All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
158 chapters
Chapter 21
Alonso had been privy to rumours concerning Frederick, who served as Philip's right-hand man. However, most referred to him as Philip's puppet, given that he was responsible for all of Philip's unsavoury deeds.Initially, Alonso had dismissed these rumours as baseless chatter. Yet, what he had recently witnessed had confirmed their validity. Some even speculated that Frederick was the mastermind behind the Castle family's vanishing and deaths. Could it be that Frederick was his true adversary?He pondered this question as he staggered back to the room, his mind in turmoil, causing him to stop periodically.Eventually, he arrived at Perry's room and was relieved to see that she was awake and under the care of a nurse."She requested solitude," Mia informed him, halting his attempt to enter the room. Although he yearned to remedy the situation or at least bring a smile to Perry's face, he was unable to conjure up a solution.*****One week ago***** "Orlando, your..." Mr Arnold began"I
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Chapter 22
With a smug smile, Alonso addressed the boardroom filled with murmurs of confusion and shock. "I find it necessary to inform you all that I now possess thirty-five percent of the company's shares. Therefore, none of you has the right to prevent me from attending this meeting or marrying Perry," he proclaimed, turning to his fiancé, who was still in a state of disbelief.The room erupted into a state of chaos as board members muttered amongst themselves, attempting to make sense of the situation. However, Alonso remained composed, relishing in the confusion he had caused.One member of the board could not contain his disbelief and lashed out at Alonso, calling him a "gold digger." Unfazed, Alonso warned him with a smile,"Watch your tone, sir, or you may end up causing your own downfall." The air in the room grew thick and oppressive, as tension continued to mount.“So tell me Alonso, which high school did you attend?” Philip mocked Alonso's high school background, and the noise in the
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Chapter 23
Philip's spine tingled with a shiver as he gazed upon Alonso's eyes. He couldn't fathom how a person without any connections could climb the ranks of the Castillo empire in less than a month, a feat he had been struggling with for years.As he sat there, listening to Alonso speak, Philip's mind raced with questions. Who could this man be?"You mentioned earlier that I threatened people," Alonso began, his tone laced with authority. "Care to explain why Fredrick was seen in the doctor's office during his last visit?"Philip froze, his disappointment in Fredrick evident in his gaze. He had warned him to be discreet.Perry, who had been previously content, now looked bewildered. "What are you talking about?" he asked."It may interest you all to know that Fredrick here was pressuring the doctor to change the cause of our beloved Chairman's death, your father" Alonso revealed, causing the room to fall silent."At first, I couldn't fathom why he would do such a thing. But knowing who he wo
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Chapter 24
Upon arriving home, they were welcomed by Philip's mother, who had been anxiously waiting for them. On Philip's instructions, Fredrick informed her about the situation.To Philip's surprise, his mother had prepared an elaborate feast for him, with a variety of foods. He couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Despite having lost her husband, his mother was wearing bright colours and a smile that seemed out of place.Before they sat down to eat, his mother gave him a smile that was almost too good to be true. that his life was about to go back to what it used to be. When the door creaked open, he looked up to see an old friend standing before him. It was someone he never thought he would see again, and the shock made his food turn sour in his mouth. He spat it out and looked to his mother for comfort, but all she could offer was a smile and a signal to remain calm.However, calm was the last thing Philip felt when he stormed out of the room in a fit of rage. He couldn't sit still a
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Chapter 25
*****Returning to the moment when Perry unexpectedly encountered Philip, Betty, and Gray.*****"Why do both of you appear as though you have just encountered a supernatural apparition? Additionally, why are there peculiar-looking men loitering within the confines of my father's residence?" she inquired in bewilderment "Moreover, what is the significance of this lavish arrangement? Is there a festivity transpiring that has eluded my knowledge?" she added, while approaching the table adorned with an array of delectable cuisine.To this, Perry bemoaned, "Ironically, following your downfall at the workplace today, you should have sought refuge somewhere in shame, rather than squandering food."Subsequently, he hurled insults, "And you, conniving with your illegitimate son to murder my father, have the audacity to usher in a new man to his abode, within a mere few hours of his demise? You are a devil incarnate." However, Philip warned him sternly never to demean his mother with derogatory
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Chapter 26
I apologize for the confusion earlier. Here's a revised version of the original text:Perry tossed and turned throughout the night, her mind fixated on Gray's words. Was Alonso really using her? The fear of calling him and hearing the truth terrified her.Earlier, she had contacted the General and relayed everything Gray had told her. Surprisingly, the General had managed to calm her nerves, assuring her that Gray's accusations were nothing more than a pack of lies meant to upset her.Despite her desire to believe the General's words, Perry's mind still raced with doubt. It wasn't until she stumbled upon a photograph that her suspicions began to take shape once more.She found herself struggling to fall asleep, her mind a chaotic jumble of thoughts. Her father's sudden death, Alonso's hostile takeover of the company, and Gray's accusations of her involvement in the downfall of her family all raced through her head, making it impossible to find peace. Seeking refuge from her tumultuous
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Chapter 27
As she sat there, lost in thought, a sudden realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Her hands trembled as she slowly put the pieces together - could Alonso be Orlando in disguise? The idea was almost too far-fetched to entertain, and yet a part of her couldn't help but wonder. She quickly dismissed the notion, chiding herself for entertaining such a ridiculous idea.But then, another more sinister thought crossed her mind - what if Alonso was somehow responsible for Orlando's disappearance? The mere possibility sent shivers down her spine, and her heart began to race with fear and uncertainty. Could it be that the man she had agreed to marry was hiding a dark secret? It was a terrifying prospect, and yet she couldn't bring herself to fully believe it.Her mind was in turmoil, and she couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden beneath the surface. Were there more clues to Orlando's disappearance that she had yet to uncover? The more she thought about it, the more she real
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Chapter 28
“If it is about what happened at the meeting yesterday, I am sorry about that. I just wanted to make you proud and also keep to the end of my bargain” Alonso's explanation hung in the air, and Perry struggled to make sense of what he was saying. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and no one dared to make a sound.Perry winced in pain as she tried to shift her position on the couch, her injured toe throbbing with every movement. She could feel Alonso's eyes on her, but she refused to meet his gaze, choosing instead to stare blankly at the wall.Despite the sharp pain shooting up from her feet, she mustered the strength to ask, "Could it be possible that you're using this as a tactic to avoid disclosing the identity of the person who incessantly calls you?"The General inquired with a sense of curiosity, "May I ask, what would be your part of the agreement?" His intention was to shift Perry's focus away from Alonso and onto the topic at hand.Alonso was
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Chapter 29
Both parties vehemently denied that the locket in question was the same as the one in the photograph. Despite their protests, Perry persisted, unleashing a barrage of threats until Alonso relented and produced the locket.Perry's eyes widened as she gazed upon the locket that now dangled from Alonso's neck. It was identical to the one Orlando had treasured and vowed never to remove, claiming it was a talisman that would guide him back home."Orlando always said that this locket held the key to his return," Perry divulged, her voice choked with emotion.She hobbled over to the General and snatched the photograph from his grasp, carefully juxtaposing it against Alonso's face. Perry meticulously scrutinized the two images, searching for any discrepancies or similarities that might provide insight into the mystery at hand.Alonso, his voice quivering with nervousness, asked, "May I inquire as to what you are presently trying to do?" The General, equally anxious, seconded the question, app
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Chapter 30
The General turned the doorknob and swung the door open, only to find himself startled by the unexpected visitors who stood before him. Mr Arnold stood tall and imposing, with Mr George Blackwood at his side. Before the General could utter a word of greeting, Arnold stormed past him and into the living room, his eyes scanning the space in search of someone.Alonso, who had been enjoying a moment of peace and quiet, was taken aback by Arnold's sudden arrival. The man demanded to know why Alonso had been ignoring his calls, but the young lad was too frightened to respond. Perry, who had been present in the room the entire time, felt her heart race as she watched the tense exchange unfold.Arnold's attention turned to Perry, who was stunned to see him standing there. Ever since the conference meeting, she had been plagued with a flurry of questions that she had wanted to ask both him and Mr Blackwood. It seemed as though the heavens had answered her prayers by bringing them both to her d
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