All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
158 chapters
Chapter 31
Philip found himself in a state of lingering distress after almost losing out on a major business deal, the traumatic shock of which still weighed heavily upon him since he dropped the call.In this fragile state of mind, he was subjected to the spectacle of his mother's latest scandal being broadcasted on national television. Though he knew her intentions were pure, the timing and manner of her actions could not have been more inappropriate.Frustrated and angry, Philip confronted his mother demanding an explanation for her actions. However, she appeared unresponsive and hung up the phone without a word. In a rush of emotion, Philip hastily dressed himself and made his way to the office, in search of a solution to salvage the situation and save the business deal he had worked so tirelessly for.The clients had generously granted him a second chance, but time was of the essence, and the meeting was only a few hours away.As Philip headed to the office, his mind was consumed with anxie
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Chapter 32
Alonso's house…The atmosphere in Alonso's luxurious home was tense and charged with emotion. Perry's voice cut through the silence, breaking the spell that had settled over the group after the shocking press conference.She couldn't believe the audacity of that "evil woman," as she called her, to come on national television and label Alonso a murderer. The anger and hurt were written all over her face, and the others could sense the depth of his pain.The news of Betty's accusations had spread like wildfire across the internet, with opinions sharply divided. While some praised her courage and boldness, others condemned her for tarnishing the Montillo family's name.As the group tried to make sense of the chaos unfolding around them.“so when is the date fixed for the wedding?” Arnold's insensitive comment threw them into a frenzy. The question of when the wedding would take place was the last thing on anyone's mind, and the abrupt shift in conversation only added to the already fraug
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Chapter 33
Accompanied by Mia, Perry made her way to the office while the rest of the group Alonso, and General, headed to the hospital to gather information about the autopsy process. The group parted ways as they each went to their respective destinations.During their walk, Mia informed them, “Your press conference has been scheduled for three o’clock in the afternoon”. Perry was taken aback by the suddenness of the announcement and expressed her surprise. She was already feeling hesitant about the upcoming press conference, but Alonso intervened and comforted her. Placing his hand gently on her shoulder, he reassured her that everything would be alright and that she should simply follow his lead.Despite Alonso's comforting words, Perry still felt uneasy about the situation. However, as she turned to face Alonso, she caught a glimpse of the locket that hung gracefully from his neck. The locket evoked memories from the past and momentarily distracted her from her worries.Overcome with emoti
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Chapter 34
As Perry and Alonso's lips met, their connection was intense, and time seemed to stand still. However, the moment was short-lived, as Perry was taken aback by the sudden kiss, leaving her uncertain about how to respond. She nervously twirled her hair, attempting to compose herself amidst the crowd's cheers.With suave and sophistication, Alonso reached out for Perry's hands and led her into the conference room. Their love was palpable, as he pulled out a chair for her, and the flashes of cameras illuminated the room from all angles. Reporters eagerly awaited their chance to ask questions, their hands raised high in anticipation."Before we open the floor to any inquiries, we would like to share the purpose of this press conference," announced Alonso, casting a quick glance at Perry. He reached for her hand, which lay delicately on the table, and embraced it in his own, eliciting a radiant smile from Perry.Alonso cleared his throat, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. "L
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Chapter 35
Alonso could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on him, and he knew he had to choose his words carefully. "Mrs. Betty's accusation is entirely false," he stated calmly, his voice projecting over the noise of the crowd. "I had no hand in the Chairman's death, and I have nothing to hide."However, the room remained tense, and Alonso could sense that his words did little to ease the mounting suspicion of those around him. As he looked around the room, his mind raced, trying to figure out how he could prove his innocence.The woman persisted with her questioning, "So, how do you plan to prove your innocence?"At this point, a man from the crowd interjected, "Certainly not by planning a wedding, right?" His words resonated with the others present, and they nodded in agreement. The room fell silent as Alonso took a moment to collect his thoughts before answering.Perry's voice was choked with emotion as she addressed the audience. "The cause of my father's death will be made public when all
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Chapter 36
"Excuse me, Mr Montez," an officer called out, seeking to draw the man's attention. Alonso's mind had wandered, and he was sitting there, visibly frustrated. "I have something to show you," the officer added, handing over a mobile phone.Alonso watched as a young reporter, who had captured the scene with his phone, presented the footage to him. As he watched, his expression shifted from one of shock to one of disbelief, and he turned to the General, who appeared equally stunned."What on earth is this?" he exclaimed, his eyes remaining fixated on the screen. "That's Perry!"The video depicted a black Nissan Maxima pulling over, and the driver pointing a gun at Perry. However, Mia had intervened and taken the bullets meant for Perry. Shortly afterwards, two men dressed in black, their faces concealed, emerged from the vehicle and forcefully dragged Perry inside.Alonso's mind was reeling as he watched the horrifying scene play out. The implications of what he had just witnessed were gr
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Chapter 37
Perry knew that throwing money at her captors may not be enough to secure her release, but that didn't stop her from begging for mercy. "I can pay you double," she pleaded loudly, desperation edging into her voice, "please don't hurt me." The tears began to build up in her eyes as she awaited a response."So, how much do you have?" One of the men asked teasingly, enjoying the power he held over her. Perry hurriedly offered to pay whatever they wanted, hoping it would be enough to secure her release.But her attempts at bargaining fell on deaf ears as the men's intentions became clear. "How about a night?" one of them asked with a mockingly suggestive tone, causing both captors to erupt in laughter. Perry realized with growing dread that they had no intention of releasing her, no matter how much she offered to pay.Frustrated and afraid, Perry decided to try a different approach. "You bastards," she cursed at them, "Do you know who I am? Do you know whose daughter I am?" She yelled, at
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Chapter 38
Perry, having finally mustered up the courage, asked the captors the reason for her kidnapping and pleaded for her release. The room she was locked in was unwelcomingly cold, and an eerie silence descended upon it as the men mulled over her requests. Suddenly, they erupted into a boisterous fit of laughter, the echoes of which bounced off the walls and penetrated Perry's very being, sending chills down her spine."I implore you, gentlemen, to reconsider. I have no quarrel with anyone, and I seek only to go about my peaceful life," Perry beseeched them, her voice trembling with fear. It was then that a sudden realization dawned on her - the only people who had any reason to harm her were her own flesh and blood, not literally though - her stepmother and brother."Is Philip the one who sent you? That treacherous scoundrel!" Perry seethed with anger, her frustration and bewilderment mounting."Silence, girl!" the man bellowed, his patience wearing thin. "Do I look like a mere messenger t
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Chapter 39
The bitter recollection of being turned away by the man who held power and wealth was too much to bear for Sylvester. His eyes glistened with unshed tears, and his voice caught in his throat as he continued, "A few days later, those thugs came and took my sister, and I never heard from her again. It was as if she had vanished into thin air."As Perry reminisced on the past, a vivid memory surfaced in her mind. She recalled a day from her childhood when a young man had visited their home, and she had watched from a corner as he tearfully pleaded with her father. Despite not being able to hear their conversation, Perry could sense the intensity of the exchange.After the man left, she had approached her father and inquired about the situation, but he dismissed it as a minor issue. However, her father's words about the man's father being a thief, who had almost ruined him and her uncle, had stuck with her.Perry hesitated before recounting her memory to Sylvester, but she eventually reve
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Chapter 40
"It has been two excruciating hours since Perry was forcefully abducted with no crucial information of her whereabouts," exclaimed bloggers on the internet. The news of her sudden kidnapping, right after the public announcement of her upcoming nuptials, had sent shockwaves across the globe. All major local and international television channels had reported on the incident, creating an unprecedented buzz around it.To add fuel to the fire, a leaked video of the heinous act of Mia being shot and Perry kidnapped had gone viral, magnifying the horror of the situation. The media was rife with speculation about the mastermind behind the kidnapping. Some fingers pointed at Betty, while others held Philip responsible, citing their respective motives for the heinous act.The video that circulated online depicted a brave act of selflessness from Mia, who had put herself in harm's way to save Perry. The clip had quickly gone viral and was being shared all over social media, with netizens offerin
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