fifteen minutes late, and Miss. Perry detests that you should know” she commented as she looked away from him and back to her system not wanting to think much about what he had just displayed“What is your name?” she a
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Chapter 15
She reconsidered the thought of taking Alonso shopping and headed back to her office, and without a word even though he was confused Alonso followed herOn her way, they stumbled upon the General, and Perry thought of him as the best bet to take her dumb ass of a fiancé shopping. She was already seeing him in that light“Hey, take him to the designer and inspect what he chose to buy, you can as well make the choices for him,” she said stopping the General halfway“I paid, some money into your account, use it and upgrade yourself” she added to Alonso, who felt like a kid who was just handed over without a thought“And you guys better not be late” She yelled somewhat angrilyThey both stood at the spot until her figure could no longer be seen. Alonso had to explain to the General all that had happened to the point they where at“I still find it hard to believe that you are CEO Orlando Castle. The boss I served had the most fashion sense and he inspired most of my fashion” the General sa
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Chapter 16
“Alright, here we are,” the General said as they stepped down from the vehicle. Alonso was stunned at the building.They arrived at the “Baron fashion house” a place where only the elite of the city shopped. Alonso had always passed by this fashion house whenever he went on deliveries and every time he stopped and admired the building“Good day sir and welcome” the guy at the entrance greeted as they walked in and immediately some ladies came and asked that they follow themThey went on to pick every single outfit Alonso liked and tested.“You might not remember much, but your fashion sense certainly hadn't died. You are the Orlando the finest, as your mom always called you” the general said as he walked up to Alonso who looked at his reflection in the mirror“Can we talk about who this Orlando is now, please?” Alonso begged and the general agreed to tell him what he wished to know. He asked the lady helping them choose an outfit to excuse them and went to the couch to sit Alonso foll
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Chapter 17
The meeting came to an abruptly unexpected halt as they walked in. Every eye in the room was locked precisely at Alonso, except for Perry’s.“What the f***” Perry muttered as she saw him and just wished everyone would remain silent and not say a word, but then Philip just had to be a dick head like he always was“Look whom we have here, just the man we have been talking about,” he said as he stood up with a smile on his face, and jammed his palms together and clapped for Alonso's arrival.The anger towards Alonso from the board members could be seen in their eyes as they all kept looking at him the moment he entered“Who are you?” a voice asked from within the board members. Alonso was confused at the question, as he assumed everyone should know him since he was engaged to Perry“I ask again, young man, who are you?” the voice from earlier said. Alonso felt like he was in the wrong room, but seeing Philip and Perry was enough reason to know he was not.He turned to the General to s
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Chapter 18
"Seems like someone is already chickened out by my presence," Alonso said as he took his hands out of his pocket and crossed them on his chest"Are you scared of me?" he asked Philip who disclaimed the fact in a second"So why then do you want me out of your way? Seems like you are doing something you feel I might be a hindrance to" he added with a smirk on his faceThey stood in si nce for a few seconds before Philip let out a hard laugh pointing at Alonso, and his men joined him in laughing. The laughter was so loud that it caught the attention of the staff walking by"Have you seen yourself in a mirror?" Philip asked after piping down on his laughter "You are not even a threat to the beggars on the street, what makes you think you are to me?""I don't know, maybe because you are asking me to leave and offering me money for that too""you should be grateful you integrate. I have a better suitor for my sister and you certainly are no match for any of them. Just get out of the way and
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Chapter 19
CHAPTER 19“I can't help but wonder what Alonso and the General might be up to as we speak” Perry pondered Whilst driving to Mr Richard's office, the company's lawyer. The thought weighed heavy on her, causing her face to pale.“he would make a good husband and father” In an attempt to shift the conversation away from Perry's concerns, Mia offered a smile and spoke’Perry was taken aback by Mia's unsolicited comment and retorted, "And how is that any of your business? Did I ask for your opinion?" The rebuke erased Mia's smile, and she retreated to her laptop, which rested on her lap, exposed due to the short skirt she wore."Please schedule a meeting for Love Bridals next Wednesday," Perry instructed Mia, who silently grinned in response. Love Bridals was the most sought-after bridal house in the city, but its services were only accessible to the affluent.Despite the board members' disapproval of her marriage to a man of lower status, Perry remained optimistic that they would come a
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Chapter 20
Upon arriving at the hospital, Perry was met with devastating news: her father had collapsed and suffered a heart attack. Just the morning prior, he was in good health. Fearing foul play, Perry refused to leave his side and insisted on spending the night at the hospital until he regained consciousness.General glanced at his gold watch, noting the late hour. “Madam is likely to be worried or upset that we’re returning home now,” he remarked as they pulled into the Montillo estate.Alonso scoffed at the suggestion. “Perry won’t even notice our absence. She can be so cold sometimes, it’s irritating,” he grumbled.Despite the late hour, General felt a sense of unease. “Something feels off,” he remarked to Alonso as they stepped out of the car. When Alonso inquired further, General struggled to put his finger on what exactly was causing his discomfort.“The atmosphere is familiar, and I despise it,” he explained, but Alonso failed to grasp the meaning behind his words. “Is it the quietnes
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